4 min

OP Stack Stage 1 Decentralization Ethereum News

    • Tech News

The OP Stack reaches Stage 1 decentralization. ZKsync announces plans for a governance token. Blobstream goes live on Ethereum mainnet. And UwU suffers a $20 million exploit. Read more: https://ethdaily.io/483
Sponsor: Harpie is an onchain security solution that protects your wallet from theft in real time. Harpie helps you detect and block suspicious transactions before they execute, safeguarding your assets from malicious attacks and scams. Try Harpie for free at harpie.io/ethdaily.

The OP Stack reaches Stage 1 decentralization. ZKsync announces plans for a governance token. Blobstream goes live on Ethereum mainnet. And UwU suffers a $20 million exploit. Read more: https://ethdaily.io/483
Sponsor: Harpie is an onchain security solution that protects your wallet from theft in real time. Harpie helps you detect and block suspicious transactions before they execute, safeguarding your assets from malicious attacks and scams. Try Harpie for free at harpie.io/ethdaily.

4 min