51 min

Sex Drive Myths and Middle Age Sex Girl Boner Radio: True Sex and Relationship Stories

    • Sexuality

Learn five sex drive myths and Dr. Megan Fleming's thoughts on a listener's concerns about her partner's lower-than-hers libido. Then August chats with Chloe Jeffries, a labor and delivery nurse and blogger, about vaginal atrophy, estrogen loss and libido boosters. Do Viagra-like drugs miss the point? Plus, learn about sex educator Natalie Hatjes' Intimacy After Illness online course—she's providing a discount for #GirlBoner fans!

Learn five sex drive myths and Dr. Megan Fleming's thoughts on a listener's concerns about her partner's lower-than-hers libido. Then August chats with Chloe Jeffries, a labor and delivery nurse and blogger, about vaginal atrophy, estrogen loss and libido boosters. Do Viagra-like drugs miss the point? Plus, learn about sex educator Natalie Hatjes' Intimacy After Illness online course—she's providing a discount for #GirlBoner fans!

51 min

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