5 min

Programme 1: Right from the Start Exam Skills – Angličtina Youradio Talk

    • Language Learning

Adam: The period itself is stressful but I tend to, I tend to do my best work in exams. Stepanka: Of course, every exam is stress, or stressful, so it depends how well you are prepared. Male: Exams are, I think exams are good. Leila: If I don’t have that pressure in the end, to study, I will not study so hard. So it’s better if we have the exams in the end, and we will try to improve our English. to tend to - "mít tendenci" to depend - záležet in the end - nakonec (abstraktně) at the end - na konci (konkrétně) to improve - vylepšit, zlepšit Mark Shea: Perhaps the most important thing is to make sure you’re doing the right exam. It’s very easy to sign up for an exam which is either much too easy or much too difficult for you. You need to get some good advice perhaps from your teacher and maybe do some practice exams before you sign up for the exam. [These exams tend to be quite expensive. ] You want to make sure that you’ve got the right exam from the beginning. to make sure - ujistit se the right exam - správná zkouška to sign up - zapsat se do advice - rada expensive - drahý Karen Adams: When you enrol on an exam course, the first thing to find out is: When is the exam, how long have I got to study? So that can actually help you plan your study time. It’s very important to think about planning how you’re going to work. to enrol on - zapsat se do to find out - zjistit Mark Shea: You also need to familiarise yourself with the format of the exam right from the beginning. You need to make sure that the exercises that you use for practice throughout your course are similar to the exercises in the real exam. And you need to work towards the exam right from the beginning of the course. You always need to have the exam in the back of your mind. Don’t think that you can get by with just a few weeks of hard work close to the exam, because well language learning is a slow process of absorption and you need to think about the exam right from day one. to familiarise oneself with - obeznámit se, seznámit se s throughout the course - "skrz" – během celého kurzu in the back of your mind - na paměti you can get by - vystačí vám Mark Shea: Seek advice, pick the right exam, and stay focussed on the exam right to seek - vyhledat to focus on - zaměřit se na Karen Adams: Think ahead; plan your time, and find out exactly what you need to do for the exam.

Adam: The period itself is stressful but I tend to, I tend to do my best work in exams. Stepanka: Of course, every exam is stress, or stressful, so it depends how well you are prepared. Male: Exams are, I think exams are good. Leila: If I don’t have that pressure in the end, to study, I will not study so hard. So it’s better if we have the exams in the end, and we will try to improve our English. to tend to - "mít tendenci" to depend - záležet in the end - nakonec (abstraktně) at the end - na konci (konkrétně) to improve - vylepšit, zlepšit Mark Shea: Perhaps the most important thing is to make sure you’re doing the right exam. It’s very easy to sign up for an exam which is either much too easy or much too difficult for you. You need to get some good advice perhaps from your teacher and maybe do some practice exams before you sign up for the exam. [These exams tend to be quite expensive. ] You want to make sure that you’ve got the right exam from the beginning. to make sure - ujistit se the right exam - správná zkouška to sign up - zapsat se do advice - rada expensive - drahý Karen Adams: When you enrol on an exam course, the first thing to find out is: When is the exam, how long have I got to study? So that can actually help you plan your study time. It’s very important to think about planning how you’re going to work. to enrol on - zapsat se do to find out - zjistit Mark Shea: You also need to familiarise yourself with the format of the exam right from the beginning. You need to make sure that the exercises that you use for practice throughout your course are similar to the exercises in the real exam. And you need to work towards the exam right from the beginning of the course. You always need to have the exam in the back of your mind. Don’t think that you can get by with just a few weeks of hard work close to the exam, because well language learning is a slow process of absorption and you need to think about the exam right from day one. to familiarise oneself with - obeznámit se, seznámit se s throughout the course - "skrz" – během celého kurzu in the back of your mind - na paměti you can get by - vystačí vám Mark Shea: Seek advice, pick the right exam, and stay focussed on the exam right to seek - vyhledat to focus on - zaměřit se na Karen Adams: Think ahead; plan your time, and find out exactly what you need to do for the exam.

5 min