35 min

Pay Now, Play Later: Why Delayed Gratification Is Key To Achieving Financial Independence With The Finance Cowboy JD Sustar Ice Cream with Investors

    • Investing

Don’t lose hope because financial independence is very much attainable if you have the proper discipline. Let’s dive deep into this episode as Finance CowboyJD Sustar discusses what it really means to pay now and then play later. He explains why delayed gratification is the key to achieving the success you have always dreamed of. He also shares how you can recognize investing opportunities in the real estate industry and make the most out of them. If you know how to control yourself, you are headed to a brighter path.

Don’t lose hope because financial independence is very much attainable if you have the proper discipline. Let’s dive deep into this episode as Finance CowboyJD Sustar discusses what it really means to pay now and then play later. He explains why delayed gratification is the key to achieving the success you have always dreamed of. He also shares how you can recognize investing opportunities in the real estate industry and make the most out of them. If you know how to control yourself, you are headed to a brighter path.

35 min