6 min

S2 E11. How to cope with diet culture during the holiday season Food & Life Freedom with Emma Townsin

    • Nutrition

The holidays is no holiday for diet culture. These 3 steps can help you stay grounded and confident in your own body and avoid being drawn back into dieting.

For more support, join the Anti-Diet Guide to Overcoming Emotional Eating online course. With lessons, exploratory activities and practical tools to feel good around food into 2024 and beyond!


I'm Emma Townsin, a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and founder of Food Life Freedom. I support you to stop
out-of-control emotional eating, binge eating and feeling stressed over food... without falling into a diet cycle.


*This podcast can't provide individualised health or nutrition advice. We are all unique . Please use this as an opportunity to learn and explore but if something does not sit with you then it's not meant for your unique self. And if you have any health concerns, please seek personalised support from a registered healthcare provider.

The holidays is no holiday for diet culture. These 3 steps can help you stay grounded and confident in your own body and avoid being drawn back into dieting.

For more support, join the Anti-Diet Guide to Overcoming Emotional Eating online course. With lessons, exploratory activities and practical tools to feel good around food into 2024 and beyond!


I'm Emma Townsin, a Registered Dietitian, a Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor and founder of Food Life Freedom. I support you to stop
out-of-control emotional eating, binge eating and feeling stressed over food... without falling into a diet cycle.


*This podcast can't provide individualised health or nutrition advice. We are all unique . Please use this as an opportunity to learn and explore but if something does not sit with you then it's not meant for your unique self. And if you have any health concerns, please seek personalised support from a registered healthcare provider.

6 min