32 min

Harnessing Social Media to Strengthen Your Pharmacy Business Practice Management Nuggets

    • Management

Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: InformationManagers.ca/pmn-podcast
For full show notes, along with webinar slides and resources visit: 
Would you like your patients to understand all the services that your pharmacy offers?
Would you like more loyal, repeat patients?
Would you like more new patients?
Would you like more sales in your pharmacy?
Would you like all of this without spending a fortune?
Join us for the Practice Management Nuggets Webinars for Your Healthcare Practice interview with  Saam Ali, The Pharmacy Mentor! Saam knows that pharmacists can use  social media to help drive your sales, increase brand awareness and strengthen relationships in your community.
The quicker you begin to implement a Social Media strategy, the quicker you will begin to build your audience and engage with them about the services you offer.
In this 30-Minute Privacy Management Nugget Saam Ali will give you 3 valuable tips on how to use social media. Patients get to know, like and trust your pharmacist. Easy to implement – you don't need a lot of technical skills. Save money compared to traditional marketing strategies. Saam Ali is a locum pharmacist in Britain with more than 10 years of experience working in a variety of roles in the community, ranging from running daily private clinics to managing pharmacies with multi-million-pound turnovers.
However, for the past 3+ years, he turned his focus to the technology and online sector. During this time, he has become a proficient website developer, expert video course creator and founded a successful online company. The primary way he grew the company was by marketing through Social Media and it's his experience and understanding in this field that has led him to build this innovative course for the Independent Pharmacy sector.
Today, he continues to work part-time as a locum, consults with Pharmacy Businesses around innovation, but spends most of his time creating digital content to help drive Community Pharmacy into the digital age.
Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: InformationManagers.ca/pmn-podcast

Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: InformationManagers.ca/pmn-podcast
For full show notes, along with webinar slides and resources visit: 
Would you like your patients to understand all the services that your pharmacy offers?
Would you like more loyal, repeat patients?
Would you like more new patients?
Would you like more sales in your pharmacy?
Would you like all of this without spending a fortune?
Join us for the Practice Management Nuggets Webinars for Your Healthcare Practice interview with  Saam Ali, The Pharmacy Mentor! Saam knows that pharmacists can use  social media to help drive your sales, increase brand awareness and strengthen relationships in your community.
The quicker you begin to implement a Social Media strategy, the quicker you will begin to build your audience and engage with them about the services you offer.
In this 30-Minute Privacy Management Nugget Saam Ali will give you 3 valuable tips on how to use social media. Patients get to know, like and trust your pharmacist. Easy to implement – you don't need a lot of technical skills. Save money compared to traditional marketing strategies. Saam Ali is a locum pharmacist in Britain with more than 10 years of experience working in a variety of roles in the community, ranging from running daily private clinics to managing pharmacies with multi-million-pound turnovers.
However, for the past 3+ years, he turned his focus to the technology and online sector. During this time, he has become a proficient website developer, expert video course creator and founded a successful online company. The primary way he grew the company was by marketing through Social Media and it's his experience and understanding in this field that has led him to build this innovative course for the Independent Pharmacy sector.
Today, he continues to work part-time as a locum, consults with Pharmacy Businesses around innovation, but spends most of his time creating digital content to help drive Community Pharmacy into the digital age.
Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: InformationManagers.ca/pmn-podcast

32 min