Rule Breaker by Rebelle

Shannon Siriano Greenwood
Rule Breaker by Rebelle

If you’ve checked all the boxes, done everything you were supposed to do, and still don’t feel like you’re where you want to be, it’s time to break some rules. Rule Breaker by Rebelle is the podcast for women who are rethinking everything they learned about life and work from straight-A report cards, princess movies, diet culture, and all the other ways that culture tells us who to be and how to act. Join Rebelle founder Shannon Siriano Greenwood for candid, funny, and moving conversations with rockstars in wellness, advocacy, entrepreneurship, and entertainment. You’ll hear stories about women who are leaders, disruptors, executives, entrepreneurs, creators, dog parents, homeschool moms, and so much more than could ever fit on a foil-embossed business card.

  1. 04/13/2021

    EP 25: Dreaming Up a Global Lifestyle Brand with Founders of Keva Style, Eva Harris and Ginny Ball

    When I was growing up, big cities were the center of everything new and exciting.   I remember going to New York City as a young person and staring at people on the street wearing the coolest newest fashion.   I went to Miami and felt like I traveled to another Universe. Even a trip to Washington DC felt like any person in a suit could be someone powerful. I associated big cities as to where you went if you wanted to build something big.   Fast forward to the age of the internet and I have noticed a shift.   Big brands can truly start from anywhere. Even before COVID, we were seeing a migration happen from larger cities to smaller ones. People leaving the cities weren’t less ambitious, they were seeing opportunities in untapped markets.   For obvious reasons, this gets me really excited. There are business rockstars now living in my backyard in the little ole Richmond, Virginia suburbs!!!   My guests today are Eva Harris and Ginny Ball, cofounders of Keva Style, a lifestyle brand that makes lightweight easy to wear jewelry. They are truly building something special from their home offices here in the burbs of Virginia.   I am amazed at how these women have huge goals of building a global lifestyle brand and they are making it happen while raising children, taking the dog for a walk, and actually living their lives!   Listen to the full episode to hear: * Where the original idea Keva Style originated and how it has changed over the years * What rules Eva and Ginny have broken in your career. (hint: not all rules need to be broken) * How the highs and lows of co-founding a startup can almost be like a domestic partnership * How to still go after your dream even when the world is pulling you in different directions * And some mission-driven advice for getting a new idea started   Learn more about Keva Style: * Keva Style ( * Instagram @mykevastyle (   Rebelle Shout Out: * Jill Cichowicz on LinkedIn ( * A Night For Scott: End the Stigma, Fight for Tomorrow ( * The Tooth Brigade (   Learn more about Shannon: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    49 min
  2. 04/06/2021

    EP 24: Building Connections Through Book Clubs with BookClubz Co-Founder, Nancy Brown

    Today my guest is breaking a rule that I never thought would come up on this show.   Nancy Brown is the co-founder of BookClubz, an online platform that helps you organize your book club for free.   BookClubz is a fast-growing company, one that essentially is competing with the giants Amazon and Good Reads–huge players in the market.   And the rule they are breaking...   They are doing it while playing nice!   BookClubz is breaking stereotypes and rules by being true to who they are and believing that you can build a fast-growing startup while being true to their values.   I would describe the founders of BookClubz as considerate founders. They truly care about the people they serve, their partners, and their investors. They aren’t interested in shortcuts to profits, or stealing business, or being a dominant force in the market. They know they have a unique product, a dedicated community and they don’t have to play the Last Man Standing game and demolish the competition.   This interview was honestly so refreshing, not only have they build a super useful way to organize your book club, but they are examples to follow of what a successful tech company can look like.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * How BookClubz helps you move past difficult logistics to the fun part–reading books * How Nancy and her team manage the co-founder relationships to divide and conquer * Why keeping BookClubz free to use is in alignment with their values and greater mission * And what they are doing to stand out and stay competitive in a land of Giants   Learn more about Nancy and BookClubz: * BookClubz ( * Instagram @bookclub.z (   Rebelle Member Spotlight – Melissa Kitto: * Communicate With Angels (   Rebelle Shout Out: * Lokii ( * Marissa Keegan (   Learn more about Shannon: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    41 min
  3. 03/16/2021

    EP 23: Holding Space with Bonkosi Horn

    I realize my tagline for this episode is a little cryptic, but when I was listening to this interview this idea of a space that brings people together kept coming back in my mind again and again.   There are some people who are really good at holding space - and what I mean by that is making people feel comfortable, seen, heard, and valued.   These might not feel like tangible things, but I assure you, they absolutely are.   Space doesn't always mean a physical space with four walls. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it’s just a feeling. A feeling you get when you are somewhere you can be completely comfortable. And if you don’t know what I mean, you are a very, very lucky person who has never been somewhere where they weren’t welcomed.   My guest today is a person who makes space. Bon - aka Bonkosi - Horn, owns a retail space in Philadelphia. They are not currently open to the public right now, but still, the mission and vision she had for her shop, Freedom Apothecary (, is still alive and well. She is still bringing people together all while quarantining at home with a brand new baby.   If you are lucky enough to meet Bonkosi, you will instantly know what I am talking about. She connects deeply and thoughtfully within 5 seconds of meeting her and she remembers everyone in a way that is truly a gift.   There is so much wisdom within this one little woman, I am excited for you to get to know a little more about her and her work in the world.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * How Bonkosi is transforming retail spaces into space where people can connect rather than just buy—and how that changed after the pandemic * How Bonkosi is breaking the rules in the wellness industry by creating boundaries * What the last year has looked like for Bonkosi’s personal and professional life, including her business partner moving from Philadelphia to New Orleans, having a baby, and growing a business mid-pandemic. * Bonkosi’s perspective on accepting versus embracing   Learn more about Bonkosi Horn: * Freedom Apothecary ( * @bonkosi ( on Instagram * @freedom.apothecary ( on Instagram   Rebelle Shout Out: * Amanda Schweck ( * The Opt-In Podcast ( Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    37 min
  4. 03/02/2021

    EP 22: PUTTING IT OUT THERE with Marissa Mullen of That Cheese Plate

    I have a confession to make, or maybe a proclamation, that I’m super proud of.   I am not afraid to email anyone.   I can cold call with the very best of them and just ask for what I want to ask for. This skill has served me super well in my life and, more specifically, today because it is how I am connected with our guest, Marissa Mullen.   She is someone I read about on the internet. I’ve been following and drooling over her Instagram account for years and I have been a superfan, even though we don’t know each other or have any mutual connections.   When the pandemic shut things down right before her book was about to be published last year, I reached out and asked Marissa to be a part of our first ever virtual conference. After a few emails she said yes and voila, now we are connected.   I share this because I have been noticing a trend in my podcast guests. The ones with the really interesting stories are often the ones who aren’t afraid to go for what they want—cold call and all.   After my conversation with Marissa, I realized she is like this, too. This woman throws her darts. And what I mean by that is that she just goes for it. She left a job she liked just fine to do something kind of crazy. Instead of holding on tight, she shot her shot, she threw her darts and she keeps throwing them again and again even if she doesn’t quite hit the target, she keeps throwing.   If you aren’t already following @thatcheeseplate ( you are missing out and if you ever wanted to know what it takes to be a cheese board influencer, you are going to love this episode.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * Why Marissa considers herself more of an educator than an influencer * What Marissa learned from the music industry that she applied to her cheese plate business * The interesting and innovative ways she’s been able to promote her new book despite COVID (and how it actually worked out really well) * How That Cheese Plate grew from 0 to 10K and now, in early 2021, to nearly 300K   Learn more about Marissa Mullen: * ( * @thatcheeseplate on Instagram ( * @MarissaMullen on Instagram (   Rebelle Member Spotlight – Julienne Brown: * ( * Empower Athlete on Instagram (   Rebelle Shout Out: * EXAU Olive Oil ( * Brittany Evans Anderson (   Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    54 min
  5. 02/23/2021

    EP 21: Filling the Gaps with Akta Adani

    When I was in college, I did an internship with a company called Honest Tea. You may have heard of it after Coca-Cola bought it and made it mainstream.   But when I was there, packing boxes of glass bottles on the floor, driving from one organic market to another doing tastings, they were still very much a startup. The idea of knowing where your food came from was still not a thing.   The founder of Honest Tea was one of the main voices pushing for Organic labeling. He personally visited each farm where his tea leaves were grown all over the world. This was truly revolutionary at the time and I wish I understood it then because that job totally drained me and I had to pee all the time from drinking so much tea.   We’ve come a long way in regards to mainstream conscious consumerism, meaning that we want to know who is making what we buy—but we still have so far to go.   My guest today is changing all that.   She is using her unique blend of skills and experience to fill in the gaps from manufacturing to selling so that brands can do what they do best—marketing and customer service—and her company can be the bridge between artisan manufacturers all over the world and the companies we buy from every day.   Akta Adani is the daughter of entrepreneurs and is using technology and relationships to build a sustainable and transparent supply chain for designers, makers, and brands for the next generation of business owners through her startup Nomadory ( Nomadory specializes in responsible sourcing and scaling retailers’ supply chain across borders and product lines.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * How Nomadory is breaking traditional sourcing rules through technology and 100% transparency * Akta’s journey with her first company and why she decided to leave it to start Nomadory * How COVID affected Nomadory and what changed for Akta since then * How Akta hopes things will be for the next generation of trusted brands with transparent supply chains   Learn more about Akta Adani: * ( * Connect with Akta on LinkedIn (   Rebelle Member Spotlight – Melissa Todd: * ( * Connect with Melissa on LinkedIn (   Rebelle Shout Out: * Sabai Design (   Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    35 min
  6. 02/16/2021

    EP 20: Redefining the Rules of Personal Disclosure with Therapist, Meghan Watson

    We are living in a time where “vulnerability” and “authenticity” are buzz words, thrown around like confetti.   We say we admire vulnerability in our leaders and we want the influencers we follow on the internet to be “authentic”. And I have heard more than once that the best way to communicate is to be your authentic self.   But I am here to argue that it is still unsafe for many people to truly be their vulnerable, authentic selves—especially on the internet where they can quite literally be threatened by anonymous users or at work where their employment is on the line.   There is still so much unspoken territory when it comes to the rules about how much of your personal life and experience is ok to share—and when and where it is safe to be vulnerable.   My guest today is a practicing therapist among many other things. I came to know of her work on Instagram. Finding a therapist on Instagram is a very millennial thing to do, I know, but what struck me about Meghan and her message is that she didn’t sound like other therapists.   She was pulling from her personal experience as well as her professional background to educate about skills we can learn and implement in our daily lives. The things Meghan’s sharing is pulled from her work with clients and the tools she uses personally in navigating her own mental health challenges.   This is new territory for a medical professional to share about their own personal stuff and I was super excited to get to talk to her about it.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * How Meghan’s breaking the rules in the world of therapy * The role honesty and vulnerability plays in Meghan’s community growth on Instagram * Meghan’s relationship with Instagram—and how she knows when it’s time to take a break offline * How Meghan’s connection with writing has evolved and how it serves her now   Learn more about Meghan Watson: * ( * @thrive_withmeg ( on Instagram * @bloom_psychology ( on Instagram   Rebelle Shout Out: * Khadija Nelson of the LIV Collective ( | The LIVE Collective on Instagram ( * Maryam Ajayi ( | Maryam Ajayi on Instagram (   Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    34 min
  7. 02/09/2021

    EP 19: Making Your Own Rules with Olivia June

    Always on this show, we are talking with women who are doing things differently.   But as I have come to learn after talking to hundreds of women about their personal journey, not everyone considers themselves a Rule Breaker.   There are two main reasons for this. Some of the people I interview are so unplugged from the expectations of others that they don’t even think about it. And others are sometimes so focused on what they want that the rules are insignificant.   My guest today is a perfect example of someone who lives by the rules, HER RULES, the ones she has made for herself. She has a guiding statement that she comes back to no matter what project she is working on, what business she is launching, or how she is showing up in the world.   Living this way is how she has been able to navigate the many highs, lows, and pivots that are par for the course when you are a woman in the world, let alone mother and female founder.   Olivia June started the tech company, VINA (, while living in San Francisco designed to help you make friends (and it made it to Apple’s top app list), had a baby, started another company, and now lives in LA with her new husband, new puppy, and baby number two on the way. You’re going to love learning more about her.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * How struggling to meet friends in a new city inspired Olivia to start VINA, a networking app for women to meet new friends * Olivia’s experience with anxiety and PMDD that led her to develop her new company, PYM * Her guiding principle in everything she creates in the world * Olivia’s stance on sharing personal versus business happening on social media   Learn more about Olivia June: ( ( * ( ( * Instagram @heyoliviajune ( * Facebook @heyvina ( * Instagram @youcanpym (   Rebelle Member Spotlight – Megan Seagram: * Seagram Systems Audio Visual ( * Megan on Instagram (   Rebelle Shout Out: * Sophia Amoruso ( * Sophia on Instagram ( * Alison Gary ( * Alison on Instagram (   Learn more about Shannon Siriano Greenwood: * What Kind Of Rule Breaker Are You? ( * SWELL by Rebelle ( * ( * Rebelle Community ( * Follow Rebelle on Instagram ( * Follow Rebelle Con on Facebook (

    50 min
  8. 02/02/2021

    EP 18: Staying In Your Zone of Genius with Jen Olmstead

    This episode is really for my marketing junkies and small business owners.   My guest today is a website designer and brilliant brand strategist who truly was a disruptor in the website template design business back in 2013 and continues to attract influential clients for her one of a kind websites.   Jen Olmstead, the co-founder of Tonic Site Shop (, has truly been living the life that so many of us aspire to have. She lives in the middle of nowhere with her three kids and handsome husband. And Jen works with well-known influential clients all over the country.   She protects her time when designing new products by going into what she calls her design cave. She creates an immersive fun process working with her one-on-one clients that includes hanging out at bougie hotels or in their homes.   Jen keeps herself spending a majority of her time working in her zone of genius-and that's doing the design work in her business which is so hard for so many leaders, not just in the business of marketing.   This is a topic that comes up in our SWELL groups all the time. If you aren't familiar with SWELL, it's our small group program where we match you with four or five other leaders to support you in monthly sessions together.   The reason this comes up so much is that it's hard as a leader to decide what your role should be. Some prefer to delegate everything and become the leader of the business versus the doer in the business. They stay so far in the weeds, doing so many menial tasks because it's hard for them to ask for help and delegate.   But people like Jen intentionally define what their role is and stick to it. She loves the design work and the branding so she spends her time doing just that. Jen is a gift and her work is absolutely beautiful. I know you're going to love this conversation.   Listen to the full episode to hear: * How Jen ensures that she's doing what she loves and is in the thick of her business-rather than delegating everything out * Why knowing and living your zone of genius is essential to serving your business best * Why it's so important to learn how to say no and delegate things in your business * How Jen's brand cocktail quizzes help influence product development * The evolution and lessons of Tonic Site Shop from 2013 all the way to the present day   Learn more about Jen Olmstead: ( ( * ( Site Shop (   Rebelle Member Spotlight - Brinkley Taliaferro: ( ( * ( ( * Connect with Brinkley on Instagram (   Rebelle Shout Out: ( ( * ( Cochran ( * Connect with Shay on Instagram ( * ( * Connected with Cheyenne on Instagram (

    40 min
out of 5
8 Ratings


If you’ve checked all the boxes, done everything you were supposed to do, and still don’t feel like you’re where you want to be, it’s time to break some rules. Rule Breaker by Rebelle is the podcast for women who are rethinking everything they learned about life and work from straight-A report cards, princess movies, diet culture, and all the other ways that culture tells us who to be and how to act. Join Rebelle founder Shannon Siriano Greenwood for candid, funny, and moving conversations with rockstars in wellness, advocacy, entrepreneurship, and entertainment. You’ll hear stories about women who are leaders, disruptors, executives, entrepreneurs, creators, dog parents, homeschool moms, and so much more than could ever fit on a foil-embossed business card.

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