45 min


    • Fitness

This ep was a bit of fun to break up the gorgeous chats we've been having with some incredible guests!

Get to know Shell and Brit a bit better with these Quirky Questions! We have put them below if you would like to ask a friend, partner or your kids! Perfect for a long road trip or rainy day at home!

We also mentioned that we have HUGE savings on our memberships this month in celebration of our 6th birthday! Book a consult with Pineapple to find out more - https://www.pineapplefit.com.au


If you could completely get rid of one month out of the year, which month would it be and why?

What's the worst fashion or hair decision you've made?

What's the funniest thing you've ever heard a child say?

If your hometown was a food, what food would it be?

What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

If you could start a club for something silly, what would your club be about?

What one superpower would you give to everyone in the world? How would the world change?

What is the weirdest snack you like to eat?

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

If one of your dad was the prime minister, what would be their first law?

What's a common saying that you don't understand or that you think is odd?

If your pet could talk, what would be his or her catchphrase?

What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?

Do you believe aliens exist? If so, what are they like?

What game show would you be an amazing host of and why?

What fictional television family is your real-life family most similar to?

If you could create a career that doesn't currently exist, what would it be?

What one story about your childhood best explains the person you are today?

What's the best prank you've ever pulled on someone?

What is one weird fact or tidbit that you still remember from school?

What's the most awkward date you've ever been on?

What terrible gift have you gotten that you've had to keep?

What's a pet peeve that you would make illegal if you could?

If you could change the ending of any famous movie, which movie would it be? What would your new ending be?

What song will you never forget the lyrics to?

What word do you always mispronounce?

If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

What's the most awkward or embarrassing thing you've done for someone you loved?

Have you ever met a real person with an unfortunate name? What was it?

What nicknames have people called you throughout your life?

If you could have one word on a billboard what would it be?

This ep was a bit of fun to break up the gorgeous chats we've been having with some incredible guests!

Get to know Shell and Brit a bit better with these Quirky Questions! We have put them below if you would like to ask a friend, partner or your kids! Perfect for a long road trip or rainy day at home!

We also mentioned that we have HUGE savings on our memberships this month in celebration of our 6th birthday! Book a consult with Pineapple to find out more - https://www.pineapplefit.com.au


If you could completely get rid of one month out of the year, which month would it be and why?

What's the worst fashion or hair decision you've made?

What's the funniest thing you've ever heard a child say?

If your hometown was a food, what food would it be?

What's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

If you could start a club for something silly, what would your club be about?

What one superpower would you give to everyone in the world? How would the world change?

What is the weirdest snack you like to eat?

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

If one of your dad was the prime minister, what would be their first law?

What's a common saying that you don't understand or that you think is odd?

If your pet could talk, what would be his or her catchphrase?

What unwritten rule would you make mandatory if you could?

Do you believe aliens exist? If so, what are they like?

What game show would you be an amazing host of and why?

What fictional television family is your real-life family most similar to?

If you could create a career that doesn't currently exist, what would it be?

What one story about your childhood best explains the person you are today?

What's the best prank you've ever pulled on someone?

What is one weird fact or tidbit that you still remember from school?

What's the most awkward date you've ever been on?

What terrible gift have you gotten that you've had to keep?

What's a pet peeve that you would make illegal if you could?

If you could change the ending of any famous movie, which movie would it be? What would your new ending be?

What song will you never forget the lyrics to?

What word do you always mispronounce?

If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

What's the most awkward or embarrassing thing you've done for someone you loved?

Have you ever met a real person with an unfortunate name? What was it?

What nicknames have people called you throughout your life?

If you could have one word on a billboard what would it be?

45 min