39 min

Offshore Winds 2019, with Liz Burdock, President and CEO of the Business Network for Offshore Wind More Power To You®️

    • Politics

This is a special episode of More Power to You, in which I bring you an episode of Offshore Wind Insider, a podcast I launched a few months ago for the Business Network for Offshore Wind, which in full disclosure is a client of mine.
My guest is Liz Burdock, President and CEO of the Network. Our conversation covers both strengths and challenges facing the US offshore wind industry today.
We begin by looking at where the market stands today in terms of its potential capacity, current state commitments and the project development pipeline. We discuss recent lease activity, the entry of major international companies into the US market, what that says about investor confidence and what it may mean for the industry’s growth. We obviously talk about the IPF, the Network’s International Partnering Forum which is just a few weeks away in New York, as well as other activities the Network has planned later this year. Liz shares how the industry’s rapid growth also poses significant supply chain challenges, and she wraps up by looking West and discussing the possibilities for offshore wind in the Pacific.
At least I thought she was wrapping up, but then she turns the tables on me and starts asking me questions. So, I share some of what I’ve seen and learned as someone who’s still relatively new to the industry.
US Offshore Wind Market Update and Insights report 2019 International Partnering Forum Recorded March 12, 2019. Published March 25, 2019.
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Is the climate crisis stressing you out?  You have a choice in what you do about it. Option 1: Scream into a pillow, or option 2: Drive sustainable corporate behavior through your investments. If you’re like most of us, you probably don’t know what your investment funds are supporting, and there’s a good chance they invest in fossil fuels.
Change Finance is a woman-owned and operated Public Benefit Corporation that builds investment funds to change the world. The investments are fossil fuel free, and align with your values without sacrificing returns. Go to change-finance.net/mpty to learn more and start investing today. 
Change Finance is a registered investment advisor. This is not an offer to buy or sell any product.

This is a special episode of More Power to You, in which I bring you an episode of Offshore Wind Insider, a podcast I launched a few months ago for the Business Network for Offshore Wind, which in full disclosure is a client of mine.
My guest is Liz Burdock, President and CEO of the Network. Our conversation covers both strengths and challenges facing the US offshore wind industry today.
We begin by looking at where the market stands today in terms of its potential capacity, current state commitments and the project development pipeline. We discuss recent lease activity, the entry of major international companies into the US market, what that says about investor confidence and what it may mean for the industry’s growth. We obviously talk about the IPF, the Network’s International Partnering Forum which is just a few weeks away in New York, as well as other activities the Network has planned later this year. Liz shares how the industry’s rapid growth also poses significant supply chain challenges, and she wraps up by looking West and discussing the possibilities for offshore wind in the Pacific.
At least I thought she was wrapping up, but then she turns the tables on me and starts asking me questions. So, I share some of what I’ve seen and learned as someone who’s still relatively new to the industry.
US Offshore Wind Market Update and Insights report 2019 International Partnering Forum Recorded March 12, 2019. Published March 25, 2019.
Sign up for email news and updates from More Power To You. 

Is the climate crisis stressing you out?  You have a choice in what you do about it. Option 1: Scream into a pillow, or option 2: Drive sustainable corporate behavior through your investments. If you’re like most of us, you probably don’t know what your investment funds are supporting, and there’s a good chance they invest in fossil fuels.
Change Finance is a woman-owned and operated Public Benefit Corporation that builds investment funds to change the world. The investments are fossil fuel free, and align with your values without sacrificing returns. Go to change-finance.net/mpty to learn more and start investing today. 
Change Finance is a registered investment advisor. This is not an offer to buy or sell any product.

39 min