29 min

Not Feeling Like Yourself Lately? How to Get Out of a Funk An Empowered You

    • Self-Improvement

At some point or another, we’ve all found ourselves at a place in our lives where we’ve felt worn out, bored, stagnant, or just plain blah. And as the coronavirus pandemic marches on, we might be more prone to falling into these funks and ruts as we try to juggle a new normal.Welcome to episode thirteen of season two. Go back and check out episode twelve with Randa Quraan and Melissa Marin where they chat about being a friend in a toxic relationship and how to handle your emotions when faced ...

At some point or another, we’ve all found ourselves at a place in our lives where we’ve felt worn out, bored, stagnant, or just plain blah. And as the coronavirus pandemic marches on, we might be more prone to falling into these funks and ruts as we try to juggle a new normal.Welcome to episode thirteen of season two. Go back and check out episode twelve with Randa Quraan and Melissa Marin where they chat about being a friend in a toxic relationship and how to handle your emotions when faced ...

29 min