39 min

Sara Olsher - Mighty & Bright We're Winging It

    • Parenting

Helping Families Thrive Through Hard TimesMighty + Bright is about helping families handle the really hard things in life. We can't control the cards we're dealt, but we can control how we respond to it, and the message we send to our kids. For Sara, the message is this: Live your truth. Don't hide from the hard stuff, because it'll come whether you try to avoid it or not.Sara’s background is in psychology and illustration, and after her divorce she used both of these skills to create t...

Helping Families Thrive Through Hard TimesMighty + Bright is about helping families handle the really hard things in life. We can't control the cards we're dealt, but we can control how we respond to it, and the message we send to our kids. For Sara, the message is this: Live your truth. Don't hide from the hard stuff, because it'll come whether you try to avoid it or not.Sara’s background is in psychology and illustration, and after her divorce she used both of these skills to create t...

39 min