55 min

Sam Wineburg: History professor, author, truth-seeker, and Wikipedia fan Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People

    • Documentary

Sam Wineburg teaches us how you can tell what’s credible from what’s not on the internet. Wineburg directs Stanford’s PhD program in History Education, the only program of its kind in North America, http://sheg.stanford.edu His interdisciplinary scholarship sits at the crossroads of three fields: history, cognitive science, and education, and has appeared in such diverse outlets as Cognitive Science, Journal of American History, Smithsonian Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times.

Sam Wineburg teaches us how you can tell what’s credible from what’s not on the internet. Wineburg directs Stanford’s PhD program in History Education, the only program of its kind in North America, http://sheg.stanford.edu His interdisciplinary scholarship sits at the crossroads of three fields: history, cognitive science, and education, and has appeared in such diverse outlets as Cognitive Science, Journal of American History, Smithsonian Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times.

55 min