SEASON FINALE: Correspondence of Reb Chaim & Rav Avigdor Neventzal and more Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Brodt

    • Judaism

2:00 Letters between R' Chaim and R' Neventzal & their relationship
10:00 Letter related to Kabbalah
12:55 Saying not like Rishonim
16:50 Letters between R' Chaim and R' Simcha Waldenberg
18:05 Learning with a lamp on Shabbas
20:10 Longer Letters of R' Chaim
21:20 Teshuvos of R' Chaim: Daas Noteh
24:20 Contradictions in Letters of R' Chaim
26:20 Goals of Daas Noteh project
29:00 R' Tiger and his letters with R' Chaim
30:40 A Rav giving reasons for his Pesak
32:20 Benefits of writing briefly
34:00 Contradiction between R' Chaim Seforim and his Teshuvos
38:00 R' Chaim and Teshuvos of the Rogatchover Gaon

An ALL TORAH original podcast.
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2:00 Letters between R' Chaim and R' Neventzal & their relationship
10:00 Letter related to Kabbalah
12:55 Saying not like Rishonim
16:50 Letters between R' Chaim and R' Simcha Waldenberg
18:05 Learning with a lamp on Shabbas
20:10 Longer Letters of R' Chaim
21:20 Teshuvos of R' Chaim: Daas Noteh
24:20 Contradictions in Letters of R' Chaim
26:20 Goals of Daas Noteh project
29:00 R' Tiger and his letters with R' Chaim
30:40 A Rav giving reasons for his Pesak
32:20 Benefits of writing briefly
34:00 Contradiction between R' Chaim Seforim and his Teshuvos
38:00 R' Chaim and Teshuvos of the Rogatchover Gaon

An ALL TORAH original podcast.
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