57 min

October Noir Void Signal

    • Documentary

October Noir's Tom and Tyler join the Void Signal for a chat about the band, Type O Negative, live shows, the Southern scene, modern promotion, and plenty of music.Featured Songs:-October Noir - A Halo Hung from HornsVoid Signal Intro/Outro courtesy of Processor.Visit http://octobernoir.com/ for more October Noir.Void Signal is ad-free and powered by people. Visit https://VoidSignal.net to support Void Signal and enjoy exclusive episodes, series, and more.

October Noir's Tom and Tyler join the Void Signal for a chat about the band, Type O Negative, live shows, the Southern scene, modern promotion, and plenty of music.Featured Songs:-October Noir - A Halo Hung from HornsVoid Signal Intro/Outro courtesy of Processor.Visit http://octobernoir.com/ for more October Noir.Void Signal is ad-free and powered by people. Visit https://VoidSignal.net to support Void Signal and enjoy exclusive episodes, series, and more.

57 min