Welcome to the SPS Podcast. Episode 72: The 4hr work day is a lie (or is it?)Framing quotes for the episode: "I set a timer and lock myself out of the internet for 90 minutes.""For every 45 minutes of focusing on a screen, take a five-minute walk to get into panoramic vision." - Andrew HubermanLet's talk about... the 4-hour workday...Is it real?Yes and No.You see… when I hear the phrase 4-hour work day what I hear is 4 hours of deep work done each day.Because that’s what these gUrUs mean… 4 hours of impactful work. They don’t mean 4 hours of sitting at your desk doing repetitive or dumb sh*t tasks.The thing is… I don’t think many entrepreneurs (except for super super super successful ones with more VAs than fingers) work only 4 hours a day.In fact, many of them, including me, talk about doing 3 and even 4 (on a good day) sets of 90-minute sprints.I’m not the best at math but even 3 sets of 90 minutes is 4.5 hours.Now, any honest business owner, creator, or so called expert will tell you it takes at least 5 to 6 hours to do 4 hours of deep work.Why?Because you take breaks. The brain needs breaks. Even those on heavy doses of Adderall still need to get up once in a while and pee.You know… no one on this giant ball of gas works for 4 hours straight without a few mini breaks or slips in concentration.At best It’s a catchy slogan. At worst it's a straight-up lie.But making sure you do 4 hours of impactful high-value/dollar work is a fact I can get behind.Every day through Monday to Friday I use a 4-hour count-down clock (I drop it to 2 hours on the weekendI then do deep work, play with ideas, or speak with clients (speaking with people who pay you money for your support is deep work for me)Now… I’ve been using a timer for the last year in this way and it showed me it takes me around 6 to 8 hours to get 4 hours of deep work done.Why?Because that's how I like to run my days.For example… I get up around 530 am and start working around 6 am.I break at 7 am to make coffee and talk with my wife before she goes to work. I do another 30 minutes of work before 8 am. That's my first 90-minute sprint done.After getting up, 90 minutes of deep work took me 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete.I can tell you right now that’s fairly efficient.I then do another 90-minute sprint until 10 am. This sprint is my best sprint for deep work. I’m alone in the house and have one single purpose… get sh*t done.Now, I don’t want to bore you with my daily schedule, but I finish my 3 big deep work tasks each day around 2 pm.Between going for walks, making food, and doing social media stuff, I don't get to my last 90-minute sprint until about 12:30 pm.(or later)So, with all that said, my 4 hours of deep work can take me, on average, 6, 7 or even 8 hours to complete after getting up.However, by 2 pm (most days) my day is all mine. I could work a little faster, but I have no reason to and I'm tactically lazy.Now… some performance “experts” will push back on this… but they’re full of poop.I can hear them now: "You can do four hours straight with a mini 20-minute break in between."So it's the 4:20 work day... you might be high bruv...My advice... find a way to get your deep work done that works with your lifestyle and identity.Obviously… the average business owner has a family, responsibilities, team members, and meetings to attend.So, to accomplish 4 hours of deep impactful work and live the 4-hour work day, give yourself at least 6 hours to do it.Remember… don’t be bamboozled by fancy slogans. Stephen links: Future You Matrix:https://www.stephentimoney.com/future-you Visit the website: https://www.stephentimoney.com/ Join the email list: https://www.stephentimoney.com/the-list Follow me here: Twitter LinkedIn Big love,STFan of the truth.