37 min

S1 E4: Our Corporate Speech Overlords Views on First

    • News Commentary

Social media platforms make more decisions about free speech every minute than the Supreme Court has made in more than two hundred years. So the values and systems adopted by these Corporate Speech Overlords matter a lot. Guests Nicole Wong—former Google VP and Twitter Exec—and Alex Stamos—Director of the Stanford Internet Observatory and former Facebook Chief Security Officer—tell the story of how Big Tech stumbled its way through developing systems of speech regulation, from the early...

Social media platforms make more decisions about free speech every minute than the Supreme Court has made in more than two hundred years. So the values and systems adopted by these Corporate Speech Overlords matter a lot. Guests Nicole Wong—former Google VP and Twitter Exec—and Alex Stamos—Director of the Stanford Internet Observatory and former Facebook Chief Security Officer—tell the story of how Big Tech stumbled its way through developing systems of speech regulation, from the early...

37 min