9 min

Private View Podcast | Creative Process Private View Podcast by artist Mauren Brodbeck, on getting real about being a woman in the arts

    • Visual Arts

Developing and following a creative process is important to the work we do as artists. The process I follow gives structure and support to the work I create.


Being an artist and making art is rarely about creating something simply for the sake of creating. We usually have a message or experience we want to convey through our work. Using a good creative process can help and enhance our efforts. 

In my creative work, I’m trying to breach the barrier between two different worlds: the physical world that we “know” and experience with our five senses, and the inner world that we pay less attention to. This inner world is made up of “invisible” magic or spirituality, sensitivity, and emotion. 

The creative process I use is made up of phases, which gives structure and support to the work I create. Through the process of gathering ideas, reflecting on and refining them, and then finally acting on those ideas, I am able to create a body of work that makes sense and conveys the message I want to send to my audience. 

The Private View Podcast is created by artist Mauren Brodbeck. She hosts two podcasts, PRIVATE VIEW and RAW AND RADICAL WOMEN IN THE ARTS PODCAST, which is an inspirational movement, resource, and community for cis and trans women who want to be creative and live a creative life, but who feel alone and struggle to claim the time and space they need to fully realize their potential.

RAW AND RADICAL WOMEN IN THE ARTS PODCAST is a series of conversations with outstanding women in the arts who are striving to live bold, authentic, creatively-fulfilling lives. In these interviews, they explore the themes of identity, vulnerability, authenticity, loneliness, alienation, discrimination, inspiration, empowerment, and social change.

In PRIVATE VIEW, Mauren shares her personal stories of discovery, process, practice, and the adversity she has encountered during her life and experience in the art world.

For more information, please visit www.rawradical.com

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Developing and following a creative process is important to the work we do as artists. The process I follow gives structure and support to the work I create.


Being an artist and making art is rarely about creating something simply for the sake of creating. We usually have a message or experience we want to convey through our work. Using a good creative process can help and enhance our efforts. 

In my creative work, I’m trying to breach the barrier between two different worlds: the physical world that we “know” and experience with our five senses, and the inner world that we pay less attention to. This inner world is made up of “invisible” magic or spirituality, sensitivity, and emotion. 

The creative process I use is made up of phases, which gives structure and support to the work I create. Through the process of gathering ideas, reflecting on and refining them, and then finally acting on those ideas, I am able to create a body of work that makes sense and conveys the message I want to send to my audience. 

The Private View Podcast is created by artist Mauren Brodbeck. She hosts two podcasts, PRIVATE VIEW and RAW AND RADICAL WOMEN IN THE ARTS PODCAST, which is an inspirational movement, resource, and community for cis and trans women who want to be creative and live a creative life, but who feel alone and struggle to claim the time and space they need to fully realize their potential.

RAW AND RADICAL WOMEN IN THE ARTS PODCAST is a series of conversations with outstanding women in the arts who are striving to live bold, authentic, creatively-fulfilling lives. In these interviews, they explore the themes of identity, vulnerability, authenticity, loneliness, alienation, discrimination, inspiration, empowerment, and social change.

In PRIVATE VIEW, Mauren shares her personal stories of discovery, process, practice, and the adversity she has encountered during her life and experience in the art world.

For more information, please visit www.rawradical.com

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9 min