15 min

Saturday Evening, Proper 2 after Pentecost An Evening at Prayer - an Episcopal Evening Prayer Podcast

    • Christianity

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 110: 1-5, 6-7, 116, 117, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Proverbs 8:22-36 , The Rev. Cody Maynus, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: 3 John 1-15, Corey Sees, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Matthew 12:15-21, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

Officiant: Fr. Wiley Ammons, Psalm(s): Psalm 110: 1-5, 6-7, 116, 117, Laura Ammons, Old Testament: Proverbs 8:22-36 , The Rev. Cody Maynus, First Canticle: 9, New Testament: 3 John 1-15, Corey Sees, Second Canticle: 15, Gospel: Matthew 12:15-21, Mtr. Lisa Meirow. Logo image by Laura Ammons, used by permission.

15 min