33 min

Pronunciation Tips, Trips & A Free Webinar #175 Experts! Speak English! - How to talk your way into an international career without the bullxxit

    • Management

It's odd that some of the most brilliant people are held back by something about something so easy to fix. People worry about making a mistake, saying something wrong - or worse still not being understood. In a room full of people, that's often not worth the risk of embarrassment.So let's fix this, once and for all! Let me show you some simple techniques to improve your English. You know the words, you know your stuff so let's give you the tools, techniques and confidence to share your knowledge and experience - for the good of your team, your industry but most important for you - it will be a massive confidence boost. See you on Friday at 10am! >>> https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtcOCvrT0iH9RtlNB8zWJDFyjcI_bNfZOv#/registration

It's odd that some of the most brilliant people are held back by something about something so easy to fix. People worry about making a mistake, saying something wrong - or worse still not being understood. In a room full of people, that's often not worth the risk of embarrassment.So let's fix this, once and for all! Let me show you some simple techniques to improve your English. You know the words, you know your stuff so let's give you the tools, techniques and confidence to share your knowledge and experience - for the good of your team, your industry but most important for you - it will be a massive confidence boost. See you on Friday at 10am! >>> https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtcOCvrT0iH9RtlNB8zWJDFyjcI_bNfZOv#/registration

33 min