19 min

Preparing to Be a Dad With Dr Andrew Tisser, Part 1 Imperfect Dad MD Podcast with Dr Jeremy Toffle

    • Parenting

Are you an up and coming father with concerns or fears of how things will change once the baby comes? You are not alone. Even doctors feel this way. Today's episode is with Dr Andrew Tisser, an Emergency Room doctor from New York. He and his wife are both physicians and expecting their first child. Although all physicians get some experience in pediatrics during their early years, it never truly prepares us for having a child of our own. Listen in as Dr Tiss...

Are you an up and coming father with concerns or fears of how things will change once the baby comes? You are not alone. Even doctors feel this way. Today's episode is with Dr Andrew Tisser, an Emergency Room doctor from New York. He and his wife are both physicians and expecting their first child. Although all physicians get some experience in pediatrics during their early years, it never truly prepares us for having a child of our own. Listen in as Dr Tiss...

19 min