55 min

27. The Struggles (and Triumphs) of Unexplained Infertility – Jackie Shea Healing Out Loud with Jackie Shea

    • Alternative Health

Riva Lombardi, actress, mother, gratitude practicer


Riva Lombardi and Unexplained Infertility:

You'll hear a baby gurgling (occasionally screaming) on and off through this episode—  this story of unexplained infertility ends in the birth of a beautiful little girl. In fact, eight-week-old Birdie was given just a 10% chance. But, she's here and she's loud and she's healthy. Birdie came after five years of struggle—miscarriages,heartache, devastation, hope—on the third IVF cycle. In this episode, we discuss Riva's journey with her husband, how they made it through, and they're doing today. Below you will find a more in-depth list of what we discuss, but, first, some advice from Riva—what to say and what not to say to someone struggling with infertility:

Maybe don’t say things like-


"Do you really want kids?” (said as her 2 wonderful children run crazily around the house playing)

“Oh I had a miscarriage too, it's not the end of the world” (says the woman with two children who conceived naturally)

“How old are you?” (followed by an assessment of whether or not you 'still have time')

“A friend of a friend tried for 4 years and then just got pregnant on her own!" (btw- I know a bunch of infertile friends who told their friends that too)


Instead, try saying/doing things like -


“I'm so sorry you're going through this” (and then sit quietly, listen, then offer to make them a cup of herbal tea because their acupuncturist probably has them off caffeine)

“How are you? Do you want to talk about it?” (give them the option. I know it makes you feel uncomfortable, but try it out)

After a miscarriage, failed cycle, or just because you know that they’re going a monthly struggle, send flowers, a card or candy. Acknowledge that they just lost the baby they'd been hoping for, or that another month of disappointment went by.

My husband's Aunt came to me one day with a book on infertility,"I bought you this, and I bought one for myself too, so I can try to understand what you're going through".The book didn't matter (albeit it was an interesting read) but the idea of her trying to understand what I was going through was everything I had ever wanted. It was the single most caring thing anyone had ever done for me.

Weekly Challenge:

My dear friends, this is just a theme lately: Gratitude. I recently did an Instagram story on gratitude. I've written on gratitude here and I was recently interviewed by the Five Minute Journal on my relationship with gratitude. I love this stuff—I call it "finding your G-Spot" for a reason. It's THAT good. Riva's challenge is to say out loud one thing you're grateful for everyday. Throughout her experience with unexplained infertility, it helped her tremendously to gain perspective. Have a loved one? Do it with them over breakfast or before bed. Have kids? Maybe you can add this practice into your routine. Have friends? Give them a call and tell them what you're grateful for everyday for a week! Next time someone asks how you're doing say, "I'm so grateful that the sun is shining today." Keep me posted on IG @sheajackie how you do with this challenge. I will share my gratitude with you. Maybe I'll share in my Instagram stories everyday!

Discussed in this Episode:

Multiple miscarriages

Riva's five-year-long struggle with unexplained infertility



The thing that finally helped

Fertility clinics

How this struggle affected their marriage

How this struggle strengthened their marriage

Infertility support groups

What the driving force was behind the continued effort


What role could a strong immune system play in infertility?

Fetal dopplers

Anxiety, stress, and fears

Riva Lombardi, actress, mother, gratitude practicer


Riva Lombardi and Unexplained Infertility:

You'll hear a baby gurgling (occasionally screaming) on and off through this episode—  this story of unexplained infertility ends in the birth of a beautiful little girl. In fact, eight-week-old Birdie was given just a 10% chance. But, she's here and she's loud and she's healthy. Birdie came after five years of struggle—miscarriages,heartache, devastation, hope—on the third IVF cycle. In this episode, we discuss Riva's journey with her husband, how they made it through, and they're doing today. Below you will find a more in-depth list of what we discuss, but, first, some advice from Riva—what to say and what not to say to someone struggling with infertility:

Maybe don’t say things like-


"Do you really want kids?” (said as her 2 wonderful children run crazily around the house playing)

“Oh I had a miscarriage too, it's not the end of the world” (says the woman with two children who conceived naturally)

“How old are you?” (followed by an assessment of whether or not you 'still have time')

“A friend of a friend tried for 4 years and then just got pregnant on her own!" (btw- I know a bunch of infertile friends who told their friends that too)


Instead, try saying/doing things like -


“I'm so sorry you're going through this” (and then sit quietly, listen, then offer to make them a cup of herbal tea because their acupuncturist probably has them off caffeine)

“How are you? Do you want to talk about it?” (give them the option. I know it makes you feel uncomfortable, but try it out)

After a miscarriage, failed cycle, or just because you know that they’re going a monthly struggle, send flowers, a card or candy. Acknowledge that they just lost the baby they'd been hoping for, or that another month of disappointment went by.

My husband's Aunt came to me one day with a book on infertility,"I bought you this, and I bought one for myself too, so I can try to understand what you're going through".The book didn't matter (albeit it was an interesting read) but the idea of her trying to understand what I was going through was everything I had ever wanted. It was the single most caring thing anyone had ever done for me.

Weekly Challenge:

My dear friends, this is just a theme lately: Gratitude. I recently did an Instagram story on gratitude. I've written on gratitude here and I was recently interviewed by the Five Minute Journal on my relationship with gratitude. I love this stuff—I call it "finding your G-Spot" for a reason. It's THAT good. Riva's challenge is to say out loud one thing you're grateful for everyday. Throughout her experience with unexplained infertility, it helped her tremendously to gain perspective. Have a loved one? Do it with them over breakfast or before bed. Have kids? Maybe you can add this practice into your routine. Have friends? Give them a call and tell them what you're grateful for everyday for a week! Next time someone asks how you're doing say, "I'm so grateful that the sun is shining today." Keep me posted on IG @sheajackie how you do with this challenge. I will share my gratitude with you. Maybe I'll share in my Instagram stories everyday!

Discussed in this Episode:

Multiple miscarriages

Riva's five-year-long struggle with unexplained infertility



The thing that finally helped

Fertility clinics

How this struggle affected their marriage

How this struggle strengthened their marriage

Infertility support groups

What the driving force was behind the continued effort


What role could a strong immune system play in infertility?

Fetal dopplers

Anxiety, stress, and fears

55 min