50 episodes

Join Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, the co-leaders of Plenty, as they talk with conscious leaders like you to explore abundance in work and life, fulfillment in head and heart, and ways we can all work together to make this world a better place.

Plenty For Everyone Plenty

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    • 5.0 • 13 Ratings

Join Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, the co-leaders of Plenty, as they talk with conscious leaders like you to explore abundance in work and life, fulfillment in head and heart, and ways we can all work together to make this world a better place.

    Episode 50: 10 Things We’ve Learned in 10 Years

    Episode 50: 10 Things We’ve Learned in 10 Years

    It's hard for us to believe, yet amazing for us to celebrate: Today, Plenty is ten years old! Yahoo!

    All month long, we're going to be sharing our gratitude, our lessons learned, and our dreams for what comes next. We're thrilled to start that with today's episode of the Plenty for Everyone podcast – which also happens to mark another great milestone, episode 50.  

    Plenty was founded on Thanksgiving of 2013, an auspicious day for a company built on the idea of helping people see the abundance all around them and within them. Since then, we've had the privilege of working with incredible individuals and businesses, helping them grow consciously and holistically. During that time, our work has morphed, changed, contracted, and expanded, often in surprising and always in fulfilling ways.

    The journey hasn't always been easy, but we wouldn't change what we've created, who we've worked with, and what we've learned. Now, as we celebrate our tenth birthday on Giving Tuesday 2023 – another auspicious day and another wonderful synchronicity – we invite you to come along with us as we meander, talk, and reminisce about the ten lessons that have shaped us and how we serve.

    • 1 hr 40 min
    Episode 49: Can We Ever Really Lose Who We Are?

    Episode 49: Can We Ever Really Lose Who We Are?

    In this week's episode of Plenty for Everyone, we have another deep conversation - shocker, we know! Yeah – it's totally out of character for us to share a deep discussion of awareness, insight, and the nature of thought, but it's true. 😉

    Just kidding! It's the kind of juicy conversation we love! This week's discussion is inspired by our September session of Lantern II, our annual reunion for graduates of Lantern. We had a magical week with these humans and conscious leaders who have now become good friends of ours (and each other). It's a treasured gift to know these people and be trusted to hold space for their growth year after year.

    During this episode, we share an anecdote that catalyzes our conversation: one of our attendees remarked that she felt she had lost her intuition. How, she asked us, could she find her way back to the gift she had when she was a child?

    We use her comment as the launching pad for an exploration of whether any of us can really "lose" our gifts or innate qualities. Can our wellbeing vanish? Can our intuition abandon us? Can we drop our inner wisdom like we might drop a coin out of our pocket?

    Or is it more likely that the things we think we lost are simply waiting for us, perhaps behind our thinking or everyday chatter and stress?

    It's a conscious conversation about transformation and change, and the opportunity to reclaim who we really are and who we've always been.  

    It's true – we love deep conversations like this, and we love people like you who listen! We hope this week's episode will help you try taking your hands off the wheel and allowing the journey to unfold naturally. You deserve that and more! 

    Thanks for listening, and as always, thanks for subscribing, reviewing, and sharing the podcast.

    • 45 min
    Episode 48: The Truth in Transition

    Episode 48: The Truth in Transition

    Have you ever felt happy and sad at the same time?  Have you ever felt fullness combined with a sense of loss?

    Inspired by the recent departure of our kids to college, in this week's episode, we discuss the incredible capacity we have to feel a full spectrum of emotions at once. 

    When we feel sad or lonely or anxious, it's tempting to try to talk ourselves out of those feelings or replace them with something more positive. But what if sadness, loneliness, and anxiousness are, in their own way, positive? We're made to feel feelings for a reason.  Feelings come and go, but we often limit ourselves to thinking that some emotions are better than others or that we need to feel this or that. 

    As powerful as they are, we are not our feelings. Our feelings give us the experience of being alive. We're designed to feel a full range of emotions (energy in motion) daily. Can you imagine how bland your life would be if you could only laugh and not cry? Or cry and not laugh?  

    In this episode of Plenty For Everyone: The Podcast For Conscious Leaders, we explore this idea as we undergo the transition of one phase to another. Some highlights include:

    • Exploring the ability to feel contradictory emotions simultaneously – and how to find your own sense of emotional balance.
    • The difference between conscious leadership and positive psychology in handling emotions – and how conscious leadership can usher you to a new sense of being.
    •Embracing positive and negative emotions as an essential practice of the human growth school – and how to let go of the need to control our emotional state.

    It's another juicy conversation! And a timely one for us – and we hope you as well. 

    • 37 min
    Episode 47: Uncertainty Doesn't Have To Be Unsettling

    Episode 47: Uncertainty Doesn't Have To Be Unsettling

    As back-to-school approaches and summer comes to a close, we're reflecting on how many things in our lives are shifting in mysterious ways. Kids are growing, schedules are changing, and roles are shifting. We find ourselves once again in the territory of uncertainty – unable to clearly see what is about to emerge.

    Living in uncertainty can seem very unsettling, but it doesn’t have to be. What if we could trust that whatever is to come will be exactly what we need when we need it most? What if uncertainty was a blank canvas waiting to be painted upon?

    In this week's episode of our podcast, Plenty For Everyone, we dive into the art of navigating uncertainty, how to tap into innate intuition, and how to embrace the unknown with patience and openness.

    Here are a few of the key takeaways from our conversation:

    • Uncertainty is an opportunity for growth and transformation.  While grappling with uncertainty can be challenging, it is also an opportunity for us to evolve into our most actualized selves. By learning to be comfortable with uncertainty, we can tap into the creative expression that wants to come out while we unlock new opportunities to be more of ourselves.

    • How to create open space to sit with uncertainty. Just as you wouldn't shake your fist in a murky pond to see the bottom more clearly, it's essential to allow space for uncertainty to settle. This can involve meditation, spending time in nature, or setting aside time for quiet contemplation.

    • Break free from biases. Our perception of uncertainty is often shaped by unconscious biases. For example, many people assume uncertainty is always unfavorable. By breaking free from these self-induced biases, we can open ourselves to a world of opportunities and innovation.

    • Recognize the moment of your own knowing. Intuition is the most powerful tool to guide us through uncertain times. By recognizing the cues our bodies send us – a surge of energy or a sense of calm – we can be guided along our paths and more confidently choose what experiences, relationships, and opportunities align with our true selves.

    • Cultivating the practice of patience, stillness, and openness can help us navigate uncertainty with confidence. By embracing the unknown, we manifest our most extraordinary lives.

    Listen to the latest episode and leave inspired to navigate uncertainty in the most empowering way!

    • 45 min
    Episode 46: Self-Care Isn't A Shortcut: How To Truly Replenish Yourself

    Episode 46: Self-Care Isn't A Shortcut: How To Truly Replenish Yourself

    Self-care is trendy. It's hard to open your social feed, check your phone, look at your watch, or turn on the television without hearing dozens of messages about the importance of self-care. We're bombarded with it!

    But most of the self-care "solutions" feel more like stress hacks than true paths to mindful living. It's great to log your meditation minutes and fantastic that your watch can remind you to breathe, but there's a risk that those kinds of tools actually just become one more thing to do. Self-care isn't a quick fix or a slang shortcut. 

    In today's episode, we're fresh from coming off of an extended, restful summer break. Summer vacation has always been a special time to rest, play, and soak up the sun with those we love – a time to get the space, replenishment, and healing we need. But this year, we also used summer break as a mirror to see how busy our non-vacation lives can be. 

    It all seemed like the perfect time to contemplate what self-care looks like and why it seems so damn hard to prioritize sometimes. The episode is a fun journey into what works, what doesn't, and how we can each take steps to create space and calm each and every day. 

    Among the topics we consider: 

    Why self-care is more than a hot bath, a quick trip to the yoga studio, or a nice glass of wine – although we love all three of those things!
    Why bringing your goals to life is the ultimate self-care.
    Why asking yourself, "Does this serve me?" is actually the path to productivity, not a sign of selfishness – and how in the urge to be selfless rather than selfish, you can undermine yourself. 
    How practicing "not doing" is as important as practicing "doing."
    And finally, how the simple question "What is getting in the way of my self-care?" can be the key to unlocking the awareness you need to truly replenish yourself. 
    This episode is for you if you've ever found peace, calm, and happiness on your summer vacation, only to lament it all vaporizing away the minute you go back to work! 
    We hope you listen and share – and we hope you choose to put yourself first this week. 

    • 45 min
    Episode 45: How to Align Your Team and Yourself

    Episode 45: How to Align Your Team and Yourself

    On today's episode of Plenty For Everyone, we dive further into the topic of alignment for conscious leaders. Earlier this week, we wrote about alignment and why it matters in creating conscious culture. In this episode, we go deeper to share our personal experiences with creating alignment and the challenges we've encountered when striving to align ourselves with our values and the essence of our businesses.

    One of the main themes you'll hear is the idea that maintaining alignment is a continuous practice. Like everything on the journey of conscious leadership, alignment requires ongoing intention and self-reflection. It would be great if alignment were a permanent state of being that, once achieved, never lapsed. But alas, we aren't wired to work that way! Part of the joy of work and life is that we get to continue to define who and how we want to be. That isn't always easy – but the rewards can be tremendous.

    Despite its importance, alignment is often neglected in today's business world. We like to think of it as a river. When we are in sync, flowing with the current, alignment comes naturally. But when we get out of the flow, whether through an ill-advised decision or something unexpected that knocks us off, we might need to make a conscious effort to realign ourselves.

    As we've written before, for leaders of organizations, creating safe spaces where team members can express their authentic thoughts and ideas is crucial. True alignment is not synonymous with agreement but rather with finding common ground and committing to a higher purpose.

    In the same way, it's important to note that alignment isn't the same as compromise. In a compromise, everyone feels like they have sacrificed something. Instead, true alignment often results in everyone feeling that they have created something greater than the sum of the parts. 

    Alignment conversations can be challenging, especially if open and honest discussion hasn't been a regular practice in an organization. Active listening, open sharing, and collaborative co-creation are essential. Vulnerability plays a key role, too – and as leaders, modeling a safe and supportive environment is the first step towards creating one. Incorporating activities that encourage presence – like taking breaks from technology and going for walks during team meetings – can encourage contemplation, provide perspective, and foster the trust you need to align around what matters.

    We hope you'll tune in to take part in this lively exchange about the transformative power of alignment in leadership and its positive impact on individuals, teams, and organizations. 

    • 44 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
13 Ratings

13 Ratings

bryan not using instacart ,

Expansive and enlightening!

Jennifer and Jeff guests have a magical dance of exploring deeply and authentically what it means to be a conscious leader - to be awake and aware - to make a difference in the world - and to always know that we are enough. This podcast is a must-listen!

JHMulholland ,

Abundance is all around

Grateful and thrilled to share these conscious conversations with leaders and people interested in doing good and doing well in the world. Abundance is a mindset and these interviews, case studies, and mindful inquiries inspire us to see how much hope and possibility there is for our society, our businesses, our communities, and world. Thanks for tuning in, subscribing, and sharing with others interested in social impact, leadership, spirituality, and wellbeing - in work and in life. 🙏❤️✨

jeffshuck ,

Just what we need right now!

I’m biased, but during a time of uncertainty, confinement, confusion, and distance, a podcast about how we can each unlock abundance within us and around us is just what we need.

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