11 episodes

The radio station for the residents of Ravenclaw Tower. Features include GazeboGal's Fresh Pot of Coffee, Horoscope Fridays, and important bulletins from Security Chief Andromeda.

Radio Ravenclaw Unknown

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The radio station for the residents of Ravenclaw Tower. Features include GazeboGal's Fresh Pot of Coffee, Horoscope Fridays, and important bulletins from Security Chief Andromeda.

    03 May 2015

    03 May 2015

    You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw


    Good Morning, Ravenclaw, you’re tuned to The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

    It’s Thursday, so get the recycling ready to go out tonight and meanwhile enjoy the Horoscope. Your Horoscope this week is brought to you by Haumea, the dwarf planet which is visually right near Arcturus at the moment. Arcturus is visible in the morning in this season, just follow the arc of the Big Dipper backward to the Really Bright Star. That’s Arcturus. Wave toward it and you’ll be greeting one of the Solar System’s favorite Trans Neptunian Objects. We used Haumeamancy to generate our predictions this week, so hold on for a stellar-fast ride!

    Octopodes 10+: “Dwarf planet, one-third the mass of Pluto”. this seems to indicate that you’re headed for a growth spurt. Alert your parents to fire up the crock pot and get yourself out there hiking, running, chopping wood, and carrying water. A growth spurt after about age 13 is all about putting down layers of muscle, so go do the things that your body is perfectly designed for! Get Strong, Stay Strong!

    Neon Tetras 20+: “Claims of discovery have been disputed and no discovery date or team is official.” My word. This week, Tetras, reinvent yourself! You’re not nailed down, you can rock the identity change. Here’s the thing. you discover yourself, decide what your major themes and minor motifs are then be yourself as hard as you can. thank you, Sir Terry Pratchett.

    Lions 25+: “Designated a dwarf planet and named after the Hawai’ian goddess of childbirth.” I don’t think it’s your height that could be growing. So, remembering that images of gestation and birth are about all kinds of creativity, it’s time to choose your next creative venture if you haven’t already, to block other creative ventures from happening if you take my meaning, to dedicate yourself to doing it the best you know how. That means swatch for your OWL, commit to writing 5K words/day then editing out 3K of them, or decide on some 25-year-plan goals.

    Fancy Goldfish 30+: “Its shape has not been directly observed, calculations from its light curve suggest it is an ellipsoid, with its major axis twice as long as its minor”. Well, I think this is clear - no one else can quite focus on you, use that air of mystery to your advantage, be a shapeshifter. Also, sort your Tasks into major and minor then give twice as much heart and love to the Things which are major.

    Narwals 40+: “Rapid rotation, high density, and high albedo.” OK, it’s going to be a heck of a week, Narwhals, full of high density and rapid rotation, but you will do really well at it and you’re gonna shine!

    Capybaras 50+: “Its gravity is sufficient for it to have relaxed into hydrostatic equilibrium.” Yeah. I’m with you, Sister Capybaras, a little extra gravity and a relaxed waistband are just about the price we’ve paid for the hydrostatic equilibrium. Would you care for a vodka martini while we wait for the children to grow up?

    Cougars 55+: “A surface of crystalline water ice”. Incoming diamond jewelry. Act surprised, but cool.

    Peacocks 60+: “the result of a giant collision, which left Haumea the largest member of a collisional family that includes several large TNOs and Neptune’s two known moons.” First, brace for family drama, and second if we are to be a bit less metaphorical, for the love of all that’s holy, buckle up. We care.

    Dragons 80+: Your mediation is requested, Ma’am. The Planetary Geologic Society is suing the International Astronomical Union for making decisions on sticking their noses into rock business instead of keeping with the burning gasses.

    I need some of that Frozen North action -

    She’s Natalya Arctica,

    I’m GazeboGal,

    and you’re listening to Radio Ravenclaw on the Wizarding Wireless Network!



    Printers have been identified as a level one threat! They sleep most of the tim

    • 15 min
    21 April 2015

    21 April 2015

    You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.


    Good Morning, Ravenclaw - you’ve tuned in to The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

    It looks like a beautifully sunny (or perhaps rainy) day out there, we suggest that it’s an excellent time to hang up some fresh laundry to dry (or get that softening effect of rainwater). What? the weather’s not until tomorrow!

    It is, in fact, Thursday, so time for your Horoscope!

    Octopodes (10+): That was really surprising, that thing you did! some of you are ahead on points and some of you lost them, depending on the thing, but you should know that your Surprise Factor just about doubled. This is an excellent way to approach the weekend, as your people have no idea what to expect from you and will be eager to give you permission to do things lest you do Other Things on your own. Ask - they will say yes! Also, i before e.

    Neon Tetras (20+): That thing that was making you anxious? There’s a right time to worry. In fact, the right time to worry is today from 17:45 to 18:00 local time. Worry as hard as you can. Burn serious calories with the amount of worry. At the stroke of 18:00, let it go. Any worry, concern, or anxiety after that point will have exactly zero effect.

    Lions (25+): Do your grocery shopping today (don’t forget safety pins) because Friday afternoon there will be an awesome opportunity offered and you want to be in a position to say “Yes!” You might even run a load of laundry tonight.

    Fancy Goldfish (30+): Sorting is Open! You have been going back and forth. Sign the form, buy the pattern, blow us out of the water. This is your term to Succeed Spectacularly!

    Narwhals (40+): Your weekend will be less simple, I’m afraid. There is an injustice in need of your tusk. Get a cozy Thursday and Friday evening to build up your spoons, kick butt on Saturday, then you’ll have all of Saturday evening and Sunday to recover and realize that you did a fabulous job and lots of people are going to be happier because you were so brave!

    Capybaras (50+): Good News: The chocolate stash that you forgot about is in the freezer. Less Good News: You’re gonna have to defrost the freezer. Worth it.

    Cougars (55+): You have worked very hard this week; you thought no one noticed, but the stars did. You have completely earned an at-home spa day. Salt scrub for your feet, lavender bubble bath, candles, favorite music, clean sheets, new brain-candy novel. Yes. Do it.

    Peacocks (60+): Public event Friday? You’re going to rock it! The stars suggest keeping your wand handy because there could be opportunities. You know what I mean.

    Dragons (80+): Do you need a driver this weekend, ma’am? The opening of your new wing will be lovely.

    The Fresh Pot of Coffee is sponsored on Thursdays by The DecRomancer, a new shop on Diagon Alley specializing in custom fortune-telling and tarot cards, delicious divinatory tea blends, and genuine Viking runestones. All your high-end Divinatory needs in one shop. Personal crystal ball attunements will be handled on Tuesdays by appointment. They’re located next to Flourish and Blott’s, and don’t bother knocking.

    Now on to your Thursday music, one of our most out-and-proud witches and the Muggles still don’t realize…

    She’s Bette Midler,

    I’m GazeboGal,

    and you’re listening to Radio Ravenclaw on the Wizarding Wireless Network.

    We have a special message from PICOT (Person In Charge of Testing), Spike:


    Dropping a note here in your planning thread about some upcoming changes for next term and the term after. These are not just minor tweaks, please take note.

    First, as of now, we will no longer be accepting OWLs that are proposed based on just time spent crafting. You will no longer be able to propose a specific amount of time with an undetermined amount of crafting resulting from that time. We now will need an estimate of how much will be crafted by pattern, weight, or by yardage. If you require assistance with writing your proposal to fit t

    • 13 min
    15 April 2015

    15 April 2015

    You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.


    Congratulations to Gryffindor for winning both the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup! Ravenclaw came in a very close second, followed by Hufflepuff and Slythern.


    Thank you to all House and House Cup staff for another excellent term.



    That means it is time for Sorting Signups. Sir Hat?


    Excitement runs through the Great Hall

    Snakes, Badgers, Eagles and Lions

    I’m here to sort them all


    Each of the houses can help you shine

    But how to know which house is the best?

    I can tell you they are all mighty fine.


    Before you place me on your head,

    Take my advice, and explore the castle

    Visit each common room, explore their threads.


    The houses have a lot in common

    but each also has their unique identity

    Here are some ideas for you to start on


    Gryffindors roared with For the Mantel this term,

    They have Marauder’s Missions, the Knight Bus, Study Halls

    And of course Chocolate Frog Cards to earn.


    Hufflepuffs are fiercely loyal it is true

    With Puffopoly, HuffleTainment, Eye Candy

    and SWorD there is plenty to do.


    Ravenclaws in sky chairs soared high

    With Moonpaths, Convocation, Specialists Studies

    and Mad Scientists, oh my!


    Slytherins plotted in their underwater digs

    With Slytherin Quest, Dueling Club, Hotties

    and of course Hedwig.


    As you explore, I’m sure you will find

    The gems each house has to offer

    And remember next term you can change your mind.


    The House Cup has Four Houses Strong

    We compete for the House Cup

    But with Yarn, Friends, and more, we all get along!


    Thank you.

    Please follow the posted link to sign up for the new term.



    PorcupineSnuggles has announced that the winner of the Mrs. Lovegood Memorial Mad Scientist of Ravenclaw Tower Award is…. Hypercycloid!!!




    Head of House PickleMommy has announced staff for the Spring/Summer term:

    Already announced were Head of House PickleMommy and Head Girl CathyCake. They are supported by Prefects DrusillaWormwood, KayPendragon, LostMoonOfPoosh, and senkatnovo. Mama Eagle OmeletsMom is supported by Auntie Eagle LASH.

    The All Points Bulletin Team is AnnieCC, electronjam, lsgarner, and 3trees. Advanced Studies consists of Auora, greenheron, Hreow, and matematichica. The Quidditch Captain is SarahTheEntwife, with BrooklymMomDoc, FangAili, Gipcsoul, and MrsWingnut rounding out the team.

    Convocation Conjurer Bacs will be assisted by elekanahmen. Spreadsheet Sorceress llim is assisted by NoNeinNyet and senkatnovo. Gwenschweitzer will handle Interhouse Activities, while AH77 is the NQFY Ambassador. Tower Reporters akasha111182, Bacs, irreverentyarns, and TindraTieren will keep you all up to date on the latest news.

    Mad Science Maven PorcupineSnuggles will continue to search the Tower high and low for crazy awesomeness (and awesome craziness), while Candle Mistress Jayannell and Lighters caranam and irreverentyarns keep the lights burning. Mail Mistresses akasha111182, caranam, indigoroses and Tikabelle will keep the owls in order, while Birthday greeters gwenschweitzer and kaypendragon keep a steady supply of cake on hand.

    Portrait Artist SarahTheEntwife will visually dazzle, Chaplain GazeboGal will calm and comfort. Soprano1 continues as archivist, with SadieLou manning the Madness Meter. IsisOnEarth will maintain the Tower Genealogy, and sugaroni and xamonster will act as floaters.

    Thank you all for volunteering to help the Tower soar to a House Cup win!!!

    Hey guys, you know what Martin Freeman’s favorite cupcake filling is? JAM.

    Thank you for your attention. This has been your daily Break Month Levity with Martin Freeman, I’m Cyprienne.

    Swinging with the Finkels, movie still



    • 8 min
    13 April 2015

    13 April 2015

    You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.

    You’ve tuned in to The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

    It’s Laundry Day, folks. That’s right, just flick and swish your wand in the general direction of your wardrobe with a soft Tergeo and then it’s time to get the binoculars. Watching the Muggles wrestle with huge baskets of wet clothing baffles me every time. They hang them out, then it rains, then they take them in and hang them upinside their houses…

    We’d like to note that the after-full moon was not enough to wash out Arcturus last night - that kingly little star just kept shining past the moonglow!

    Today’s debate, folks - if you convert wooly fluff to yarn, does that technically add to your stash in a stashdown? Discuss!

    Some members of the station staff believe that heating season is over. This member of the station staff does not. Amusement is thin on the ground.

    In a recent interview, Cornelius Fudge, former Minister of Magic, revealed that he waits until our broadcast before making his own literal Fresh Pot of Coffee. He says that the sympathetic magic of our powerful signal boosts the caffeine in his double-mocha.

    The Fresh Pot of Coffee is sponsored on Wednesdays by Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes - whether your wakenings are wailsome or wacky, our winsome wares will work out the wants of your workshop. We whizz the werewolf’s whiskers and wow the wildest widgeons! So wax their waffles, wobble their woolies, work up a list of wishes and wants, witches and wizards, and wander to Weaselys’ Wizarding Wheezes. Wednesday is WibblyWobbly Day - 10% discount to all patrons wearing a fez!

    Now some music to get you through the morning - a new non-human duo making their coffee house debut anywhere that can accommodate juvenile dragons…

    They’re Mifwyte and Deedlebops!

    I’m Gazebo Gal

    and you’re listening to Radio Ravenclaw on the Wizarding Wireless Network.

    The “does spinning contribute to or remove from stash?” debate rages on. KayPendragon posits that as long as the fluff is being used for its intended purpose, it is not increasing stash. TiggerishJen feels that spinning is simply an intermediate step on the way to ultimate stash removal. AnnieCC points out that undyed stash has triple the points-earning potential of yarn. Way to think smarter Annie!


    Oh, you’re all talking about spinning fluff into yarn? Martin Freeman thought you were asking about who had a winning ruff. Well. That’s very different. He’s going to go change, brb.

    Thank you for your attention. This has been your daily Break Month Levity with Martin Freeman, I’m Cyprienne.


    Nightwatching, movie still

    It is time once more for The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

    Here’s my personal note to all of y’all: when you’re hiding out in the Muggle world, you have to push the button on the coffee maker. Today’s lesson. Yes indeed.

    Also, an alert for the pen enthusiasts and Narwhals - there is a Narwhal Pen. Skip back to post 33749 in the Common Room.

    Sock Update: k1, p1, k1, p1, k1…

    Thursday is Horoscope Day!

    Octopodes (10+) - the stars say that this is a fabulous week to do that experiment with insects in your fridge.

    Neon Tetras (20+) - Alert! there is an important piece of paperwork which you forgot about! It is on your desk, but it got wedged under something over on the right-hand side. The stars are pretty insistent about this, so go clean the desk.

    Lions (25+) - It is exactly the right time to try that designer thing you were thinking about. Was it tea? Shoes? A new knitting pattern? Write back to us here at the station and let us know! Also, Sound Technician Sgiobalta has turned four, which is twenty eight in dog years, and she would like to show you all her zebra toy, in solidarity with her Lion-birthday sisters.

    Fancy Goldfish (30+) - Driving is on the dangerous side for you this weekend. The augury suggests stocking up on comfort food tonight, get home from work early Friday, and spend the weeken

    • 5 min
    07 April 2015

    07 April 2015

    You’re listening to WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.


    Martin Freeman is TEAM SURPRISED CAT SURPRISE! It wasn’t a voting option before, but it is as of right now, and he forgot to tag his turn-ins… anyway. CAT, wheeee!

    Thank you for your attention. This has been your daily Break Month Levity with Martin Freeman, I’m Cyprienne.

    photo credit: Jay Brooks for Time Out London magazine

    Voting has begun for the Mad Scientist Award for the Winter 2015 term. Current Head Girl PickleMommy is awarded the Golden Spectacles of Spectacularity for her work in bringing gram positive and gram negative bacteria to knitted life, and for test knitting the Chocolate Frog Mittens. DrusillaWormwood received another set of Spectacles for her work in creating the Chocolate Frog Mittens, and for inviting *another* pantheon into the Tower to possess Tower residents.


    The list of nominees for this year’s Award is:

    Bacs for single-handedly writing this term’s Convocation

    Hypercycloid for her OWL involving blogging her use of antique wheels. And four units of cork guards.

    Xamonster for her narwhal tiara

    ec0g33k for creating a… well, I’m really not sure what. But it is fabulously mad. Just go look, okay?

    kbowman123 for crocheting an entire garden full of sea creatures. In one day.

    Brooklynmomdoc for fabulously insane amounts of yardage used between classes and advanced studies.

    Nightgigjo for researching and documenting the traits of the different known breeds of dragons, allowing many ‘Claws to save time on homework turn-ins

    Craftyshanna heard that a particular tree fluff was “impossible to spin”. Her answer? “Challenge Accepted!” She proved it *could* be spun!

    Senkatnovo designed and knit a wonderfully mathy shawl.

    Finally, Tower Personal Trainer TindraTieren started the ball rolling of getting WWRVN on the air.


    Thank you to all who nominated, and be sure to cast your vote!



    Next up, we have GazeboGal’s with The Fresh Pot of Coffee!

    Great news is rolling in from Risasukka, our correspondent in Finland! congratulations on being asked to interview for that program!

    Also, don’t miss the Giant Break Month Game of Tag in the Great Hall!

    what else do we do in Break Month? That’s right, it’s time to

    Prep With Foxy!!
    This week and through the weekend, our tasks are

    Love your Queue make sure the front page of your queue represents projects you really want to make soon and have the materials for!

    Love your Stash make sure your physical stash is where you want it and stored in the way that you’ll use it best. Then make sure your Ravelry queue is the way you want. For us at the station, we sort our stash by “WIPs”, “Queue’d Project Yarn”, “Unplanned Sock Yarn” and “Other Unplanned Yarn”. In the “other” bin we do have two sub-category bags: “yarn which would make good mittens” and “special yarn”. I’d like to thank my Stashdown Accountability Partners over the ages for the fact that my stash now mostly fits in four bins!

    Please reply in the Common Room or phone in to the station to tell us your tips and tricks for taming your stash!

    Saint Mungo’s has announced the construction of a new hospital wing. Major sponsors include the Dunfries family of Mid-Lothian and the EverBlue Medical Products Corporation. Saint Mungo’s representative Bartholomea Scintillia denies that the generous donation from EverBlue has any relevance to the multi-patient lawsuit going on right now inthe Wizengamot regarding the gentle blue tinge of several consumers of SkeleGro.

    The Fresh Pot of Coffee is brought to you on Tuesdays by Geckito’s Garden Exotic Seeds: Are you tired of having a boring vegetable garden? Need to have the most interesting front yard on the block? Try Geckito’s Garden Exotic Seeds! New this year: Super Spaghetti Seeds!” As we say here at the station when contemplating the bounty of a Geckito Garden

    • 4 min
    06 April 2015

    06 April 2015

    This is WWRVN, Radio Ravenclaw.


    We have a jam-packed show for you today. We begin with field correspondent elekanahmen reporting on activities for the last month of term:


    I’m sure you have all been waiting on the edge of your seats for the results of the Epic Cat Battle! Sorry to have kept you waiting, but I wanted to make sure everyone had time to edit their tags in if they forgot, and then of course it takes a little while for the search database to update… Or really, well, I’ve been grading and Official Cup Duties are a bit more important than silliness, even such important silliness as this!

    I looked over all the entries for all three feline contestants and I found it interesting that 2/3 of them had at least one SoS vote, and one of them had three different SoS supporters! 2/3 also had NQFY support from two different prospective students! All three of them, in fact, had at least one vote from SoS knitsNhikes!

    But of course what you all have been waiting for is the final result!

    In third place, with 36 votes, is TEAMTOEBEANS! Good showing, Burt!

    In second place, with 53 votes, is TEAMLEMONBELLY! Great job, Lemon!

    And blowing them both out of the water and taking the win, with 81 votes, is TEAMMIGHTYHUNTRESS! Congratulations, Athena!

    And of course the real winner is the lovely lady owned by these three crazy kids, our own beloved out-going Head of House, OneNeedleKnitting!


    Thank you elekanahmen!


    We received a letter from ChrisFixedKitty on her way to to Lindisfarne Dragon Refuge.


    Dear Towermates,

    Hallo everyone! Hope you’re all doing well, enjoying the Break Month party with Martin Freeman, Fondoo, *sigh*

    I’m camped for the night in the middle of nowhere, in a very pretty little green glen with a stream.  The broomwagon is holding up, despite a certain wee dragon’s tendency to flip it over mid-flight to, I don’t know, get a better view or try to get more of her face into the wind. Thankfully, Preep doesn’t seem prone to airsickness. I’ve given up on covering her crate with the tarp and she seems a lot happier, especially when something catches her attention and she lunges to one side or the other of her crate. Makes my broom veer, too, and I think this might just be her new favorite game of All. Time. Sadly, I –am—prone to airsickness during prolonged turbulence, so we’re not making very fast progress toward the preserve. Lots of little breaks.

    I owe a great deal of thanks to Skrim, or maybe it’s Trim. My Tongue of the Little Creatures is coming along, but I gather my native Chicagoan accent is possibly the worst human accent to combine with it, shy of the New Jersey Shore. Anyway. He’s kept us on track, and his knowing the way has allowed me to push my broom to its speed limit, such as it is. I think this is the longest I’ve gone on a new trip without a major ‘getting lost’ incident, which makes for a really nice change. So nobody needs to worry about me. I’m in good talons.

    Annnnd… ah, well. Preep seems to have caught a rather large rabbit while I was setting up camp, so she and Skrim are well-fed and I get to eat all of my meatloaf sandwich by myself.  Preep seems very willing to share with her new friend, very nice of her. That’s a big relief, both because I didn’t really have the weight to carry much in the way of vittles for all of us and because it means Preep already has some survival skills down. I’m hoping this means that she’ll make the transition to life at the preserve fairly quickly. As a bonus, one of the local owls is willing to carry this letter back in exchange for their leftovers.

    My love to all, and please make sure Robin the Feline Wonder is getting ONE dinner per night and not so many treats he turns spherical?  Also, please make sure Little Bat gets some milk at the end of the night. Thanks everyone, more soon,


    Thank you, Chris. Speaking on behalf of all members of the Tower, we’re gonna miss Preep.

    • 6 min

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