1 hr 36 min

ORIGINS OF THE WHEEL OF TIME Wheel of Time Barside Chats

    • Books

Tune into this EXCLUSIVE full-spoilers interview with ORIGINS OF THE WHEEL OF TIME author Michael Livingston, as we dive into the new book to discuss Robert Jordan's influences and how Livingston navigated the notes, the politics, and the weighty responsibility of the Secret of Nakomi.

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Tune into this EXCLUSIVE full-spoilers interview with ORIGINS OF THE WHEEL OF TIME author Michael Livingston, as we dive into the new book to discuss Robert Jordan's influences and how Livingston navigated the notes, the politics, and the weighty responsibility of the Secret of Nakomi.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/BarsideChatsPod

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJR9kuOpT0TRh1deUl-zQqw

Email: barsidechatspodcast@gmail.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/GTC64ypz

Website: https://www.barsidechats.com

1 hr 36 min