3 min

no place to go : 英語聞き流そう‪!‬ 英語聞き流そう!by Hidemi Woods

    • Language Learning






⁠⁠英語リスニング攻略ガイド ⁠⁠

☆ ★ ☆ お小遣いサイト モッピー ☆ ★ ☆ 累計900万人が利用しているポイントサイト! タダでお小遣いが貯められるコンテンツが充実★ 貯めたポイントはAmazonギフトやApple Gift Card、 PayPay、現金等に交換できちゃう♪ 簡単1分 無料会員登録しよう♪ https://pc.moppy.jp/entry/invite.php?invite=SkWEe104

no place to go

My parents married by an arranged marriage. Marriage used to be a knot between two families, not individuals in Japan. A mutual acquaintance introduced my parents to both families with their photographs. Although my parents didn’t like each other, the tie as the family seemed favorable to their parents. My mother agreed with the marriage very unwillingly after the fortuneteller said that she would handle money by the million if she married my father.

As for my father, he reluctantly obeyed his parents’ decision because he had never said ‘no’ to his father in his life. A month after the wedding, my mother decided to leave my father because she couldn’t stand to live with his parents any longer. She went back to her parents’ home but her father didn’t allow her to come back. She had no place to go and gave in to her dismal marriage. And I was born. I wasn’t the result of a happy marriage, but I embodied my mother’s resignation…

Episode from The Family in Kyoto: One Japanese Girl Got Freedom by Hidemi Woods

Audiobook : Japanese Dream by Hidemi Woods On Sale at online stores or apps.

Apple Books, Audible, Google Play, Nook Audiobooks,  43 available distributors in total.






⁠⁠英語リスニング攻略ガイド ⁠⁠

☆ ★ ☆ お小遣いサイト モッピー ☆ ★ ☆ 累計900万人が利用しているポイントサイト! タダでお小遣いが貯められるコンテンツが充実★ 貯めたポイントはAmazonギフトやApple Gift Card、 PayPay、現金等に交換できちゃう♪ 簡単1分 無料会員登録しよう♪ https://pc.moppy.jp/entry/invite.php?invite=SkWEe104

no place to go

My parents married by an arranged marriage. Marriage used to be a knot between two families, not individuals in Japan. A mutual acquaintance introduced my parents to both families with their photographs. Although my parents didn’t like each other, the tie as the family seemed favorable to their parents. My mother agreed with the marriage very unwillingly after the fortuneteller said that she would handle money by the million if she married my father.

As for my father, he reluctantly obeyed his parents’ decision because he had never said ‘no’ to his father in his life. A month after the wedding, my mother decided to leave my father because she couldn’t stand to live with his parents any longer. She went back to her parents’ home but her father didn’t allow her to come back. She had no place to go and gave in to her dismal marriage. And I was born. I wasn’t the result of a happy marriage, but I embodied my mother’s resignation…

Episode from The Family in Kyoto: One Japanese Girl Got Freedom by Hidemi Woods

Audiobook : Japanese Dream by Hidemi Woods On Sale at online stores or apps.

Apple Books, Audible, Google Play, Nook Audiobooks,  43 available distributors in total.

3 min