21 min

Episode 73 - Dr. Renee Dua She Dynasty

    • Careers

On this episode of She Dynasty, Valerie’s doing something that’s never been done before on She Dynasty - she’s welcoming back her first ever return guest! Dr. Renee Dua, who founded Heal in 2014, is back with a whole new enterprise and revolutionizing the healthcare space once again with a personal health assistant, Renee. Tune in to hear more about how navigating the healthcare system for her aging parent sparked the need for her to automate herself in order to provide the care that they, and everyone deserves.

On this episode of She Dynasty, Valerie’s doing something that’s never been done before on She Dynasty - she’s welcoming back her first ever return guest! Dr. Renee Dua, who founded Heal in 2014, is back with a whole new enterprise and revolutionizing the healthcare space once again with a personal health assistant, Renee. Tune in to hear more about how navigating the healthcare system for her aging parent sparked the need for her to automate herself in order to provide the care that they, and everyone deserves.

21 min