21 min

PodChats for FutureCFO: Capturing opportunities under an evolving payments landscape CXOInsights by CXOCIETY

    • Management

As economies in Asia move towards some semblance of post-pandemic normal, one observable trend is the continuing shift away from traditional cash and cheque methods of payment to a diverse landscape that includes digital wallets, digital currencies and innovative fintech solutions.Propelling this growth of non-cash transactions is a consumer base that is becoming accustomed to cross-border transactions, e-wallets, instant payments, and QR-code-based solutions. With the Asian Development Bank ...

As economies in Asia move towards some semblance of post-pandemic normal, one observable trend is the continuing shift away from traditional cash and cheque methods of payment to a diverse landscape that includes digital wallets, digital currencies and innovative fintech solutions.Propelling this growth of non-cash transactions is a consumer base that is becoming accustomed to cross-border transactions, e-wallets, instant payments, and QR-code-based solutions. With the Asian Development Bank ...

21 min