Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera

Christina Perera Ministries, Inc.
Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera

Are you hungry to hear more of Jesus? Each episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera will increase your faith and cause your heart to burn with love for Jesus as you hear more of His goodness! Join Christina and leaders worldwide for all things the King and His kingdom! Listen for revelatory teaching, interviews with Christian leaders, and testimonies of His goodness in our lives! #Jesus #RevealingJesus #podcast #religionandspirituality #truth #bible #relationshipwithJesus #grace #newcovenant #graceandpeace #prayer #christianleaders #relevatoryteaching #testimonies #salvation

  1. How the Holy Spirit Reveals God’s Grace Through the Birth of Jesus With Jack Levison


    How the Holy Spirit Reveals God’s Grace Through the Birth of Jesus With Jack Levison

    Learn how, like Simeon, we need the Holy Spirit's guidance to recognize Jesus in His grace. Discover how the Holy Spirit is discernible in the lives of biblical figures such as Elizabeth, Mary, and Simeon, highlighting the excitement and expectation surrounding Jesus' birth. Don’t miss this inspiring episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera. Join Christina as she dives deep into the heart of Advent, exploring the incarnation of Christ alongside the work of the Holy Spirit, with special guest Jack Levison. This episode promises to be a rich tapestry of theological insights and spiritual revelations brought to life through the vibrant discussions between Christina and Jack. In this episode, Jack Levison shares his expertise in biblical interpretation, focusing on the profound role of the Holy Spirit during the Advent season through truth from his book Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit For An Inspired Life. The conversation sheds light on how the Scriptures, particularly in the book of Isaiah, foreshadow the Messiah and His transformative work. Listeners are encouraged to experience the joy of Grace and recognize Jesus in the humble and unexpected moments of life. Through engaging dialogue, Christina and Jack emphasize the significance of embracing spiritual gifts as a manifestation of God’s grace and power. “What Simeon does, when he is filled with the Spirit in the presence of Jesus, is not finding new prophecy; he reaches back to the texts he cherished.” - Jack Levison Listen to the end for powerful prayer! CONNECT WITH OUR GUEST: Jack Levison is the WJA Power Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Southern Methodist University. His recent work includes the revised edition of Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life, where he offers profound insights into the life-giving force of the Holy Spirit. RESOURCES: Are you facing a healing crisis? Healing Is Yours: Freely Receive Your Healing Based On Jesus’ Finished Work. It will equip you with powerful gospel truths as you navigate this season to receive your healing freely! ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest!

    39 min
  2. Discovering the True Gospel 3: Grace Over Law in Galatians With Christina Perera


    Discovering the True Gospel 3: Grace Over Law in Galatians With Christina Perera

    Recognizing the New Covenant of grace is essential for experiencing all the blessings that come through faith in Jesus Christ. In this episode of Revealing Jesus Christina Perera, we continue exploring the Book of Galatians, focusing intensely on the distinctions between the law, grace, and the true gospel. As an ordained minister and seasoned teacher, Christina emphasizes the necessity of recognizing Jesus' revolutionary role in freeing believers from the constraints of the law while guiding them into the blessings of grace. With warmth and clarity, Christina unveils how understanding Jesus more deeply can lead believers to fully inherit the spiritual promises He offers. Christina unpacks key scriptural passages throughout the episode, drawing particular attention to the Apostle Paul's teachings and experiences. Her discussions passionately tackle the dangers of mixing law with grace, highlighting the profound transformation that comes through faith in Christ alone. Christina also shares personal insights from her healing crisis, illustrating how receiving the New Covenant was pivotal in her journey to wellness. She calls listeners to embrace the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit made available through faith and encourages an authentic faith walk free from self-righteousness. "But if we don't have a correct understanding of what he's done and the new covenant that he's brought us into, we won't be able to inherit." -Christina Perera Listen to the end for powerful prayer! RESOURCES: Are you facing a healing crisis? Healing Is Yours: Freely Receive Your Healing Based On Jesus’ Finished Work. It will equip you with powerful gospel truths as you navigate this season to receive your healing freely! Are you a new believer and don’t know where to start? New Believer Workbook: Foundational Gospel Truths To Begin Your Relationship With Jesus Will equip you as you begin the most beautiful relationship of your life. ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest! Jesus, Gospel, Grace, Faith, Salvation, Apostle Paul teachings, New Covenant preaching, Galatians series, Christian podcast, Biblical grace message, Understanding law versus grace, How to inherit God's promises, Justification through faith in Jesus, Receiving Holy Spirit blessings, Miracles through faith in Christ

    23 min
  3. Discovering the True Gospel 2: Grace Over Law in Galatians With Christina Perera


    Discovering the True Gospel 2: Grace Over Law in Galatians With Christina Perera

    Understanding the Gospel’s true message is essential for victorious living and testifies to God's miracle-working power. In this enlightening episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera, we explore the Book of Galatians passionately, emphasizing the true Gospel of grace over the law. Christina invites listeners to delve deeper into the critical distinction between grace and law, highlighting the dangers of teachings that mix the two. Through sharing her journey, Christina underscores the transformative power of understanding grace, urging believers to recognize their inheritance in Christ and the freedom it brings from the law's demands and the curse. Throughout the episode, Christina examines texts from Galatians and Acts, contextualizing the Apostolic controversy concerning grace and law. She articulates how false teachings have infiltrated the Church over centuries, robbing believers of their spiritual victory. With a keen focus on providing clarity, Christina challenges listeners to break free from the constraints of legalistic interpretations of scripture, rooting for justification by faith alone. The episode resonates with those yearning for deeper spiritual insights and a restored understanding of the Gospel. "The Gospel of the grace of Christ makes us sons of God, not slaves to written rules and regulations." -Christina Perera Listen to the end for powerful prayer! RESOURCES: Are you facing a healing crisis? Healing Is Yours: Freely Receive Your Healing Based On Jesus’ Finished Work. It will equip you with powerful gospel truths as you navigate this season to receive your healing freely! Are you a new believer and don’t know where to start? New Believer Workbook: Foundational Gospel Truths To Begin Your Relationship With Jesus Will equip you as you begin the most beautiful relationship of your life. ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest! Jesus, Gospel, Grace, Faith, Bible, Apostolic teaching, New Covenant preaching, Galatians study, Grace versus law, Christian podcast, Understanding the true gospel of grace, How to receive God's blessings, Mixing law with grace dangers, Importance of biblical context, Receiving righteousness through faith in Christ

    28 min
  4. Discovering the True Gospel 1: Grace Over Law in Galatians With Christina Perera


    Discovering the True Gospel 1: Grace Over Law in Galatians With Christina Perera

    Are you a struggling Christian? Perhaps you haven’t been listening to the pure gospel. The true gospel brings abundant life and blessings promised through Jesus Christ. Don’t miss this empowering episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera, ordained minister, apostolic leader, author, podcaster, and fervent lover of Jesus. She has a rich ministry and spiritual leadership background and is dedicated to spreading the Gospel and fostering a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ. Today, we dive deep into the teachings of the Apostle Paul, focusing on the Book of Galatians and its core message of "No Other Gospel." Christina unpacks the dangers of blending the law with the grace offered through Christ, underscoring the indispensable need for an unadulterated understanding of the Gospel. Her passion shines through as she tackles theological insights with powerful anecdotes and scriptural references that highlight the abundant life Christ promises to believers. Exploring the concept of mixing the Old Covenant law with the New Covenant grace, Christina emphasizes the importance of contextual biblical understanding taught by the Apostle Paul. She highlights the distinction between self-righteousness and God's righteousness, inviting listeners to embrace the inheritance promised through faith in Christ. With personal testimony and theological discourse, Christina sheds light on how a proper understanding of the Gospel can transform lives, bringing believers prosperity, healing, and divine favor. "Jesus has come and made the way for us to receive good from God that we do not deserve." -Christina Perera Listen to the end for powerful prayer! RESOURCES: Are you facing a healing crisis? Healing Is Yours: Freely Receive Your Healing Based On Jesus’ Finished Work. It will equip you with powerful gospel truths as you navigate this season to receive your healing freely! Are you a new believer and don’t know where to start? New Believer Workbook: Foundational Gospel Truths To Begin Your Relationship With Jesus Will equip you as you begin the most beautiful relationship of your life. ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest! Jesus, Gospel, Grace, Faith, Bible, Apostolic teaching, New Covenant preaching, Galatians study, Grace versus law, Christian podcast, Understanding the true gospel of grace, How to receive God's blessings, Mixing law with grace dangers, Importance of biblical context, Receiving righteousness through faith in Christ

    36 min
  5. Why Political Power Can't Perfect Your Faith - Only Jesus Can With Christina Perera


    Why Political Power Can't Perfect Your Faith - Only Jesus Can With Christina Perera

    Political powers are not the source of true peace; instead, it is the Kingdom of God that provides unshakeable peace and security. In this episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera, the focus is on understanding and embracing the peace of God, especially during tumultuous times. The peace Jesus offers is part of the inheritance of believers, an unshakeable element of faith that can sustain them through chaotic circumstances. As the episode unfolds, it delves into the biblical concept of shalom, drawing from Scriptural references to highlight its all-encompassing nature and the importance of living in alignment with Christ’s teachings. It is vital to keep your eyes on Jesus, particularly during significant global and national events like the upcoming U.S. presidential election. She discusses how an intimate relationship with Christ enables believers to remain "undevourable," utilizing Biblical references such as 1 Peter 5:7-8 to illustrate how faith protects from spiritual adversity. Listen to deepen your relationship with God and focus on the enduring Kingdom of God rather than the shifting sands of political landscapes. "It's neither political power nor governmental power that are our source of life, but God alone." -Christina Perera Listen to the end for powerful prayer! RESOURCES: Are you facing a healing crisis? Healing Is Yours: Freely Receive Your Healing Based On Jesus’ Finished Work. It will equip you with powerful gospel truths as you navigate this season to receive your healing freely! Are you a new believer and don’t know where to start? New Believer Workbook: Foundational Gospel Truths To Begin Your Relationship With Jesus Will equip you as you begin the most beautiful relationship of your life. ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest! Jesus, Shalom, Faith, Kingdom, Peace, Revealing Jesus podcast, Christina Perera ministries, Christian faith journey, Biblical teachings, Spiritual growth, How to find peace in chaos, Understanding God's Shalom, Living in the Kingdom of God, Importance of faith in Jesus, Role of Holy Spirit in Christianity

    32 min
  6. Understanding Truth: Embracing Grace and Devotion to Jesus With Jared Laskey


    Understanding Truth: Embracing Grace and Devotion to Jesus With Jared Laskey

    Bible literacy is paramount to counter misleading teachings and foster a true understanding of God's Word. Only when we embrace Jesus, who is grace Himself, can we prophesy correctly, always pointing to Jesus. Join Christina Perera for an enlightening episode of Revealing Jesus, as she welcomes back Jared Laskey, host of Adventures in the Spirit and founder of Fireborn Ministries. This episode dives deep into the role of Christian media, discerning prophetic voices, and the necessity of Bible literacy in the modern age. Christina and Jared discuss the transformative power of living a life devoted to Jesus and how media can be a tool for spreading the gospel effectively. Christina and Jared explore the theme of reformation within Christian media, focusing on the need for genuine prophetic voices that lead followers closer to Jesus. They discuss prevalent issues such as Bible illiteracy and the dangers of self-proclaimed prophetic messages circulating on platforms like TikTok. Their discussion emphasizes the importance of personal revival, understanding one’s identity in Christ, and living in the fullness of God’s graces. Jared shares his vision for a new wave of Christian programming that brings heaven to earth while staying rooted in scriptural truth and outreach. "Revival and awakening need to flow out everywhere we go... the focus is to reveal Jesus." - Jared Laskey Listen to the end for powerful prayer! CONNECT WITH OUR GUEST: Jared Laskey, Fireborn Ministries, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, Instagram, Podcast (Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey) RESOURCES: Are you a new believer and don’t know where to start? New Believer Workbook: Foundational Gospel Truths To Begin Your Relationship With Jesus Will equip you as you begin the most beautiful relationship of your life. ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest!

    41 min
  7. Embracing New Ways to Reveal Jesus Amidst Persecution With Dr. John Jackson


    Embracing New Ways to Reveal Jesus Amidst Persecution With Dr. John Jackson

    The early church thrived during times of persecution, often finding renewed strength and growth through challenges, which is relevant to today’s shifting church dynamics. In this episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera, host Christina Perera is joined by Dr. John Jackson, President of Jessup University, to explore the dynamic shifts happening in the body of Christ and how these shifts are transforming how we practice our faith. Setting the stage with enriching dialogues, Christina and Dr. Jackson examine the role of grace, the impact of persecution on church growth, and the importance of fostering genuine relationships with Jesus over mere religious observance. The conversation delves into the evolving landscape of modern Christianity, particularly among generations like Gen Z and Millennials, who are seeking authentic encounters with God rather than traditional religious programs. Throughout the discussion, Dr. Jackson shares insights on how the church can adapt to these changing needs, emphasizing the potential for discipleship in everyday settings—whether through small groups, technology, or social interactions outside conventional church environments. The episode underscores the church’s need to harness each generation’s unique contributions to reveal Jesus in today's world effectively. "Are we really making faithful followers of Jesus? Are we taking babies? Are we helping to make babies in Jesus, grow them up to be sons and daughters, and then growing them up to be fathers and mothers who are reproducing in the faith?" -Dr. John Jackson Listen to the end for prayer. CONNECT WITH OUR GUEST: Dr. John Jackson Grace Ambassador, Grace Ambassador: Bringing Heaven To Earth, Instagram, Facebook, RESOURCES: Are you a new believer and don’t know where to start? New Believer Workbook: Foundational Gospel Truths To Begin Your Relationship With Jesus Will equip you as you begin the most beautiful relationship of your life. ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: Your financial support helps this podcast reach the nations for Jesus. Sow today for an eternal harvest!

    31 min
  8. Bringing Heaven to Earth: Partnering with God for Supernatural Impact  With Jaime Luce


    Bringing Heaven to Earth: Partnering with God for Supernatural Impact With Jaime Luce

    The transformative power of prayers and declarations in aligning oneself with heaven's vision can bring about supernatural impact even amidst adversity. Don’t miss this inspiring episode of the Revealing Jesus podcast. Host Christina Perera welcomes back Jaime Luce, a fellow lover of Jesus and host of the Jaime Luce Podcast. The episode embarks on a reflective journey centered around faith, unity, and the presence of God amidst life's storms. Christina and Jamie share an enriching conversation that promises listeners a fresh perspective on navigating life's challenges with faith and resilience. Throughout the episode, the discussion unfurls around themes of spiritual growth, divine peace, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Jamie Luce shares her experiences and emphasizes that partnering with God, while often uncomfortable, can lead to more significant and supernatural outcomes under God's guidance. "The Lord tells you I'm getting ready to do something bigger, and that you have to make room," expresses a central theme of expansion and trust in God's plan. The conversation also touches upon the power of unity within the body of Christ, with Christina highlighting that "we belong to God and to one another," underscoring the importance of collective faith and support. "It's an exciting thing because it's going to produce bigger, better, what God has in store for us. But the process is difficult." -Jaime Luce Listen through for powerful prayer. CONNECT WITH OUR GUEST: Jaime Luce Ministries, The Jaime Luce Podcast, Facebook, Instagram RESOURCES: Are you facing a healing crisis? Healing Is Yours: Freely Receive Your Healing Based On Jesus’ Finished Work. It will equip you with powerful gospel truths as you navigate this season to receive your healing freely! ABOUT: Christina Perera Ministries SOCIAL CONNECT: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @christinapereraministries SUPPORT: We can only bring you this faith-building podcast with your financial gifts. Jesus, faith, prayer, peace, kingdom, revealing Jesus podcast, faith in storms, God's protection, Holy Spirit presence, Christian unity, how to find peace in chaos, importance of faith in God, praying for God's guidance, living from heaven to earth, trusting God in difficult times

    52 min
out of 5
9 Ratings


Are you hungry to hear more of Jesus? Each episode of Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera will increase your faith and cause your heart to burn with love for Jesus as you hear more of His goodness! Join Christina and leaders worldwide for all things the King and His kingdom! Listen for revelatory teaching, interviews with Christian leaders, and testimonies of His goodness in our lives! #Jesus #RevealingJesus #podcast #religionandspirituality #truth #bible #relationshipwithJesus #grace #newcovenant #graceandpeace #prayer #christianleaders #relevatoryteaching #testimonies #salvation

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