RGD, ADCC, DesCan - Which should a student or Jr join? With Bella Sanchez, Natalie Grakovski, and Haley Greene‪.‬ Whiteboard

    • Self-Improvement

What association should you join, and why? What are the benefits? Should you go to thier conferences, and enter their awards? Which ones? Haley, Natalie, and Bella are each members of two of the major associations, and they are an great position to answer these questions. If you enjoyed this podcast and it has helped you, please share and like it. It really helps the podcast be seen by others. I can't tell you how grateful I am...music by www.bensound.com

What association should you join, and why? What are the benefits? Should you go to thier conferences, and enter their awards? Which ones? Haley, Natalie, and Bella are each members of two of the major associations, and they are an great position to answer these questions. If you enjoyed this podcast and it has helped you, please share and like it. It really helps the podcast be seen by others. I can't tell you how grateful I am...music by www.bensound.com