33 min

Shorter of Breath and One Day Closer to Death, featuring Road Rash PDX Sucks

    • Improv

This would be a return to form if I ever had form to begin with. Instead, it's a quick check-in to reveal my (mostly) legitimate excuses for staying away from microphones for a while. Topics include: 31st Ave W and Fecal Street, Happy Birthday to Me, People LOVE podcast ads, and Danger is my middle name.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.

This would be a return to form if I ever had form to begin with. Instead, it's a quick check-in to reveal my (mostly) legitimate excuses for staying away from microphones for a while. Topics include: 31st Ave W and Fecal Street, Happy Birthday to Me, People LOVE podcast ads, and Danger is my middle name.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.

33 min