29 min

Shell and The Open Exploration of Energy - StudioX CEO Jeff Allyn The VentureFuel Visionaries

    • Entrepreneurship

Jeff Allyn is the CEO of StudioX, a first-of-its-kind open innovation studio powered by Shell that brings a collaborative approach to reimagine energy exploration and break down the silos of traditional R&D - they call it “open exploration.” We talk about their new model and how it is accelerating the pace of innovation in climate tech and the energy industry's transformation.

Jeff Allyn is the CEO of StudioX, a first-of-its-kind open innovation studio powered by Shell that brings a collaborative approach to reimagine energy exploration and break down the silos of traditional R&D - they call it “open exploration.” We talk about their new model and how it is accelerating the pace of innovation in climate tech and the energy industry's transformation.

29 min