13 min

reTV Season 2 Episode 2: FHA Allows Private Flood reTV Podcast by reThought Flood Insurance

    • Business News

In our 2nd episode of Season 2, we open the flood gates on the new FHA ruling that homeowners can use private flood insurance, not just NFIP, after December 21st 2022.  

Our vision at reThought Insurance is to inform and empower capacity to close the climate protection gap. And we're starting with flood.   

reTV provides simple explanations of complex weather patterns that can affect your flood policies. Stand out as an expert when presenting your quote and explaining coverage to your insureds. reTV Anchor Cyrena Arnold is a meteorologist and reThought Chief Sales Officer. You can reach her and our entire team at flood@rethoughtinsurance.com.  reTV releases a new episode about every two weeks. Click Subscribe to be notified and find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.  

Sign up here to get reTV to your inbox: https://share.hsforms.com/1kT4X5bAlSmuqGnCBEXZPwQ49e2q 

Find us on LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/company/rethought-insurance-corporation #reThoughtInsurance #floodinsurance #climatechange   

Links: https://www.rethoughtinsurance.com https://www.nar.realtor/washington-report/fha-issues-private-flood-insurance-rule https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:4012a%20edition:prelim) https://www.weather.gov/ffc/atlanta_floods_anniv https://7156610.hubspotpreview-na1.com/_hcms/preview/content/75811168801?portalId=7156610&_preview=true&from_buffer=false&preview_key=WNNPeuKE https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/29/climate/hidden-flood-risk-maps.html 

Music by Musictown from Pixabay

In our 2nd episode of Season 2, we open the flood gates on the new FHA ruling that homeowners can use private flood insurance, not just NFIP, after December 21st 2022.  

Our vision at reThought Insurance is to inform and empower capacity to close the climate protection gap. And we're starting with flood.   

reTV provides simple explanations of complex weather patterns that can affect your flood policies. Stand out as an expert when presenting your quote and explaining coverage to your insureds. reTV Anchor Cyrena Arnold is a meteorologist and reThought Chief Sales Officer. You can reach her and our entire team at flood@rethoughtinsurance.com.  reTV releases a new episode about every two weeks. Click Subscribe to be notified and find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.  

Sign up here to get reTV to your inbox: https://share.hsforms.com/1kT4X5bAlSmuqGnCBEXZPwQ49e2q 

Find us on LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/company/rethought-insurance-corporation #reThoughtInsurance #floodinsurance #climatechange   

Links: https://www.rethoughtinsurance.com https://www.nar.realtor/washington-report/fha-issues-private-flood-insurance-rule https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:4012a%20edition:prelim) https://www.weather.gov/ffc/atlanta_floods_anniv https://7156610.hubspotpreview-na1.com/_hcms/preview/content/75811168801?portalId=7156610&_preview=true&from_buffer=false&preview_key=WNNPeuKE https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/29/climate/hidden-flood-risk-maps.html 

Music by Musictown from Pixabay

13 min