36 min

Promise (Romans 8:14-17‪)‬ Cityview Community Church - Sermons

    • Christianity


May 12, 2024 | Brandon Cooper

This sermon discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in assuring believers of God's love and acceptance through adoption by faith in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that the Spirit helps overcome doubts by sealing believers as God's children and heirs with Christ. Despite present struggles, believers can be confident in their future inheritance by sharing in Christ's sufferings and glory. The Spirit applies the salvation accomplished by Jesus to transform believers and bring them into God's purposes.

TRANSCRIPT_______________________________________________+The following is an uncorrected transcript generated by a transcription service. Before quoting in print, please check the corresponding audio for accuracy.

Good morning church. Gonna go ahead grab your Bibles, you can open up the Romans chapter eight will pick up where we left off last week, Romans eight verses 14 to 17, Romans 814 to 17, as you're turning there, if you've ever been ziplining, or anything like that, you know, the terror that accompanies that moment, especially if you're a little bit afraid of heights, as certain members of our pastoral team are, or if you're even more afraid of your kids on the heights, and they were there with you in Costa Rica again, I'm speaking hypothetically. So, you know, in that moment, when the terror is gripping you, you need assurances, right that like it's going to how do I know I'm not going to fall and thankfully, there are people there to offer you those assurances. And usually it involves the carabiner, right? Because that's the part that kind of hooks you in, so that once it's locked, you're safe. You're all good, you're not going to fall. This is I'm competent to heretical analogy. And so I apologize for that upfront. But in some ways, the Spirit is like our carabiner. Right. It reminds us that we are hooked into God and that He won't let us go, that we cannot fall away from grace if we are well and truly saved because the spirit has us. We think about salvation. We talk a lot about Jesus and understandably but think about how important the spirit is to our salvation. Here's Paul in Galatians three, verse 13, very familiar to us. But he goes on in verse 14, and there's something in there that we maybe sometimes miss Paul writes, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us, for it is written, Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole. He redeemed us in order that the blessing blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ, Jesus said that by faith, we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Did you hear that? Did you catch that? Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law, so that we could receive the promised spirit. That's how important he is. And that is also our topic today, the idea of promise, the spirit is the promise. And at the same time, the spirit seals all God's promises to us so that we know he will bring them to fruition, there's that carabiner idea, because God promised him to us, we can be sure that he will keep all keep us until all God's promises are true in. So that's what we're gonna see as we keep going in Romans eight. So last week, if you weren't here, or just remember, we were talking about the power that the spirit provides for us the power to overcome sin so that we are transformed. What it is just agonizingly slow change sometimes isn't it's he ever had that where like, I could use more of the power. And so in those moments where we struggle with sin, still, you know, the question comes up, like, how do I know that I'm saved? you've ever had that thought? Never just been like, am I even a Christian? In light of what I keep doing? Or when that happens? You know, you have that sense of is the father displeased with us disappointed that we haven't put sin to death fully yet. There's their real questions. Let's see how Paul answers them as we proceed.


May 12, 2024 | Brandon Cooper

This sermon discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in assuring believers of God's love and acceptance through adoption by faith in Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that the Spirit helps overcome doubts by sealing believers as God's children and heirs with Christ. Despite present struggles, believers can be confident in their future inheritance by sharing in Christ's sufferings and glory. The Spirit applies the salvation accomplished by Jesus to transform believers and bring them into God's purposes.

TRANSCRIPT_______________________________________________+The following is an uncorrected transcript generated by a transcription service. Before quoting in print, please check the corresponding audio for accuracy.

Good morning church. Gonna go ahead grab your Bibles, you can open up the Romans chapter eight will pick up where we left off last week, Romans eight verses 14 to 17, Romans 814 to 17, as you're turning there, if you've ever been ziplining, or anything like that, you know, the terror that accompanies that moment, especially if you're a little bit afraid of heights, as certain members of our pastoral team are, or if you're even more afraid of your kids on the heights, and they were there with you in Costa Rica again, I'm speaking hypothetically. So, you know, in that moment, when the terror is gripping you, you need assurances, right that like it's going to how do I know I'm not going to fall and thankfully, there are people there to offer you those assurances. And usually it involves the carabiner, right? Because that's the part that kind of hooks you in, so that once it's locked, you're safe. You're all good, you're not going to fall. This is I'm competent to heretical analogy. And so I apologize for that upfront. But in some ways, the Spirit is like our carabiner. Right. It reminds us that we are hooked into God and that He won't let us go, that we cannot fall away from grace if we are well and truly saved because the spirit has us. We think about salvation. We talk a lot about Jesus and understandably but think about how important the spirit is to our salvation. Here's Paul in Galatians three, verse 13, very familiar to us. But he goes on in verse 14, and there's something in there that we maybe sometimes miss Paul writes, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, by becoming a curse for us, for it is written, Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole. He redeemed us in order that the blessing blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ, Jesus said that by faith, we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Did you hear that? Did you catch that? Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law, so that we could receive the promised spirit. That's how important he is. And that is also our topic today, the idea of promise, the spirit is the promise. And at the same time, the spirit seals all God's promises to us so that we know he will bring them to fruition, there's that carabiner idea, because God promised him to us, we can be sure that he will keep all keep us until all God's promises are true in. So that's what we're gonna see as we keep going in Romans eight. So last week, if you weren't here, or just remember, we were talking about the power that the spirit provides for us the power to overcome sin so that we are transformed. What it is just agonizingly slow change sometimes isn't it's he ever had that where like, I could use more of the power. And so in those moments where we struggle with sin, still, you know, the question comes up, like, how do I know that I'm saved? you've ever had that thought? Never just been like, am I even a Christian? In light of what I keep doing? Or when that happens? You know, you have that sense of is the father displeased with us disappointed that we haven't put sin to death fully yet. There's their real questions. Let's see how Paul answers them as we proceed.

36 min