29 min


    • Sexuality

Astrology has been around in various forms for thousands of years. Some people call it a pseudoscience, while many highly successful people base all of their major decisions on the stars.
Where you stand on the subject is your business. I’m not an expert in astrology by a long shot, but I can’t help but notice that there are very similar traits shared by friends who were born under the same signs. Eerily similar sometimes. Plus, I’ve had plenty of vivid psychic premonitions come true and multiple otherworldly experiences so I’m much more open-minded about the metaphysical world than others.
For my last birthday I decided to treat myself to a astrological reading. I asked around for some referrals and my friend Damona Hoffman, host of the podcast Dates & Mates recommended an astrologer she’s had on her show, Danny Santos.

Then I discovered that Danny specializes in sex/love/relationship/intimacy astrological compatibility!
From the age of 11 years old, Danny Santos has shown an active interest in studying Astrology and Tarot. With Spanish and Cuban roots, both sides of his family have always been deeply connected to spirituality. Danny’s great grandmother was a tarot reader in her local village in Spain [and Danny still has the deck she read with to this day]. Through the guidance of other practitioners, Danny has spent nearly two decades furthering his education in astrology and tarot.
In his practice, Danny specializes in readings for couples, and will delve into their romantic compatibility using astrology, numerology and tarot. Danny’s readings give partners a unique glimpse into their romantic and sexual futures to see if their sexual stars are aligned. Remember, he’s not a licensed therapist so please enter into this work with an open mind and heart. You can find Danny online @santoscrystalvisions and arrange a reading with him by calling (248) 953-9082.
Sex Ed The Musical is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Podtail, IHeartRadio, Podbay, Spotify and more.
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Also, if you’d leave us a 5-Star Review wherever you enjoy podcasts, we’d ever so gratefully appreciate it.
Be sure to check out my writing on Medium.com here!
If there’s anything you’d like to hear on this show, or if you have any questions email me at info@sexedthemusical.com
Thanks, as always, for listening.
See you next time!

Astrology has been around in various forms for thousands of years. Some people call it a pseudoscience, while many highly successful people base all of their major decisions on the stars.
Where you stand on the subject is your business. I’m not an expert in astrology by a long shot, but I can’t help but notice that there are very similar traits shared by friends who were born under the same signs. Eerily similar sometimes. Plus, I’ve had plenty of vivid psychic premonitions come true and multiple otherworldly experiences so I’m much more open-minded about the metaphysical world than others.
For my last birthday I decided to treat myself to a astrological reading. I asked around for some referrals and my friend Damona Hoffman, host of the podcast Dates & Mates recommended an astrologer she’s had on her show, Danny Santos.

Then I discovered that Danny specializes in sex/love/relationship/intimacy astrological compatibility!
From the age of 11 years old, Danny Santos has shown an active interest in studying Astrology and Tarot. With Spanish and Cuban roots, both sides of his family have always been deeply connected to spirituality. Danny’s great grandmother was a tarot reader in her local village in Spain [and Danny still has the deck she read with to this day]. Through the guidance of other practitioners, Danny has spent nearly two decades furthering his education in astrology and tarot.
In his practice, Danny specializes in readings for couples, and will delve into their romantic compatibility using astrology, numerology and tarot. Danny’s readings give partners a unique glimpse into their romantic and sexual futures to see if their sexual stars are aligned. Remember, he’s not a licensed therapist so please enter into this work with an open mind and heart. You can find Danny online @santoscrystalvisions and arrange a reading with him by calling (248) 953-9082.
Sex Ed The Musical is available on iTunes, Stitcher, Podtail, IHeartRadio, Podbay, Spotify and more.
Please share and follow wherever you enjoy podcasts.
Also, if you’d leave us a 5-Star Review wherever you enjoy podcasts, we’d ever so gratefully appreciate it.
Be sure to check out my writing on Medium.com here!
If there’s anything you’d like to hear on this show, or if you have any questions email me at info@sexedthemusical.com
Thanks, as always, for listening.
See you next time!

29 min