45 min

[REWIND] How We Explain Anxiety to Kids and Families Active & Connected Families

    • Parenting

It’s that time of the year again: school is up and running, the holidays are coming up and anxiety is on the rist in both kids and families. That’s why we decided to rerelease our favorite and most listened-to podcast episode today. It’s the one we send out to our clients the most because we know how helpful it is. 
In this episode we talk about how we explain anxiety in all its glory to the kids and families that walk through our door. If you or your child worries, gets grumpy, is a perfectionist, puts tons of pressure on themselves, or has difficulty sleeping— this is the podcast for you! We discuss the relationship between anxiety, sensitivity, empathy, motivation, and super powers all in this one episode. We also reveal a little about how anxiety/sensitivity impacts our own lives, because we wouldn’t be therapists without it! 
Have a listen and come over to our Facebook or Instagram and let us know your thoughts. We always love hearing from you!
You can find our full show notes here.

It’s that time of the year again: school is up and running, the holidays are coming up and anxiety is on the rist in both kids and families. That’s why we decided to rerelease our favorite and most listened-to podcast episode today. It’s the one we send out to our clients the most because we know how helpful it is. 
In this episode we talk about how we explain anxiety in all its glory to the kids and families that walk through our door. If you or your child worries, gets grumpy, is a perfectionist, puts tons of pressure on themselves, or has difficulty sleeping— this is the podcast for you! We discuss the relationship between anxiety, sensitivity, empathy, motivation, and super powers all in this one episode. We also reveal a little about how anxiety/sensitivity impacts our own lives, because we wouldn’t be therapists without it! 
Have a listen and come over to our Facebook or Instagram and let us know your thoughts. We always love hearing from you!
You can find our full show notes here.

45 min