Simply The Best: Great Companions Around The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Simply The Best: Great Companions Around The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Podcast

This podcast presents the series "Noble Ones Around The Chosen One", by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): "The best people are those of my generation". The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives.

  1. 07/30/2018

    19 – Nusayba – Defender of the Prophet ﷺ

    Nusayba (may Allah be pleased with her) was a very courageous women from Madina. She was known as Umm Umara. She accepted Islam after hearing the words of Mus’ab ibn Umair (may Allah be pleased with him) about Islam. She was one of only two women to pledge allegiance to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) at the second pledge at 'Aqaba. Nusayba was very distinguished among the Muslims. She had accepted Islam before ever meeting the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Nusayba's bravery was on full display at the battle of Uhud. After the Muslims broke rank and chaos ensued, Nusayba stood firm to protect the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). She participated in most of the battles during the prophetic era, never wavering at the slightest. She asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to ask Allah that the believers are with him in paradise. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) raised his hands and made the famous supplucation. Nusayba will always be known as someone who stood up for justice and truth. This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( — For more SeekersGuidance podcasts and podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

    12 min
  2. 07/20/2018

    18 – Umm Salama – The Knowledgable Women’s Rights Activist

    Umm Salama and her husband  Abdullah ibn Abdul-Asad were of the first people to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) starting receiving revelation. When the news reached the Quraysh of them accepting Islam, they began to persecute them very harshly. They stayed committed to their new faith, and remained steadfast. As the persecution continued they were unable to worship Allah without fearing harm. So along with a group of Muslims, they were given permission  to migrate to Abyssinia where they could worship Allah without fear of harm. Even though they were granted safety in Abyssinia, Umm Salama and her husband longed to return to Makka to be near the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The family was separated on their attempts to migrate to Madina. Abdullah was able to migrate. After some time they were united. After the battle of Uhud Abdullah died. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) preposed to Umm Salama. She told the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that she was a very jealous person. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made du'a to rid her of her jealously  and it was answered.   This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( — For more SeekersGuidance podcasts and podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

    9 min
  3. 07/13/2018

    17 – Salman al-Farsi – Searcher of the Truth

    In this podcast, Shaykh Sadullah Khan briefly introduces the noble companion Salman al-Farsi (may Allah be pleased with him). Salman heard of a prophet coming to Arabia and went there to test the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to see if he was a prophet. He witnessed his character, truthfulness, and uprightness and Salman accepted Islam. After accepting Islam he was someone who become very beloved to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Salman, he is from my household.” Salman suggested the building of the trench at the Battle of the Trench to protect the Muslims from their enemy. Salman was honored by his piety and elevated by his faith. Salman al-Farsi was one of the three mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) that paradise longed for.   This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( — For more SeekersGuidance podcasts and podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

    6 min
  4. 07/06/2018

    16 – Hassan ibn Thabit – Poet of the Prophet ﷺ

    In this podcast Shaykh Sadullah Khan introduces the great companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) Hassan ibn Thabit. He was known to be an arbiter and peace maker before accepting Islam. He would travel to give public talks. He embraced Islam at the first sight of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and was from the Ansar. He became famous for using his poetic skills. He became an ardent champion of the cause of Islam and responded to the Quraysh with poetry. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) would ask him to recite poetry. He would respond with majestic praise of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was able to do with his poetry what others could do with their swords. He lived to 120 years old, having lived 60 years before accepting Islam, and 60 years after accepting Islam. This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( -- For more SeekersGuidance podcasts and podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

    7 min
  5. 06/26/2018

    15 – Tufayl ibn ‘Amr al-Dawsi – Led His Tribe to Faith

    Tufayl ibn 'Amr al-Dawsi was known in Makka as a leader, for his keen interest in poetry, and to be very generous. He was the chief of the tribe of Daws. He was not only a leader, but his poetry was like magic to the ears. After Tufayl heard the words of Allah, he commented that they were like no words he had ever heard, and he accepted Islam. A light emanated from him after accepting Islam. He immediately called his tribe to Islam after accepting Islam himself. His tribe rejected Islam harshly, and in fact, increased in their improprieties. Tufayl asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) to pray for them. Tufayl returned to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) with 80 families having accepted Islam.   This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( -- For more SeekersGuidance podcasts and podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through the monthly donation by going to – your donations are tax-deductible in the US and Canada.

    7 min
  6. 06/06/2018

    14 – Thumama bin Uthal – From Royalty to Follower

    Thumama was one of the most powerful Arab rulers before Islam. He was a ruler of the Banu Hanifa tribe and one of the rulers of Al-Yamama. No one dared to challenge what he said. When Thumama received the letter of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) calling him to Islam, he was consumed by anger and rejected it. He wanted to kill the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Thumama killed a group of companions. He was later by the companions. When the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) saw Thumama, he asked the companions if they knew who they had captured. He (peace and blessigs be upon him) told them they had captured Thumama the leader of Banu Hanifa. While captured Thumama had the best of food and drink, and was cared for very well. After three days the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) set him free. Due to this care and concern Thumama entered Islam. This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( -- For more SeekersGuidance podcasts and podcast shows, visit Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

    10 min
  7. 05/23/2018

    13 – Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman – The Trusted Confidante

    In this podcast Shaykh Sadullah Khan introduces the great companion Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman (may Allah be pleased with him). He was from the tribe 'Abs, who had accepted Islam. Hudhayfa grew up between both Makka and Madina. This is how Hudhyfa had a connection to both Makka and Madina. Hudhayfa grew up in a Muslim household. His parents were of the first to accept Islam in Madina, therefore he accepted Islam before meeting Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and give him peace). Hudhayfa’s was trustworthy and had a sharp mind. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) confided in Hudhayfa who the hypocrites were. Thus Hudhayfa became known as the the bearer of the Prophet's secrets (peace and blessings be upon him). Hudhayfa participated in all the battles with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) except Badr.   This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( — Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting

    10 min
  8. 05/04/2018

    12 – Abu Dharr – The Ascetic Activist

    The Ghifari tribe was known to raid the caravans as they travelled between Syria and Makka. From this tribe came Jundub ibn Junadah to be known as Abu Dharr. Abu Dharr didn’t worship idols like others in his tribe. He heard of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in Mecca calling to one God, and was  intrigued. He went to Mecca and was impressed by the Prophetic character. Abu Dharr embraced Islam and was one of the earliest people to enter Islam. Abu Dharr was of the first to publicly profess his Islam and was attacked for it. The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) had tremendous love for Abu Dharr. Abu Dharr spent his life proclaiming the truth, and protecting poor people.   This podcast presents the series “Noble Ones Around The Chosen One”, by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): “The best people are those of my generation”. The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives. Shaykh Sadullah Khan memorized the Qur’an at the age of eight, studied Law in South Africa, Journalism in Britain and Islamic Studies in Egypt and USA. He has spearheaded youth development programs in South Africa and the USA for two decades; has been an inspiring religious leader, motivational speaker and an educator for the past 25 years. Shaykh Sadullah is currently the CEO of the Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( — Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting

    9 min

Ratings & Reviews

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7 Ratings


This podcast presents the series "Noble Ones Around The Chosen One", by Shaykh Sadullah Khan, originally delivered at Masjid al-Furqan, Islamia College, in Cape Town, South Africa ( The series highlights snapshots of the lives of the phenomenal people who were in the company of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about his companions (may God be pleased with them): "The best people are those of my generation". The series aims to inspire us and empower us with knowledge of these exemplary personalities through reflecting on their principled lives.

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