23 min

[Solo Sesh] Are You Settling For Good Enough The Embodied Baddie Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Are you settling for “good enough?” Are afraid to let go of what you have for fear nothing better will come along? 

Chrystal shares a story of trying out a new mattress that was adequately comfortable, but she and her husband were willing to keep looking and trying to find something they really loved, and ended up finding their perfect fit. So many of us, in so many areas of our lives, stick with what is working, and aren’t willing to look for better. In fact, when something is good, it’s almost harder to eschew it in favor of the best thing for you, whereas when things are at rock bottom you think they can only go up from here. We must trust that our happiness is inevitable, and will keep showing up in different forms until we connect with it. 

By letting go of the outcome, and holding space for the duality–the good and bad–of the situation, and accepting the inevitable discomfort of that as we level up, we allow for surprise and delight in the process. We are all special and deserve the life of our dreams. 

• “We kind of gaslight ourselves in a way, thinking, ‘I should be grateful, nothing's wrong. It's not bad.’ Then we miss out on the potential for great, whether that be a mattress, an opportunity, a person, whatever it is.” (4:30 | Chrystal) 
• “When you're holding on to the energy of the one thing, it's like holding your hand on a railing. When you want to be flying, but you're not sure where you're going to fly to, if you're actually going to fly, all of those questions come up. ‘Well, what if I don't meet someone else?’ or ‘What if there isn't another opportunity.’ So you're holding on to that railing. But you cannot have the other thing until you let go.” (5:36 | Chrystal) 
• “I think it's even harder. When something is good-ish. Because there's that fear. If you're already at the basement. If the bar is in hell, and someone really sucks, or the situation is so horrible. You think, ‘Yeah, of course, it can only go up from here, right?” (7:35 | Chrystal)
• “You have to decide that if this isn't it, there's something better. Always. And there's no such thing as ‘once in a lifetime opportunity.’ That's b******t. Because if it's the right thing for you, it'll keep knocking in different forms.” (8:58 | Chrystal)
• “We have to decide that we already know it's going to work out, it's inevitable. My happiness is inevitable. The things I desire are inevitable. And coming from that place, allows you to hold when shit gets hard, or uncomfy.” (15:07 | Chrystal)

Connect with Chrystal:
To join our Embodied Baddie text community, text BADDIE to 704-270-6577

Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Are you settling for “good enough?” Are afraid to let go of what you have for fear nothing better will come along? 

Chrystal shares a story of trying out a new mattress that was adequately comfortable, but she and her husband were willing to keep looking and trying to find something they really loved, and ended up finding their perfect fit. So many of us, in so many areas of our lives, stick with what is working, and aren’t willing to look for better. In fact, when something is good, it’s almost harder to eschew it in favor of the best thing for you, whereas when things are at rock bottom you think they can only go up from here. We must trust that our happiness is inevitable, and will keep showing up in different forms until we connect with it. 

By letting go of the outcome, and holding space for the duality–the good and bad–of the situation, and accepting the inevitable discomfort of that as we level up, we allow for surprise and delight in the process. We are all special and deserve the life of our dreams. 

• “We kind of gaslight ourselves in a way, thinking, ‘I should be grateful, nothing's wrong. It's not bad.’ Then we miss out on the potential for great, whether that be a mattress, an opportunity, a person, whatever it is.” (4:30 | Chrystal) 
• “When you're holding on to the energy of the one thing, it's like holding your hand on a railing. When you want to be flying, but you're not sure where you're going to fly to, if you're actually going to fly, all of those questions come up. ‘Well, what if I don't meet someone else?’ or ‘What if there isn't another opportunity.’ So you're holding on to that railing. But you cannot have the other thing until you let go.” (5:36 | Chrystal) 
• “I think it's even harder. When something is good-ish. Because there's that fear. If you're already at the basement. If the bar is in hell, and someone really sucks, or the situation is so horrible. You think, ‘Yeah, of course, it can only go up from here, right?” (7:35 | Chrystal)
• “You have to decide that if this isn't it, there's something better. Always. And there's no such thing as ‘once in a lifetime opportunity.’ That's b******t. Because if it's the right thing for you, it'll keep knocking in different forms.” (8:58 | Chrystal)
• “We have to decide that we already know it's going to work out, it's inevitable. My happiness is inevitable. The things I desire are inevitable. And coming from that place, allows you to hold when shit gets hard, or uncomfy.” (15:07 | Chrystal)

Connect with Chrystal:
To join our Embodied Baddie text community, text BADDIE to 704-270-6577

Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

23 min