37 min

Shawn Moore - Lifestyle Freedom Through Vacation Rentals REL Freedom Podcast

    • Entrepreneurship

"Dad, you should sell real estate in Hawaii!". As a suggestion from one of his kids, it was at this moment on a family trip in Hawaii, that an idea grew. Instead of having to go back home to the lower 48 states to sell real estate, what if you could go where you want to go AND make money at the same time? Today Shawn Moore runs Vodyssey, the #1 vacation rental investing education company with the goal to cut through the noise and help you find success managing profitable vacation rentals your...

"Dad, you should sell real estate in Hawaii!". As a suggestion from one of his kids, it was at this moment on a family trip in Hawaii, that an idea grew. Instead of having to go back home to the lower 48 states to sell real estate, what if you could go where you want to go AND make money at the same time? Today Shawn Moore runs Vodyssey, the #1 vacation rental investing education company with the goal to cut through the noise and help you find success managing profitable vacation rentals your...

37 min