4 min

Nihongo no Tane 153: クラシック音楽 Classical Music | Japanese Immersion podcast にほんごのたね Nihongo no Tane with Yumi

    • Language Learning

In this episode of her podcast, Yumi delves into the profound impact of classical music on personal growth, inspired by violin prodigy Yoshimura Himari's mesmerizing performances. She beautifully narrates her own musical journey and the unexpected ways a popular manga stirred a friend's ambition to master Chopin, weaving a narrative that celebrates the transformative power of art and inspiration. Listen to this episode and let us know if you had some experience like this!
聴(き)く - to listen to (music)
演奏(えんそう) - music performance
ハマってしまった – got hooked; ended up getting hooked [ハマって (て-form ofハマる/はまる (to get hooked)); しまった(past form of しまう(to end up with ~))]
~というわけです - ~ is what happened; ~ is the reason (for it) [this expression is used to explain a background which lead to a decision or an outcome]
きっかけ - opportunity; occasion [an initial opportunity or situation that leads someone or something to something else]
~を習(なら)う to take lessons in
中級(ちゅうきゅう) - intermediate level [中(ちゅう) (middle; intermediate); 級(きゅう) (grade; class; level)]
吹奏楽(すいそうがく)部(ぶ) brass band club [吹奏(すいそう) (wind instrument); 楽(がく) (music); 部(ぶ) (school club)]
地(じ)元(もと)福(ふく)井(い)県(けん) - (my) home region, Fukui prefecture [地(じ)元(もと) (local area); 福(ふく)井(い)県(けん) (Fukui prefecture)]
行進曲(こうしんきょく) marching band music [行進(こうしん) (march; parade); 曲(きょく) (music)]
全国大会(ぜんこくたいかい) - national competition [全(ぜん) (all; whole); 国(こく) (country); 大会(たいかい) (competition; convention)]
序曲(じょきょく) - overture
~作曲(さっきょく) - composed by ~ [作(さく) (make); 曲(きょく)(piece of music); 作曲(さっきょく) means “composition (of music)”]
懐(なつ)かしい nostalgic [an adjective that describes a feeling one feel when reminiscing about good memories]
青春(せいしゅん) - youth; one’s youthful days; time of adolescence; the springtime of one's life [literally, “blue spring”]
流行(はや)る - to be popular; to come into fashion [流行(りゅうこう)する is a very similar word but is mainly used for fashion or cold & flue.]
(を)目指(めざ)す - to aim to become ~ [also “to aim a location as a goal to get to”
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.

In this episode of her podcast, Yumi delves into the profound impact of classical music on personal growth, inspired by violin prodigy Yoshimura Himari's mesmerizing performances. She beautifully narrates her own musical journey and the unexpected ways a popular manga stirred a friend's ambition to master Chopin, weaving a narrative that celebrates the transformative power of art and inspiration. Listen to this episode and let us know if you had some experience like this!
聴(き)く - to listen to (music)
演奏(えんそう) - music performance
ハマってしまった – got hooked; ended up getting hooked [ハマって (て-form ofハマる/はまる (to get hooked)); しまった(past form of しまう(to end up with ~))]
~というわけです - ~ is what happened; ~ is the reason (for it) [this expression is used to explain a background which lead to a decision or an outcome]
きっかけ - opportunity; occasion [an initial opportunity or situation that leads someone or something to something else]
~を習(なら)う to take lessons in
中級(ちゅうきゅう) - intermediate level [中(ちゅう) (middle; intermediate); 級(きゅう) (grade; class; level)]
吹奏楽(すいそうがく)部(ぶ) brass band club [吹奏(すいそう) (wind instrument); 楽(がく) (music); 部(ぶ) (school club)]
地(じ)元(もと)福(ふく)井(い)県(けん) - (my) home region, Fukui prefecture [地(じ)元(もと) (local area); 福(ふく)井(い)県(けん) (Fukui prefecture)]
行進曲(こうしんきょく) marching band music [行進(こうしん) (march; parade); 曲(きょく) (music)]
全国大会(ぜんこくたいかい) - national competition [全(ぜん) (all; whole); 国(こく) (country); 大会(たいかい) (competition; convention)]
序曲(じょきょく) - overture
~作曲(さっきょく) - composed by ~ [作(さく) (make); 曲(きょく)(piece of music); 作曲(さっきょく) means “composition (of music)”]
懐(なつ)かしい nostalgic [an adjective that describes a feeling one feel when reminiscing about good memories]
青春(せいしゅん) - youth; one’s youthful days; time of adolescence; the springtime of one's life [literally, “blue spring”]
流行(はや)る - to be popular; to come into fashion [流行(りゅうこう)する is a very similar word but is mainly used for fashion or cold & flue.]
(を)目指(めざ)す - to aim to become ~ [also “to aim a location as a goal to get to”
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.

4 min