38 min

Peter Brady - How to Counter the Latest Attacks on the 401(k) Savings System D.C. Pension Geeks

    • Investing

Academics are on the march, coming for the defined contribution retirement savings system with policy prescriptions that would fundamentally change employer-sponsored plans and what they’re designed to do. The system is failing; it only benefits the wealthy and doesn’t produce adequate retirement income, which is the chorus of commonly heard criticism.American Retirement Association CEO Brian Graff is joined by Peter Brady, a senior economist for retirement and investor research at the Invest...

Academics are on the march, coming for the defined contribution retirement savings system with policy prescriptions that would fundamentally change employer-sponsored plans and what they’re designed to do. The system is failing; it only benefits the wealthy and doesn’t produce adequate retirement income, which is the chorus of commonly heard criticism.American Retirement Association CEO Brian Graff is joined by Peter Brady, a senior economist for retirement and investor research at the Invest...

38 min