5 min

Programme 6: Knowing What to Expect: Practice Exams Exam Skills – Angličtina Youradio Talk

    • Language Learning

Stepanka : Well I think I try to build my confidence, long beforehand, and if I go to school and try these tests beforehand, then I can gain some confidence. to build my confidence - vybudovat si (sebe)jistotu long beforehand - dávno před tím to gain - získat Male student: We have got some test papers and we do it and after that they can score for us. to score - vyhodnotit, obodovat, oznámkovat Karen Adams: First of all, try to set aside some time where you can actually do a mock examination. A mock exam is one where you try to complete an examination paper just as you would do in an exam room. Even if your course doesn’t provide a mock exam, try to set some time aside at home, where you can practice on your own. This helps you develop your exam technique. And remember, a lot of success in exams depends on good technique. to set aside - ušetřit, nechat to mock - napodobovat a mock exam - zkouška nanečisto to provide - zajistit, nabízet to set some time - určit si, stanovit si to develop - vypracovat success - úspěch to depend on - záležet na Mark Shea: It’s not always obvious, it’s not always written on the exam paper, which is why you need to study the exam. It’s not just a test of your English, it’s a test of your exam skills. And you need to be fully aware of how many marks there are for each part before the exam. Now it’s usually pretty easy to get copies of past exams. Study the exam before you take it. obvious - zřejmý, jasný skills - schopnost, zkušenost,obratnost to be fully aware - být si plně vědom past exams - předešlé zkoušky Karen Adams: So it’s very important to know about the instructions for each type of task. Look at some past papers and look particularly at the instructions and what they ask you to do. This way you’ll get used to the kind of tasks that you’re going to be asked to do in the real exam. task - úkol, zadání particularly - zvláště get used to - zvyknout si Karen Adams: Number one: try to do a mock exam, so you get to try out your exam technique. And number two: always pay attention to the instructions in the different types of questions. Get used to the instructions before you go into the exam. to try out - vyzkoušet si pay attention - věnovat pozornost Male student: If you do lots of practice it won’t be really hard for you, difficult. You can do it.

Stepanka : Well I think I try to build my confidence, long beforehand, and if I go to school and try these tests beforehand, then I can gain some confidence. to build my confidence - vybudovat si (sebe)jistotu long beforehand - dávno před tím to gain - získat Male student: We have got some test papers and we do it and after that they can score for us. to score - vyhodnotit, obodovat, oznámkovat Karen Adams: First of all, try to set aside some time where you can actually do a mock examination. A mock exam is one where you try to complete an examination paper just as you would do in an exam room. Even if your course doesn’t provide a mock exam, try to set some time aside at home, where you can practice on your own. This helps you develop your exam technique. And remember, a lot of success in exams depends on good technique. to set aside - ušetřit, nechat to mock - napodobovat a mock exam - zkouška nanečisto to provide - zajistit, nabízet to set some time - určit si, stanovit si to develop - vypracovat success - úspěch to depend on - záležet na Mark Shea: It’s not always obvious, it’s not always written on the exam paper, which is why you need to study the exam. It’s not just a test of your English, it’s a test of your exam skills. And you need to be fully aware of how many marks there are for each part before the exam. Now it’s usually pretty easy to get copies of past exams. Study the exam before you take it. obvious - zřejmý, jasný skills - schopnost, zkušenost,obratnost to be fully aware - být si plně vědom past exams - předešlé zkoušky Karen Adams: So it’s very important to know about the instructions for each type of task. Look at some past papers and look particularly at the instructions and what they ask you to do. This way you’ll get used to the kind of tasks that you’re going to be asked to do in the real exam. task - úkol, zadání particularly - zvláště get used to - zvyknout si Karen Adams: Number one: try to do a mock exam, so you get to try out your exam technique. And number two: always pay attention to the instructions in the different types of questions. Get used to the instructions before you go into the exam. to try out - vyzkoušet si pay attention - věnovat pozornost Male student: If you do lots of practice it won’t be really hard for you, difficult. You can do it.

5 min