34 episodes

How do I build my network marketing business? How do I make money online? How do I build a business from home so I can be a present parent? How can I create passive income? How do I market my business? How do I automate my network marketing business?

And the biggest questions of all…can I REALLY support my children on my own? Can I REALLY have a successful network marketing business?

Whether you’re a dreamer, have your network marketing as a side hustle, or you want to grow an empire for you and your family, this is the show for you!

The Single Parent Super Power Podcast is a live workshop-style business and marketing podcast packed with actionable, step-by-step tips that have helped thousands of people just like you, build the home business they want so they can live the live they deserve.

Tune in weekly and subscribe so you can train with me and other industry experts on how you can build a solid Network Marketing business, that pays you a residual income month after month, year after year, all from home, so you can be a present parent.



Single Parent Super Power Samantha Gamble

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 19 Ratings

How do I build my network marketing business? How do I make money online? How do I build a business from home so I can be a present parent? How can I create passive income? How do I market my business? How do I automate my network marketing business?

And the biggest questions of all…can I REALLY support my children on my own? Can I REALLY have a successful network marketing business?

Whether you’re a dreamer, have your network marketing as a side hustle, or you want to grow an empire for you and your family, this is the show for you!

The Single Parent Super Power Podcast is a live workshop-style business and marketing podcast packed with actionable, step-by-step tips that have helped thousands of people just like you, build the home business they want so they can live the live they deserve.

Tune in weekly and subscribe so you can train with me and other industry experts on how you can build a solid Network Marketing business, that pays you a residual income month after month, year after year, all from home, so you can be a present parent.



    Financial Independence for Single Parents: Network Marketing FAQ's Answered - Episode 33

    Financial Independence for Single Parents: Network Marketing FAQ's Answered - Episode 33

    How To Achieve Financial Independence Through Network Marketing for Single Parents: 10 Common questions asked and answered 
    10 common questions that get asked when learning how to start a network marketing business. 
    How can I balance the demands of my family and my network marketing business?What skills do I need to develop to succeed in network marketing?How can I build a strong network of customers and distributors?What products or services should I focus on selling?How much time should I dedicate to my network marketing business each week?What are the most effective marketing strategies for network marketing?How can I avoid scams and choose a reputable network marketing company?How much money can I realistically expect to earn from my network marketing business?What are the common pitfalls and challenges faced by single parents in network marketing?How can I stay motivated and overcome obstacles in my network marketing journey?

    #1 How can I balance the demands of my family and my network marketing business?
    Balancing the demands of family and business can be challenging, but it's important to establish a schedule that works for you and your family. This may involve setting aside specific times of the day for work, prioritizing tasks based on importance, and outsourcing tasks when possible. For example, you could set aside two hours each day to focus on your network marketing business while your children are at school, and then spend the rest of the day with your family.
    #2 What skills do I need to develop to succeed in network marketing?
    To succeed in network marketing, it's important to develop skills such as effective communication, sales, and leadership. The great thing about Network Marketing, is you will Earn while you Learn. You will be learning everyday from your support team. If they are successful, then all you have to do, is copy what they are doing and you will be successful too.
    Get to know the tools that you have access to. Rely on the tools versus you’re knowledge about the products, compensation plan, company, etc. Keep everything you do, duplicatable.
    #3 How can I build a strong network of customers and distributors?
    Building a strong network of customers and distributors involves developing relationships with others and providing them with value. This may involve reaching out to your personal network, attending events, and leveraging social media platforms. For example, you could start by reaching out to friends and family members and ask them if they are open to taking a look at your new product / service you. The worse case scenario, they say no 🤷🏻‍♀️. Our job as distributors is, expose, expose, expose. Our job is NOT convince, convince, convince.

    Stay consistent with asking “are you open to taking a look…” everyday!
    #4 What products or services should I focus on selling?
    The products or services you choose to focus on selling will depend on your interests and the needs of your target market. It's important to choose products or services that you believe in and that offer value to your customers. For example, if you're passionate about health and wellness, you could focus on selling products related to nutrition and fitness.

    When you’re passionate about the products or services, it will make building your business a lot more fun and it will build faster, because people will be able to feel your passion.
    #5 How much time should I dedicate to my network marketing business each week?
    The amount of time you dedicate to your network marketing business will depend on your goals and availability. It's important to set realistic...

    • 37 min
    Crush Your Goals: How to Work Your Month Like a Pro #32

    Crush Your Goals: How to Work Your Month Like a Pro #32

    Crush Your Goals: How to Work Your Month Like a ProEpisode 32

    Maximizing Your Monthly Earnings and Impacting Lives (00:00 - 05:23)

    2. Leveraging Your Time For Maximum Duplication and Profit (05:24 - 10:44)

    3. Unveiling the Benefits of Setting up a Subscription Order (10:44 - 15:42)

    4. Maximizing Bonuses and Rank Advancement During the Last Five Days of the Month 
    (15:43 - 20:41)

    5. Lead by Example - Don't Give Up On Your Goals 
    (20:41 - 21:14)

    Key Take Aways:

    1. Lead by example and never give up.

    2. Follow up with team members to ensure product usage.

    3. Encourage team members to sign up for subscriptions for discounts.

    4. Help team members get to the next rank in the compensation plan.

    5. Keep the process simple for people to understand.

    6. Rely on external validation to gain trust.

    7. Have a clear plan for the month with an income and rank goal in mind.

    8. Leverage time and tools to maximize results.

    Are you looking to build a successful network marketing business? Do you want to maximize your month and achieve your goals? In this article, we'll share some tips on how to effectively build your network marketing business and make the most out of your month.

    Set Your Goals

    The first step in maximizing your month is to set clear and specific goals. At the beginning of the month, take some time to identify what you want to achieve by the end of the month. This may include the rank you want to reach and the amount of money you'd like to earn. Write down your goals and keep them visible throughout the month to help you stay focused.

    Focus on Introducing Others

    For the first two weeks of the month, focus on introducing as many people as possible to your products and opportunity. This may involve hosting events, reaching out to your personal network, or leveraging social media to reach new people. The goal during this time is to build your prospect list and introduce your business to as many people as possible.

    Help Your Team Members

    During the second half of the month, shift your focus to helping your new team members build their businesses. Spend time working with them one-on-one to help them get started, and encourage them to reach out to their own networks to expand their reach. By helping your team members succeed, you'll also be helping yourself reach your own goals.

    Check In With Your Organization

    As the end of the month approaches, it's important to check in with your organization to see who is close to the next rank, who is slightly short for their monthly order, or who needs help placing their monthly order. This is also a good time to check in with your customers to ensure their monthly orders have processed correctly.

    Take Action

    The final days of the month are critical for maximizing your results. Use this time to take action and make sure you're doing everything you can to help your team members and customers succeed. This may involve following up with prospects, making calls to your team members, or hosting a last-minute event to help people reach their goals.

    In conclusion, building a successful network marketing business requires focus, dedication, and a clear strategy. By setting clear goals, focusing on introducing others, helping your team members, and taking action, you can maximize your month and achieve the results you desire. So take action today and start building your network marketing business!

    • 28 min
    Staying Motivated and Positive: How to Push Through Difficult Times as a Single Parent Entrepreneur #031

    Staying Motivated and Positive: How to Push Through Difficult Times as a Single Parent Entrepreneur #031

    Staying Motivated and Positive: How to Push Through Difficult Times as a Single Parent Entrepreneur
    Episode #031

    Today, we’ll be discussing how to stay motivated when things are not going your way in either your personal life,  business life, or even both, at the same time are making you feel frustrated and overwhelmed.

    It happens. There was a time when the company I was with changed their compensation plan, again, for the worse again, and key leaders on my team were seriously talking about quitting. They had had enough. I didn’t blame them, but I was trying to hold my business together, trying to settle my team down and talking to corporate to try to get them to fix what they did. Both my daughters were in a very expensive private school at the time. I was the mom, dad and provider and here’s my business on the brink of going up in flames. That same week, I discovered the man I had been dating for 3 years, at the time, the guy I thought I was madly in love with, had been cheating on me pretty much the entire time we were together.

    I just wanted to crawl into be and stay there.
    I didn’t want to deal with my business
    I didn’t want to deal with my personal life, I just wanted to stay in bed.
    And I did, for 1 day.
    I drove my girls to school, came home, hopped back into bed.
    I didn’t answer a single call or reply to a single text all day.
    Picked up my girls from school. 
    Told them I had a headache and went back to bed.
    I had pizza delivered and called it a day.

    I’m not proud of how I handled what was going on, but when shit hits the fan from multiple directions, you’re bound to get hit in the face with some. That’s life sometimes.

    I realized that I couldn’t continue to live everyday in bed. I had major responsibilities, not only to my daughters, but also to my team, so I had to dig deep and tapped into my Driving Force.

    I incorporated the tips and strategies I’m going to give you here today and managed to get up, take a shower, and began dealing with my issues at hand, one at a time.

    It was not easy, but I took one step in the right direction over and over again until I was out of the mess and back on track.

    Then I kept doing what I’m about to share with you, and still do today. This helps prevent, or at least it helps minimize the rut, slump, frustration or overwhelm that we find ourselves in from time to time and keep the motivation to move forward going.

    “The Struggle of Staying Motivated”
    We all know how hard it is to stay motivated when things aren't going well. Whether your personal life is in shambles or your business is not growing as fast as you expected, like in my story I just shared with you, it’s easy to give up on everything and throw in the towel. But here's the thing: success requires consistent action, even when it feels like nothing is working. We need to dig deep and find the motivation within ourselves to keep going- no matter what!

    Here are the Tips & Strategies I use to Stay Motivated:

    They are tried-and-tested to help you stay motivated, even when things seem impossible...

    1. Give yourself grace. Cut yourself some slack from time to time- sometimes it’s okay if you don’t have that extra energy or enthusiasm for doing something. Acknowledge where you are right now instead of expecting too much from yourself

    2. Celebrate small wins. It can be really hard when our main goal seems far away or out of reach, so celebrate each step along the way! Celebrating small wins helps us appreciate our progress while also keeping us motivated to keep going

    3. Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparing ourselves can be detrimental...

    • 20 min
    The Power of an Accountability Partner #30

    The Power of an Accountability Partner #30

    The Power of an Accountability PartnerEpisode #30
    One of the many advantages of building a network marketing business happens to also be one of the things that makes it so appealing to parents, especially single parents.  
    That is…you are your own boss, and you set your own hours.

    No one looking over your shoulder with deadlines and project due dates. No one checking your time sheet to see if you arrived late or left early. If one of your children wake up sick and can’t go to school, you don’t have to panic trying to find a last minute sitter, or having to lie to your boss telling them you’re sick and can’t come in.

    Being your own boss definitely has a lot of perks. You can make your own hours, take days off when you want, and work from the comfort of your own home. But, let's face it, it's not all rainbows,  butterflies and unicorns. It can be really tough to stay on track and be productive when there's no one breathing down your neck telling you what needs to get done and telling you what time to show up and what time to leave. 

    That's where an accountability partner comes in.

    An accountability partner has to be someone you respect. If you don’t respect them, this will not work.

    If you respect them, you won’t want to let them down.

    An accountability partner will hold you accountable for showing up and doing the work, even when you don't feel like it, ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like it. 

    Having someone in your corner who understands what you're going through and can offer words of encouragement (or a swift kick in the pants) can make all the difference in the world when it comes to staying on track and building your business.

    Not sure how to find an accountability partner? Here are a few tips:

    Look for someone who is in a similar situation as you. It’s best if. You can find someone who is in the same network marketing company as you, but they don’t have to be. 

    They can be someone in your upline who you respect and who understands, not only your life situation, but also your goals. 

    If you can find someone who is also a single parent, that is a great plus, but again, not necessary. 

    The most important part about having an accountability partner is that they understand: 
    Where you currently are Where you want to be (and by what time period)What your working hours areHow often are you going to connect

    Make sure your accountability partner is someone who has similar goals as you, or higher. If their goals are less than yours, they are not going to be very motivating. You want to make sure that you're both working towards the same things. For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds and their goal is to gain 20 pounds, chances are that they're not going to be very helpful when it comes to staying on track with your diet and exercise plan.  Find someone who shares your vision and who will help you stay focused on your goals.  And speaking of goals...

    Make sure that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). This will help ensure that both you and your accountability partner are clear on what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by. There's nothing worse than getting halfway through a goal and realizing that it wasn't actually achievable in the first place! By making sure your goals are SMART from the start, you can avoid this pitfall altogether.

    So if you're struggling to stay on track with your business or personal goals, consider finding yourself an accountability partner. They really can provide much-needed support and motivation when times are tough. By following the tips...

    • 19 min
    Million Dollar Income Through Network Marketing #29

    Million Dollar Income Through Network Marketing #29

    Million Dollar Income Through Network MarketingEpisode #29
    Brief description:
    This episode explains that having three to five solid leaders on your team is essential to becoming a Million dollar earner in network marketing, and emphasizes that “rich” is not a bad word. Additionally, it is highlighted that having a higher income can help others, and reveals two 90 day plans will set the path to becoming a millionaire. Moreover, it is advised that with proper support and resources, it is possible to become a successful network marketer, no matter what your background is, or experience level. 
    1. Getting Rich: 3 to 5 Leaders You Need to Succeed in Network Marketing 
    (00:00 - 05:41)
    2. Uncovering the Magic Formula to Attract Leaders and Increase  Your Income 
    (05:42 - 10:47)
    3. Achieving a Million Dollars a Year: How to Get Off to the Races With Two 90 Day Plans 
    (10:47 - 15:53)
    4. Earning a Five-Figure Income: How Single Parents Can Succeed in Network Marketing 
    (15:53 - 19:45)

    This episode discusses the importance of having a team of three to five solid leaders when pursuing a career in network marketing in order to get rich. 
    It is stressed that the word “rich” is not a bad word and having more of it can lead to positive impacts on other people's lives, both in the family and with charitable organizations. 
    It is advised that those wishing to pursue a successful career in network marketing understand the process and goals they are working towards in order to remain focused and motivated. This can include the need to enroll at least a hundred people and have four to five powerful leaders on the team in order to generate a million dollars a year. 
    It is highlighted that network marketing requires hard work and dedication and will usually take a year before a true leader emerges. 
    It is stressed that starting today is possible and network marketing offers an amazing opportunity to those interested in making five or six figures a month. 
    To be successful, it is important to have both customers and leaders and this is possible even as a single parent with the right training, resources, and support.

    Key Highlights:

    How many people do you need to enroll to get rich?
    How do I know this formula works?
    You can get rich with three to five solid leaders.
    Identify your true driving force.
    How do you get the right leaders?
    How do you get three leaders?
    Network marketing is a marathon, not a sprint.
    What gets measured gets accomplished.
    Make sure your onboarding process is smooth.
    The importance of having leaders on your team.

    Notable Quotes:
    "Rich" is not a dirty 4 letter wordIt's easy to get faked out by the numbersThis formula has been used for decades by everyone who earns over $1,000,000 per year, in network marketing.

    Grab your FREE gift! Grab The Ultimate Home Business Success Guide for Single Parents now! You will get 7 insider tips on how to

    • 21 min
    The Power of Measurement in Network Marketing - Episode #28

    The Power of Measurement in Network Marketing - Episode #28

    Introduction: As the old saying goes, “What gets measured, gets accomplished.” When it comes to building your network marketing business, this rings truer than ever. It’s not enough to have a vision for your business—you have to break that vision down into achievable goals and track your progress along the way. To stay motivated and on track, I like to break my goals down into bite-size chunks: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years… and then keep tracking my progress! This episode will walk you through how to do the same.
    Measure Your Progress Every Step of the Way
    Let’s start with day one. When you start your journey as a network marketer, you should be asking yourself questions such as “How many people can I reach out to today?” or “How many times can I follow up with someone?” These are all measurable activities that will help build your business over time.  As you begin to build relationships with customers, make sure you are reaching out regularly and helping them use your products and services correctly. This is an important part of measuring success—you have to ensure that customers are actually using the products or services correctly for the best results.

    Set Goals for Every Stage of Your Journey

    Breaking down your long-term goals into smaller chunks will help you stay motivated and on track as you work towards achieving success in network marketing. Start by focusing on short-term goals—what do you want to accomplish within the first 30 days? How about 60 days? 90 days? Then look at mid-term goals like 6 months or 1 year; finally think about what success looks like after 2-5 years in business. Writing these goals down helps visualize them—and seeing them written down makes it easier to envision what success looks like!

    I’ve been listening to Bob Proctors latest book, Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life. It’s a great book by the way. Anyway, he said, that even to this day, every morning, he writes down what it is that he wants for his business 5 times in a row, speaks it out loud 5 times and records himself saying it. He then sends that recording to his business partner, who is also his accountability partner and she does the same.

    This is a great habit to get into. Pick an accountability partner. That, will help you stick to this new habit.

    Be specific with what you want and write it down. Don’t write down “I want to make a lot of money with my network marketing business”. This maybe what you do actually want, but break it down, bit by bit and make a measurable amount of progress in a reasonable amount of time. 

    Breaking down specifically what it is that you want, will help you achieve your ultimate goal quicker.

    Ask yourself the following questions for each of the time frames  

    30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, year 1, year 2, year 3, year 4, year 5 -

    What rank would you like to achieve? -By the way… Once you have decided what that is, find out how many customers and team members it will take to get to each of those ranks. If you don’t know, no problem, most people who are just getting started don’t know. That is what your upline support team is for. Ask them to help you treat it down.

    This will then help you identify how many people to reach out to on a daily, weekly basis to reach you goals.

    How much money would you like to earn per month?

    How much money would you like to save and/or invest?

    How much debt will you be paying down?

    What vacations will you be taking and to where?

    Feel free to add in additional questions that fit the needs of your family, but answer them for the same timeline, even if the answer is 0. Chances are, you’re not going to go on a holiday at...

    • 19 min

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