43 min

Not Just Why, But How: Practical Advice on Creating an Ideal Diet - Conversation with Dr. Cori Stern The Holistic Psychiatrist

    • Mental Health

For too long mental illness has been confined to brain health and neurotransmitter management. Today's conversation shifts the focus on the important impact of nutrition on mental health. Dr. Cori Stern shares her personal healing journey. In addition, I ask Dr. Stern some tough questions about how to handle all the many challenges that interfere with improving our diets.

Her enlightened and compassionate approach provides practical ways that nutritional counseling can help an individual implement and build a health-promoting diet. What is the secret to transforming intellectual understanding to actual positive eating habits? Listen to this podcast to find out!

To reach Dr. Cori Stern:
Phone Number: 718-358-1155
Website: www.drcori.com

Social Media:
● YouTube - Dr. Cori Stern Take Control Of Your Health Special Audience Giveaway: Claim Your Free Gift Now! | Dr Cori Stern

122-15 25th RD. SUITE B3 Queens NY 11354

Dr. Cori Stern has been helping people restore and optimize their health naturally since 2001. Her passion for alternative medicine grew out of a sick childhood characterized by a very poor diet, incessant chronic infections, and never-ending cycles of antibiotics. At the young age of 15, she decided to take her health into her own hands and began self-studying topics like the gut-brain connection, toxins, and how diet impacts a person's overall well being. Later in life, upon re-realizing her childhood dreams of helping those who suffer heal naturally, she decided to become a chiropractor at 32 and graduated at 37. She now assists people all over the world with overcoming health challenges and advocating for their healthcare. Dr. Cori Stern oversees a busy private practice where she also educates other chiropractors on how to achieve optimal results with their clients. She is the creator of the Dr. Cori Stern - Take Control of Your Health channel known for its bite-sized information on a wide range of modern health topics.
Click here to listen to all of The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast episodes
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For more about Dr. Alice W. Lee, please visit:
Website: www.holisticpsychiatrist.com
More stories and insights: Holistic Articles
YouTube: The Holistic Psychiatrist
To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600
Dr. Lee has office locations in Lehi, Utah, and Yonkers, New York.
The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.

For too long mental illness has been confined to brain health and neurotransmitter management. Today's conversation shifts the focus on the important impact of nutrition on mental health. Dr. Cori Stern shares her personal healing journey. In addition, I ask Dr. Stern some tough questions about how to handle all the many challenges that interfere with improving our diets.

Her enlightened and compassionate approach provides practical ways that nutritional counseling can help an individual implement and build a health-promoting diet. What is the secret to transforming intellectual understanding to actual positive eating habits? Listen to this podcast to find out!

To reach Dr. Cori Stern:
Phone Number: 718-358-1155
Website: www.drcori.com

Social Media:
● YouTube - Dr. Cori Stern Take Control Of Your Health Special Audience Giveaway: Claim Your Free Gift Now! | Dr Cori Stern

122-15 25th RD. SUITE B3 Queens NY 11354

Dr. Cori Stern has been helping people restore and optimize their health naturally since 2001. Her passion for alternative medicine grew out of a sick childhood characterized by a very poor diet, incessant chronic infections, and never-ending cycles of antibiotics. At the young age of 15, she decided to take her health into her own hands and began self-studying topics like the gut-brain connection, toxins, and how diet impacts a person's overall well being. Later in life, upon re-realizing her childhood dreams of helping those who suffer heal naturally, she decided to become a chiropractor at 32 and graduated at 37. She now assists people all over the world with overcoming health challenges and advocating for their healthcare. Dr. Cori Stern oversees a busy private practice where she also educates other chiropractors on how to achieve optimal results with their clients. She is the creator of the Dr. Cori Stern - Take Control of Your Health channel known for its bite-sized information on a wide range of modern health topics.
Click here to listen to all of The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast episodes
If you like this podcast, please give it a 5-star rating and share this with others! Thank you!
For more about Dr. Alice W. Lee, please visit:
Website: www.holisticpsychiatrist.com
More stories and insights: Holistic Articles
YouTube: The Holistic Psychiatrist
To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600
Dr. Lee has office locations in Lehi, Utah, and Yonkers, New York.
The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.

43 min