67 episodes

Small Business Elevation has been created to help small business owners by offering you a route to success through the inspiring messages, guidance and knowledge from Entrepreneurs who have been through the tough times, the great times and know that the key to achieving your goals is not the end point – but the journey. Our Podcast will offer you insight into their world, detailing things that you can learn, take away and implement into your own business for your Success.

Keep soaring to higher heights with us Rob & Leon.

Small Business Elevation Rob Smith & Leon Streete - interviewing Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Experts & Professionals

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Small Business Elevation has been created to help small business owners by offering you a route to success through the inspiring messages, guidance and knowledge from Entrepreneurs who have been through the tough times, the great times and know that the key to achieving your goals is not the end point – but the journey. Our Podcast will offer you insight into their world, detailing things that you can learn, take away and implement into your own business for your Success.

Keep soaring to higher heights with us Rob & Leon.

    SBE066 - Kevin Rogers - How to create a 60 Second Impactful Gravitational Message

    SBE066 - Kevin Rogers - How to create a 60 Second Impactful Gravitational Message

    Show Notes In today’s episode we interview Kevin Rogers who spent years traveling the United States as a dead-broke stand-up comedian until he discovered how a simple joke formula could be used as a powerful marketing hook and began teaching it to marketers. The formula worked so well that entrepreneurs and business owners all over the world have now used this deceptively simple 4 sentence formula to skyrocket their profits and grow their businesses at record pace.
    Now, Kevin is one of the most in-demand sales consultants online, working closely with high-volume information marketers, corporations and local brick and mortar businesses alike to turn around sluggish ad campaigns. Kevin’s unique background as a stand-up comic and in-the-trenches salesperson provide a rare spectrum of experience and ability. His greatest strength is teaching anyone to use the power of their own story to connect better with customers and compel them to take action.
    Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn;
    The simple tactic to build momentum in your business and help you turn a blind eye to your internal self-limiting belief is, you simply got to ___________________ How to know when it time to take a permanent sabbatical from the career you’re in and find a new career gig that gets you pumped in the morning (Kevin explains the warning signs to look out for). Kevin shares the super-fast broadband way of learning skills in an almost risk free environment to gain rapid success in a certain discipline, anyone who is an elite player has done it or continues to do it ______________________ Discover the rare unconventional way of developing winning money making ideas and concepts that the legendary copywriter Gary Halbert used to strike marketing Gold… Would you like to make a good first impression in 60 seconds or less? The secret comedian formula Kevin has developed for business owners is ingenious… Once you start using this 4 sentence formula people will become ___________________ Kevin spells out the quick and dirt cheap method for churning out impactful content easily without the overwhelm (if you’re a perfectionist take note). Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability.
    Success Quote Progress over perfection
    Recommend Resources The ultimate Marketing Machine Dan Kennedy How To Write A Good Advertisement: A Short Course In Copywriting Kindle Edition by Victor O. Schwab To Learn copywriting check this out www.copychief.com You can download a free copy of Kevin’s Amazon best-selling book at www.60secondsaleshook.com and join his copywriting community at www.copychief.com Connect Web – www.copychief.com

    • 44 min
    SBE065 - Scott Oldford - How to Take Advantage of Opportunities even if you think you’re not ready and Build An Extraordinary Business

    SBE065 - Scott Oldford - How to Take Advantage of Opportunities even if you think you’re not ready and Build An Extraordinary Business

    Show Notes It was July 2013, and Scott was 21 and crying in his car…
    He just used his last gas card, after three failed companies and losing every dime he had and going HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in debt.
    He’d had just about enough and that’s the moment it all changed for him.
    Fast forward just 14 months later and he built a company that did nearly $1 million in revenue.
    But as we all know, money isn’t everything. True Purpose is what he desired.
    Couple of quick facts:
    He’s gluten-free, eats the same thing every day and only has 2 pairs of jeans and 3 different shirts. Keeping it simple.
    In 2014 he hosted two #1 podcasts, launched a book called Connections that Count (that hit #1) and built an email list from 2,600 to 42,000 in less than 16 months. Funny what a bit of determination can do, right?
    Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn;
    Listen to Scott “Wiseman” Oldford breakdown his 3 mantras to use as a guide (These are slight left of centre and may send electro shock waves to the neo cortex of your brain). Scott reveals his never explained simple daily ritual you can use to keep moving towards success something his swears by if you’re bouncing back from the brink of failure. How to stop tormenting your yourself when it appears the competition are streets ahead of and get the cloud of doubt frustration or anxiety (fear not, there is an antidote to filter such head trash its ——– Hear How at Age 7 he was making make 20,000 dollars year using cute kid factor salesmanship distributing product door to door after attending school. Market Alert: Why understanding your market so intimately can lead to opportunity galore, if truly you get this golden nugget it allows you to corner the market and ——–/ ————— Discover the lesson Scott learned from his inner Geek personality, which led to Scott tinkering with computers to building two of the world’s largest online communities in completely different niches. How to avoid falling down on your ass when your reaching milestones in business especially when nominated for any kind of award and your ego might need to be kept in check, every serious entrepreneur should have one. Did you know the 7 prerequisites that will set you apart in the marketplace and give you unfair advantage. Revealed the smart hack process Scott developed to manage shortcomings and maximise on his strength, something after struggling with his learning disabilities. Why learning from the school of hard Knocks is the best way to build your (EIS) Emotional Immune System to conquer fear of failure syndrome. Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability.
    Success Quote If you’re going to rush anything, rush patients Iterate everything and plan for it to fail Your business should revolve around who you are Recommend Resources The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators by Chris Brogan The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime! by M. J. DeMarco Connect Web – www.scottoldford.com LinkedIn – https://ca.linkedin.com/in/scottoldford Twitter – https://twitter.com/scottoldford Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/officialscottoldford/

    • 52 min
    SBE064 - Warren Ryan - How To Recondition Your Mind and Become a Fearless Entrepreneur

    SBE064 - Warren Ryan - How To Recondition Your Mind and Become a Fearless Entrepreneur

    Show Notes Award winning International Speaker and mind-set coach, Warren Inspire Ryan is like no other.
    As creator of the 21 day mind and body programme, Prove You Exist and the Fearless Speaking Academy, Warren is dedicated to empowering and inspiring others to be their best and most authentic self.
    Known as “The Mind Mechanic”, the results he achieves come from fundamental shifts in thinking and understanding.
    The insights and techniques he uses get to the heart of what drives us all: the need to live a fulfilled and authentic life playing to our strengths.
    The passion, the energy and the love Warren has for coaching and inspiring others has allowed him to reach over 500,000 in just three years. His warm and engaging style, coupled with his dedicated work ethic and his well-attended events have led him to be labelled as the UK’s answer to Tony Robbins.
    Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn;
    Listen to the lessons of Warren's heart felt story from being diagnosed with clinical depression to becoming a motivational speaker, sharing his message of mind- set mastery. (What Ryan discovered about mind-set will blow you away. Understand why continuing education in any format is important to achieve big breakthroughs Warren explains some profound insights from 1412 days of his self-development journey. How to recondition your mind for higher level success by making a few minor changes to your daily routine regardless of how busy you are. Once you make these changes you tip the balance of probability for success in your favour. If you’re shy and introverted discover the simple hack to break your fears forever and live a more fulfilled purposeful life, what Warren shares seems almost stupid but the adrenaline rush and relief you experience from burning your fears once and for all is worth it. The underrated skill set that can explode your brand and visibility that costs you nada in hard currency but the windfall dividends can earn you tens of thousands done correctly (big hint most people would rather die than ————-) Learn the 2 negative life changing experiences that can spiral into a deadly tailspin of emotion’s called ———– How to become a speakers that people want to listen to and not a robotic parrot that puts them to sleep and forget your message (Warren shares his big 3 secrets to achieving that). Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability.
    Success Quote Live Life On Your Terms Recommend Resources How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie Connect Web – www.warreninspireryan.co.uk LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/Warren-ryan-18864543 Twitter – https://twitter.com/Warrenryan22  

    • 49 min
    SBE063 - Nick James - How to Run Profitable Events Seminar’s & Workshops"

    SBE063 - Nick James - How to Run Profitable Events Seminar’s & Workshops"

    Show Notes Following 7 years of helping hundreds of business owners write killer copy, grow their business and make more profit, Nick founded Seriously Fun Business.
    Nick is renowned for this strategic business mind and ability to sell and market basically anything to anyone. He could sell ice to an Eskimo or Water to a well – but advises these aren’t great business models…
    As well as dramatically changing the businesses he’s worked with, he’s sold literally tens of thousands of tickets and generated millions of pounds in sales from his live seminars and conferences… his biggest to date being the Small Business Success Festival with Frank Kern in June 2015. There were 800+ small business owners in attendance and the event generated over £500k.
    Safe to say, he knows what he’s talking about.
    Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn;
    Nicks shares what he believes the “Numero Uno” of success is. Whether you operate in the online or offline space, it comes down to the ability to c———- R——— with —– —. How to discover what your true passion is. This is what Nick learnt at the age of 12 attending his first personal development event with his mum. The naked truth of why events seminars and workshops should form part of your marketing regardless of sector (especially if you’re a coach or trainer). The tried and trusted way to hone your skills and hack your way to business success, this works in about every field. Providing you have two character traits found in most successful entrepreneurs. Listen to the amazing cases study of how one of Nicks clients in the Golf Niche earns six figure sums consistently from discovery day sessions. Simply by adding 3 little known secrets to the way these sessions are run. The No1 way to shine a light on your Business that generates leads and new business, that hands down beats writing a book, appearing on TV or Radio that has the ability to bring a surge of 6 figure cash on demand. Learn the 3 ways that may surprise you to minimise the risk of losing your shirt when putting on events (so you don’t have to pull money out of savings reserve fund). Nick articulates what every event promoter should be doing to get their event filled using Facebook paid adverting. This proven concept works like gangbusters (conversions are off the charts). Nick shares a personal cautionary tale of how to avoid event delivery that should act as a warning to avoid lost revenues, embarrassment, verbal and mental backlash. Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability.
    Success Quote People are the most important thing in business (JV partners, clients, employees) Recommend Resources #AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness Ask Gary Vee YouTube show https://www.youtube.com/user/GaryVaynerchuk Connect Web – http://www.seriouslyfunbusiness.co.uk/ LinkedIn – https://uk.linkedin.com/in/nick-james-63027224 Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Nickjamescopy  

    • 42 min
    SBE062 - Tom Hunt - From Corporate to CEO

    SBE062 - Tom Hunt - From Corporate to CEO

    Show Notes In today’s show Rob and Leon wax lyrical with Tom Hunt, who is a Founder of Virtual Valley: a platform that connects Entrepreneurs and Rock star Virtual Assistants with the mission of giving Entrepreneurs back 1 million hours of their time by 2018.
    Tom has been a featured TEDx Speaker and made an appearance on Dragon’s Den to seek investment for one his business ideas, this is a super episode to learn how to get more from the corporate world and pursue carving a career on your on your own terms.
    Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn;
    The low-cost way to test Your business ideas in real time if you sell physical products to see if you have a valid business idea. How and why you need to act on business ideas even if they seem utterly ludicrous to the majority of people. Find out the decision Tom made that would have his parents, friends and associates mortified shocked and hopping mad when he shared how he was leaving his secure cushy job. Tom explains how to find new income streams and opportunities in your “fire-fighting” frustrating periods of business. That can outperform your main business revenue. The two must read books that can act as a caveat to increase productivity and throw open the doors of success and save you a Rolex worth of time. The neat road map to escape the 9-5, to help you transition in to the world of business without detrimentally hurting your income. (This advice is priceless). Learn how not to get your fingers burnt when buying online businesses from sites from like Flipper, which unfortunately happened to Tom. We share a service that can keep that from happening to you. Want an Iron clad strategy for coming up with brand name that commands attention? 2mins from the end of podcast Tom shares how he came up with company name Virtual Valley. Branding consultants would charge a pretty penny for this. Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability.
    Success Quote Please stop following the map we reward those that draw maps not follow them. Recommend Resources Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More & Working Less by Sam Carpenter The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You by Warrillow, John Connect Web – www.Tomhunt.io LinkedIn – https://uk.linkedin.com/in/tomhuntio Twitter – @Tomhuntio

    • 41 min
    SBE061 - Rob Brown - How to Build an outstanding Reputation and Have Powerful Connections

    SBE061 - Rob Brown - How to Build an outstanding Reputation and Have Powerful Connections

    Show Notes In today’s show we interview Rob Brown who is a dynamic business speaker on building connections and reputation for greater influence and career opportunities. He is the bestselling author of “How to Build Your Reputation” and according to LinkedIn, is the most recommended networking expert in the world.
    A featured TED speaker, Rob is founder of the Networking Coaching Academy, a successful online networking training platform.
    He trains and coaches clients on business networking, partnerships, communicating, relationships, influence, trust, likeability, personal branding, reputation and just getting in front of more of the right people!
    With his wife and two daughters, he lives in Nottingham, has a black belt in kickboxing and plays four musical instruments moderately well!
    Also in the show Here’s just a few things you learn;
    Rob explains his unique perspective on networking and relationship with the analogy, “Is the juice worth the squeeze”. Learn Rob’s counterintuitive clean the closet tactic for building deeper more meaningful relationships that will lead to unlimited opportunities (Tune in at the 10 min mark) Discover how Rob multiplied his income by a factor of 15 in less than 13 months having spent the previous 2 years networking the wrong way. Rob explains his deftly simple model for making an impact in your chosen community, so the synergy between your network and reputation grow in tandem. Rob reveals the pivotal moment that changed his career when his wife shared her words of wisdom that made him finally realise what he had to do in order to be successful, and this is probably almost true for you if you’ve yet to reach the dizzy heights of success you have set for yourself. Rob shares why 90% of people doing networking fail and fall flat on the face and are committing financial business suicide by cocking this one thing up in establishing a relationship. If you can get this one element right you’ll wonder why you weren’t doing it previously. Rob shares why you should never build a business on the sinking sand model, as this normally results in your business going in reverse (ignore this advice at your peril) Would you like to know the secret to getting a lucrative book deal with the world’s largest book publisher? Rob lays out exactly how to get book publishers interested in your book project. Hit play now to get even more elevating knowledge to soar you to higher heights of productivity and profitability.
    Success Quote Don’t count your conversations make your conversations count Your richest Resources are in your richest relationships “Good gets you in the game, Great  on the podium “ Recommend Resources The story Brand by Don Miller https://storybrand.com/workshop/ How to Build Your Reputation: The Secrets of Becoming the Go to Professional in a Crowded Marketplace by Rob Brown Connect Web – http://therobbrown.com/ LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/therobbrown Twitter – https://twitter.com/therobbrown

    • 45 min

Customer Reviews

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1 Rating

Clint Evans ,

Self-talk so important

Self-talk is a double-edged sword so wield it carefully. I enjoy the episodes and especially the one with Julian about “eliminating head trash”. So important to do everyday. You brush your teeth everyday and cleaning out head trash is more important so just do it.

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