43 min

Destination Organizations: Making Travel Possible Powering Travel

    • Places & Travel

Who ensures local communities are well serviced by tourism, or that the local environment is protected? How can a destination be promoted responsibly? The bottom line is that destinations need advocates. In this episode, Brandon is joined by Andrew van der Feltz, the Global Senior Director of Business Development for Expedia Group Media Solutions. They dive into destination advocacy with Andreas Weissenborn, Vice President of Research and Advocacy at Destinations International, to answer those questions. Andreas discusses the crucial role destination advocacy groups play in the travel and tourism industry and the shift they’ve undergone from being organizations focused solely on promotion and marketing. He also breaks down the wide variety of types of destination advocacy groups, and why each is an important part of the travel ecosystem. 

Powering Travel is produced by Expedia Group in association with Quill.

Who ensures local communities are well serviced by tourism, or that the local environment is protected? How can a destination be promoted responsibly? The bottom line is that destinations need advocates. In this episode, Brandon is joined by Andrew van der Feltz, the Global Senior Director of Business Development for Expedia Group Media Solutions. They dive into destination advocacy with Andreas Weissenborn, Vice President of Research and Advocacy at Destinations International, to answer those questions. Andreas discusses the crucial role destination advocacy groups play in the travel and tourism industry and the shift they’ve undergone from being organizations focused solely on promotion and marketing. He also breaks down the wide variety of types of destination advocacy groups, and why each is an important part of the travel ecosystem. 

Powering Travel is produced by Expedia Group in association with Quill.

43 min