18 min

Episode 1562 - Competition prep 101 #PTonICE Daily Show

    • Fitness

Dr. Joe Hanisko // #FitnessAthleteFriday // www.ptonice.com 

In today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show, Fitness Athlete lead faculty Joe Hanisko stresses the need to maximize preparation and recovery for a successful competition. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for the week before the competition, the competition day itself, and even the week after the competition. Joe encourages individuals to focus on their game plan, proper nutrition (including carbs, protein, and electrolytes), fluids, and electrolytes. Additionally, He highlights the importance of keeping the body moving between events to avoid stiffness and stagnation. The ability to warm up, maintain a good heart rate, and perform at a fast 100% effort is crucial for success.

On the day of the competition, Joe advises sticking to one's game plan and not letting others dictate it. He mentions that CrossFit is about being able to adapt on the fly, but it's important to trust one's strategy and see where it takes them. Joe also emphasizes the importance of nutrition during competition day, stating that eating is necessary and what one eats matters. He provides the example of an elite athlete who consumed multiple Snickers bars for fast carb and glucose intake to replenish muscles, but notes that this strategy may not be applicable to everyone.

After the competition, Joe discusses the importance of the follow-up week. He suggests focusing on recovery during this time and allowing the nervous system to recover and do what it needs to do. He highlights the significance of giving oneself time to recover, as it is an important part of the overall competition process.

Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of preparation, execution, and recovery in the context of a competition. It highlights the need to have a game plan, trust one's strategy, focus on proper nutrition, and prioritize recovery to maximize success.
Take a listen to the episode or read the episode transcription below.
If you're looking to learn from our Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete division, check out our live physical therapy courses or our online physical therapy courses. Check out our entire list of continuing education courses for physical therapy including our physical therapy certifications by checking out our website. Don't forget about all of our FREE eBooks, prebuilt workshops, free CEUs, and other physical therapy continuing education on our Resources tab.
00:00 INTRO

Hey everybody, welcome to today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show. Before we get started with today's episode, I just want to take a moment and talk about our show's sponsor, Jane. If you don't know about Jane, Jane is an all-in-one practice management software that offers a fully integrated payment solution called Jane Payments. Although the world of payment processing can be complex, Jane Payments was built to help make things as simple as possible to help you get paid. And it's very easy to get started. Here's how you can get started. Go on over to jane.app.payments and book a one-on-one demo with a member of Jane's support team. This can give you a better sense of how Jane Payments can integrate with your practice by seeing some popular features in action. Once you know you're ready to get started, you can sign up for Jane. If you're following on the podcast, you can use the code ICEPT1MO for a one month grace period while you get settled with your new account. Once you're in your new Jane account, you can flip the switch for Jane Payments at any time. Ideally, as soon as you get started, you can take advantage of Jane's time and money saving features. It only takes a few minutes and you can start processing online payments right away. Jane's promise to you is transparent rates and unlimited support from a team that truly cares. Find out more at jane.app.physicaltherapy. Thanks, everybody. Enjoy today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show.
01:26 JO

Dr. Joe Hanisko // #FitnessAthleteFriday // www.ptonice.com 

In today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show, Fitness Athlete lead faculty Joe Hanisko stresses the need to maximize preparation and recovery for a successful competition. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for the week before the competition, the competition day itself, and even the week after the competition. Joe encourages individuals to focus on their game plan, proper nutrition (including carbs, protein, and electrolytes), fluids, and electrolytes. Additionally, He highlights the importance of keeping the body moving between events to avoid stiffness and stagnation. The ability to warm up, maintain a good heart rate, and perform at a fast 100% effort is crucial for success.

On the day of the competition, Joe advises sticking to one's game plan and not letting others dictate it. He mentions that CrossFit is about being able to adapt on the fly, but it's important to trust one's strategy and see where it takes them. Joe also emphasizes the importance of nutrition during competition day, stating that eating is necessary and what one eats matters. He provides the example of an elite athlete who consumed multiple Snickers bars for fast carb and glucose intake to replenish muscles, but notes that this strategy may not be applicable to everyone.

After the competition, Joe discusses the importance of the follow-up week. He suggests focusing on recovery during this time and allowing the nervous system to recover and do what it needs to do. He highlights the significance of giving oneself time to recover, as it is an important part of the overall competition process.

Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of preparation, execution, and recovery in the context of a competition. It highlights the need to have a game plan, trust one's strategy, focus on proper nutrition, and prioritize recovery to maximize success.
Take a listen to the episode or read the episode transcription below.
If you're looking to learn from our Clinical Management of the Fitness Athlete division, check out our live physical therapy courses or our online physical therapy courses. Check out our entire list of continuing education courses for physical therapy including our physical therapy certifications by checking out our website. Don't forget about all of our FREE eBooks, prebuilt workshops, free CEUs, and other physical therapy continuing education on our Resources tab.
00:00 INTRO

Hey everybody, welcome to today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show. Before we get started with today's episode, I just want to take a moment and talk about our show's sponsor, Jane. If you don't know about Jane, Jane is an all-in-one practice management software that offers a fully integrated payment solution called Jane Payments. Although the world of payment processing can be complex, Jane Payments was built to help make things as simple as possible to help you get paid. And it's very easy to get started. Here's how you can get started. Go on over to jane.app.payments and book a one-on-one demo with a member of Jane's support team. This can give you a better sense of how Jane Payments can integrate with your practice by seeing some popular features in action. Once you know you're ready to get started, you can sign up for Jane. If you're following on the podcast, you can use the code ICEPT1MO for a one month grace period while you get settled with your new account. Once you're in your new Jane account, you can flip the switch for Jane Payments at any time. Ideally, as soon as you get started, you can take advantage of Jane's time and money saving features. It only takes a few minutes and you can start processing online payments right away. Jane's promise to you is transparent rates and unlimited support from a team that truly cares. Find out more at jane.app.physicaltherapy. Thanks, everybody. Enjoy today's episode of the PT on ICE Daily Show.
01:26 JO

18 min