29 min

Riding the Title Wave: Jennifer Mason with Anthony Dedousis Venture Everywhere

    • Entrepreneurship

Episode 30 of Venture Everywhere is hosted by Anthony Dedousis, Founder and CEO of Revival Homes, a platform for homeowners building accessory dwelling units (ADUs), providing both marketplace services and lending options. Anthony chats with Jennifer Mason, Co-Founder and CEO of TitleWise, a digital platform designed for title abstractors. TitleWise's all-in-one platform streamlines workflows and automates traditional real estate title research tasks, boosting both speed and accuracy while reducing redundancy and costs. Anthony and Jennifer discuss the use of technology in modernizing title research and the real estate industry overall.

In this episode, you will hear:

How title insurance plays a crucial role in real estate transactions.

TitleWise's approach for integrating in-house and outsourced talent while upholding a robust company culture.

TitleWise’s transition from traditional methods and the importance of supporting title researchers while maintaining a human-centric approach in technology.

The challenges of aggregating public county records and dealing with diverse databases.

The value of having flexible tools for both online and on-site courthouse research.

Learn more about Jennifer Mason | TitleWise

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-m-902b3913b/
Website: https://www.titlewise.work/

Learn more about Anthony Dedousis | Revival Homes

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-dedousis-a3035920/
Website: https://www.revivaladu.com/

Episode 30 of Venture Everywhere is hosted by Anthony Dedousis, Founder and CEO of Revival Homes, a platform for homeowners building accessory dwelling units (ADUs), providing both marketplace services and lending options. Anthony chats with Jennifer Mason, Co-Founder and CEO of TitleWise, a digital platform designed for title abstractors. TitleWise's all-in-one platform streamlines workflows and automates traditional real estate title research tasks, boosting both speed and accuracy while reducing redundancy and costs. Anthony and Jennifer discuss the use of technology in modernizing title research and the real estate industry overall.

In this episode, you will hear:

How title insurance plays a crucial role in real estate transactions.

TitleWise's approach for integrating in-house and outsourced talent while upholding a robust company culture.

TitleWise’s transition from traditional methods and the importance of supporting title researchers while maintaining a human-centric approach in technology.

The challenges of aggregating public county records and dealing with diverse databases.

The value of having flexible tools for both online and on-site courthouse research.

Learn more about Jennifer Mason | TitleWise

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-m-902b3913b/
Website: https://www.titlewise.work/

Learn more about Anthony Dedousis | Revival Homes

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-dedousis-a3035920/
Website: https://www.revivaladu.com/

29 min