Rachel Smets from Australia Global Business Talk Radio

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RACHEL SMETS "live" in Australia

Create the LIFE you desire.

Upgrade Your Life to do what you're meant to by Downgrading the ''shoulding''.

For ambitious professionals CRAVING SOMETHING MORE out of life.

Start doing what you really want. CLEAR + CONFIDENT + COMMITTED

Sign up here for FREE Tips to Create the Life you Desire: http://eepurl.com/bLLp1n   You'll receive a free download to FREEDOM as a welcome gift.

 FREE Video Course to get UNSTUCK and start creating changes in your life:  https://www.rachelsmets.com/sign-up-get-unstuck-free-video/

You'll receive the training in your email box.

Who is Rachel?


Life + Career Coach

Cross-Cultural trainer

You Tuber @RachelSmets

International Speaker (WEF, ALL, TEDx)

Living around the world

Bestselling Author of 'Living Abroad Successfully'' & ''Awaken Your Confidence''

University Lecturer


Online course creator

WHAT I do:

Dedicated to move you from feeling STUCK to CLARITY + CONFIDENCE + CREATE YOUR NEXT STEP

As a trainer in cultural diversity and integration, I help people to understand their surroundings and build their confidence level to achieve their dreams and goal and become the person they want to be

Living/working abroad for 15+ years has broadened my mind, my understanding in cultures, communications, and enriched my life .

Speaking 6 languages serve greatly when connecting Internationally.

As a speaker, I help people in reaching their dreams in life to become the person they want to be.

As a teacher, I inspire students globally to develop themselves in international business

? Are you still dreaming about MOVING abroad?

Here's a free email course to help you getting started. You'll receive checklists and sheets to create your personalized plan. https://mailchi.mp/bba133cc8e2e/a0fd3rkpwp

***Life changes, and so can you!***

Let me know how I can help you.

Do you:: feel stuck? Feel like your life will never change?

Ask yourself the same questions over and over again, without getting answers? Do you feel trapped, confused, stressed and frustrated?

You're not alone. Often, the root cause of feeling stuck is a lack of confidence.

 Google Books

Is it possible to:: become more confident? Stop feeling overwhelmed and start finding purpose and enjoyment in life? Is it really possible to pull yourself out of this low confidence cycle?

Yes It's absolutely possible. Learn:: How to awaken your confidence and transform your life to get what you want. Life changes, and so can you.

You can Start Now The goal of Awaken Your Confidence is to give you the inspiration and tools to help you grow your confidence step by step.

In Part One, 15 successful people share their journey to personal happiness and career satisfaction.

Part Two has 11 confidence hacks that you can apply immediately to start building your self-confidence.

These interviews were selected carefully to represent a variety of people from around the world. Some, such as Stephen Shedletzky or Jesse Krieger, are well-known, touring the world and speaking in front of large audiences. Some are famous authors, like Steve Scott; others are entrepreneurial coaches, such as Dr. Aziz or Scott Ballard. They all have one thing in common: they started out with low confidence or feeling stuck in some way, but they found the tools to Awaken Their Confidence.

What is confidence? Confidence is a feeling of trust in your qualities and judgments. To be self-confident is to feel secure from within, to believe in yourself and your abilities. With confidence you will discover multiple benefits: Becoming healthier and more positive

RACHEL SMETS "live" in Australia

Create the LIFE you desire.

Upgrade Your Life to do what you're meant to by Downgrading the ''shoulding''.

For ambitious professionals CRAVING SOMETHING MORE out of life.

Start doing what you really want. CLEAR + CONFIDENT + COMMITTED

Sign up here for FREE Tips to Create the Life you Desire: http://eepurl.com/bLLp1n   You'll receive a free download to FREEDOM as a welcome gift.

 FREE Video Course to get UNSTUCK and start creating changes in your life:  https://www.rachelsmets.com/sign-up-get-unstuck-free-video/

You'll receive the training in your email box.

Who is Rachel?


Life + Career Coach

Cross-Cultural trainer

You Tuber @RachelSmets

International Speaker (WEF, ALL, TEDx)

Living around the world

Bestselling Author of 'Living Abroad Successfully'' & ''Awaken Your Confidence''

University Lecturer


Online course creator

WHAT I do:

Dedicated to move you from feeling STUCK to CLARITY + CONFIDENCE + CREATE YOUR NEXT STEP

As a trainer in cultural diversity and integration, I help people to understand their surroundings and build their confidence level to achieve their dreams and goal and become the person they want to be

Living/working abroad for 15+ years has broadened my mind, my understanding in cultures, communications, and enriched my life .

Speaking 6 languages serve greatly when connecting Internationally.

As a speaker, I help people in reaching their dreams in life to become the person they want to be.

As a teacher, I inspire students globally to develop themselves in international business

? Are you still dreaming about MOVING abroad?

Here's a free email course to help you getting started. You'll receive checklists and sheets to create your personalized plan. https://mailchi.mp/bba133cc8e2e/a0fd3rkpwp

***Life changes, and so can you!***

Let me know how I can help you.

Do you:: feel stuck? Feel like your life will never change?

Ask yourself the same questions over and over again, without getting answers? Do you feel trapped, confused, stressed and frustrated?

You're not alone. Often, the root cause of feeling stuck is a lack of confidence.

 Google Books

Is it possible to:: become more confident? Stop feeling overwhelmed and start finding purpose and enjoyment in life? Is it really possible to pull yourself out of this low confidence cycle?

Yes It's absolutely possible. Learn:: How to awaken your confidence and transform your life to get what you want. Life changes, and so can you.

You can Start Now The goal of Awaken Your Confidence is to give you the inspiration and tools to help you grow your confidence step by step.

In Part One, 15 successful people share their journey to personal happiness and career satisfaction.

Part Two has 11 confidence hacks that you can apply immediately to start building your self-confidence.

These interviews were selected carefully to represent a variety of people from around the world. Some, such as Stephen Shedletzky or Jesse Krieger, are well-known, touring the world and speaking in front of large audiences. Some are famous authors, like Steve Scott; others are entrepreneurial coaches, such as Dr. Aziz or Scott Ballard. They all have one thing in common: they started out with low confidence or feeling stuck in some way, but they found the tools to Awaken Their Confidence.

What is confidence? Confidence is a feeling of trust in your qualities and judgments. To be self-confident is to feel secure from within, to believe in yourself and your abilities. With confidence you will discover multiple benefits: Becoming healthier and more positive