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Power Duo: Business Insights | MMCB Episode 5 w/Josh & Karis Pharris Minding My Creative Business Podcast

    • Entrepreneurship

Embark on a journey with ShySpeaks and Ron "iRonic" Lee Jr. as the engage in a dynamic conversation with the creative power couple, Josh and Karis Pharris. In this insightful interview, they delve into their experiences as creative entrepreneurs, sharing valuable insights, challenges, and strategies that propelled their business growth.
Creator Bio:
Meet the Creative Power Couple, Josh and Karis Pharris, owners of Pharris Photography. With a passion for creative entrepreneurship, they share their journey and expertise to empower fellow creatives.
Key Topics Covered:
Hiring Strategies for Creatives:The Pharris duo discuss their hiring journey and the pivotal role it played in expanding their business.Insight into the importance of hiring to achieve financial growth and operational ease.Strategies for Scaling:The initial hiring decisions were driven by the need for increased productivity and reaching a higher income level.Emphasizing the significance of identifying and leveraging each team member's "zone of genius."Building a Supportive Team:The challenges of managing multiple employees and the realization that having a team requires a set of management skills.The comparison of managing a team to parenting and the growth process in becoming effective leaders.Leadership Development:Learning from experience and developing leadership skills to navigate the complexities of business growth.Recommended resources for leadership development, including insights from John Maxwell.Crucial Business Levers:Understanding the true value of your creative offer beyond the surface level.Establishing a strategic pricing structure aligned with your financial goals.Crafting a cohesive brand message that aligns with your offerings and builds client trust.Balancing Creativity and Administration:The unique synergy between Karis's creativity and Josh's administrative skills.Acknowledging the importance of embracing both creative and administrative aspects for business success.
Key Takeaways:
Hiring Strategies for Creatives:The Pharris duo divulge their hiring journey, showcasing its pivotal role in expanding their business.Insight into the importance of hiring for financial growth and operational ease.Strategies for Scaling:Initial hiring decisions driven by the need for increased productivity and reaching a higher income level.Emphasis on identifying and leveraging each team member's "zone of genius."Building a Supportive Team:Challenges of managing multiple employees and the realization that having a team requires a set of management skills.Comparison of managing a team to parenting and the growth process in becoming effective leaders.
Leadership Development:
Learning from experience and developing leadership skills to navigate the complexities of business growth.Recommended resources for leadership development, including insights from John Maxwell.
Crucial Business Levers:
Understanding the true value of your creative offer beyond the surface level.Establishing a strategic pricing structure aligned with your financial goals.Crafting a cohesive brand message that aligns with your offerings and builds client trust.
Balancing Creativity and Administration:
The unique synergy between Karis's creativity and Josh's administrative skills.Acknowledging the importance of embracing both creative and administrative aspects for business success.
Closing Thoughts:
As the conversation wraps up, ShySpeaks teases...

Embark on a journey with ShySpeaks and Ron "iRonic" Lee Jr. as the engage in a dynamic conversation with the creative power couple, Josh and Karis Pharris. In this insightful interview, they delve into their experiences as creative entrepreneurs, sharing valuable insights, challenges, and strategies that propelled their business growth.
Creator Bio:
Meet the Creative Power Couple, Josh and Karis Pharris, owners of Pharris Photography. With a passion for creative entrepreneurship, they share their journey and expertise to empower fellow creatives.
Key Topics Covered:
Hiring Strategies for Creatives:The Pharris duo discuss their hiring journey and the pivotal role it played in expanding their business.Insight into the importance of hiring to achieve financial growth and operational ease.Strategies for Scaling:The initial hiring decisions were driven by the need for increased productivity and reaching a higher income level.Emphasizing the significance of identifying and leveraging each team member's "zone of genius."Building a Supportive Team:The challenges of managing multiple employees and the realization that having a team requires a set of management skills.The comparison of managing a team to parenting and the growth process in becoming effective leaders.Leadership Development:Learning from experience and developing leadership skills to navigate the complexities of business growth.Recommended resources for leadership development, including insights from John Maxwell.Crucial Business Levers:Understanding the true value of your creative offer beyond the surface level.Establishing a strategic pricing structure aligned with your financial goals.Crafting a cohesive brand message that aligns with your offerings and builds client trust.Balancing Creativity and Administration:The unique synergy between Karis's creativity and Josh's administrative skills.Acknowledging the importance of embracing both creative and administrative aspects for business success.
Key Takeaways:
Hiring Strategies for Creatives:The Pharris duo divulge their hiring journey, showcasing its pivotal role in expanding their business.Insight into the importance of hiring for financial growth and operational ease.Strategies for Scaling:Initial hiring decisions driven by the need for increased productivity and reaching a higher income level.Emphasis on identifying and leveraging each team member's "zone of genius."Building a Supportive Team:Challenges of managing multiple employees and the realization that having a team requires a set of management skills.Comparison of managing a team to parenting and the growth process in becoming effective leaders.
Leadership Development:
Learning from experience and developing leadership skills to navigate the complexities of business growth.Recommended resources for leadership development, including insights from John Maxwell.
Crucial Business Levers:
Understanding the true value of your creative offer beyond the surface level.Establishing a strategic pricing structure aligned with your financial goals.Crafting a cohesive brand message that aligns with your offerings and builds client trust.
Balancing Creativity and Administration:
The unique synergy between Karis's creativity and Josh's administrative skills.Acknowledging the importance of embracing both creative and administrative aspects for business success.
Closing Thoughts:
As the conversation wraps up, ShySpeaks teases...

1 hr