100 episodes

SoTellUs Time is a podcast for business owners and entrepreneurs wanting to learn how to grow their business from the basics all the way to the advanced from the latest technics and technologies. Together the hosts of SoTellUs Time have over 40 years of marketing experience from start ups to $100,000,000 companies. They have started several successful 7 figure companies and advised thousands of companies in 19 countries generating hundreds of millions in revenue.

SoTellUs Time Trevor Howard: Business Marketing Expert

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    • 4.3 • 10 Ratings

SoTellUs Time is a podcast for business owners and entrepreneurs wanting to learn how to grow their business from the basics all the way to the advanced from the latest technics and technologies. Together the hosts of SoTellUs Time have over 40 years of marketing experience from start ups to $100,000,000 companies. They have started several successful 7 figure companies and advised thousands of companies in 19 countries generating hundreds of millions in revenue.

    Team First or Business First: The Growth Debate

    Team First or Business First: The Growth Debate

    Today, we tackle an age-old question with a modern business twist: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? 🐣🐔 In today's episode, we dive into the ultimate debate of whether to focus on building a team first or generating business first. Join us as we share essential tips on transitioning from an owner-operator to building your dream team.
    Transitioning from an owner-operator to a team-oriented business model can be challenging. The question of whether to prioritize team building or business growth is crucial. In this video, we'll provide insights to help you decide the best approach for your unique situation.
    Many entrepreneurs start as owner-operators, wearing multiple hats and handling all aspects of their business. While this hands-on approach can be effective initially, it often leads to burnout and limits growth potential. Transitioning to a team-based model can significantly boost your business growth and overall success.
    In this video, we explore the benefits of focusing on team building first. A strong, well-rounded team can bring diverse skills and perspectives, allowing you to delegate tasks and focus on strategic growth. Building a team first also ensures that you have the necessary support to handle increased business demands.
    On the other hand, generating business first can provide the financial resources needed to hire and sustain a team. By prioritizing business growth, you can create a stable foundation before expanding your team. This approach can help you avoid the pitfalls of overextending your resources and ensure that your business can support a growing team.
    Throughout the video, we'll provide practical tips for both approaches, helping you make an informed decision. We'll discuss the importance of clear communication, effective delegation, and setting realistic expectations. Additionally, we'll cover strategies for identifying and attracting top talent, fostering a positive work culture, and creating systems that support scalability.
    Ready to level up your business? Let’s get started! Whether you choose to focus on building a team first or generating business first, the key is to find the balance that works best for you. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and your approach may evolve as your business grows.
    Join us as we dive into this critical debate and provide actionable tips for transitioning from an owner-operator to a team-oriented business model. By the end of this video, you'll have a clearer understanding of the pros and cons of each approach and be equipped with the knowledge to make the best decision for your business.
    Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more valuable content on business growth, team building, and entrepreneur tips. Share your thoughts on whether you believe in building a team first or generating business first in the comments below. We love hearing from you and learning about your experiences.
    Thank you for watching! 🚀 We hope you find this video helpful and inspiring as you navigate the exciting journey of business growth and team building. 💼👥 #BusinessGrowth #TeamBuilding #EntrepreneurTips

    • 21 min
    How to Boost Motivation Mid-Summer: Tips for You and Your Team

    How to Boost Motivation Mid-Summer: Tips for You and Your Team

    We are halfway through the summer, and you might notice that you or your employees are lacking motivation. Don't worry; you're not alone! In this video, we'll share several effective strategies to help you and your team regain motivation and stay productive through the rest of the summer.
    🔹 Key Points Covered:
    Understanding mid-summer motivation slumps Practical tips to re-energize yourself Proven methods to motivate your employees Creating a positive and inspiring work environment Setting achievable goals to maintain momentum Whether you're managing a team or looking for personal motivation, these tips are designed to help you overcome the mid-summer blues and finish the season strong.
    📈 Watch now and discover how to:
    Implement daily routines that boost morale Foster a culture of encouragement and support Use incentives and rewards effectively Promote work-life balance for better productivity Stay motivated and make the most out of your summer! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more business, marketing, and productivity tips.
    #Motivation #Productivity #SummerSlump #EmployeeEngagement #BusinessTips #WorkLifeBalance #Leadership

    • 20 min
    Stop Making Your Emergency Everyone Else's Problem: Proactive Business Strategies

    Stop Making Your Emergency Everyone Else's Problem: Proactive Business Strategies

    In this episode, we dive deep into a critical issue faced by many business owners: turning their procrastinated tasks into emergencies for everyone else. We explore the significant impact of this behavior on employees, marketing companies, and clients, and provide actionable solutions to prevent these last-minute crises. By focusing on effective time management, delegation, and proactive strategies, business owners can avoid making their emergency everyone else's problem and instead foster a more efficient and harmonious work environment.
    Main Points Covered:
    Understanding the Problem:
    We start by defining what it means when a business owner's procrastination turns into an emergency for others. These emergencies often stem from poor time management and the failure to prioritize tasks effectively. The consequences of such behavior can be severe, impacting employee morale, client relationships, and the overall efficiency of the business. Delegation and Communication:
    Proper delegation is essential in preventing emergencies. By effectively delegating tasks and communicating clearly with the team and external partners, business owners can ensure that work is distributed evenly and completed on time. Building a proactive business culture where employees are empowered to take ownership of their tasks is key to avoiding last-minute rushes and stress. Utilizing Tools and Technology:
    Leveraging project management tools and automation can significantly enhance efficiency. These tools help in tracking tasks, setting deadlines, and automating routine processes, thereby reducing the likelihood of emergencies. By incorporating technology into daily operations, business owners can focus on strategic tasks and lead more effectively. In this episode, you will learn how to manage your time effectively, delegate tasks properly, and use technology to automate routine tasks. By adopting these proactive strategies, you can prevent making your emergency everyone else's problem and create a more productive business environment. We share practical tips and real-life examples to illustrate how these strategies can be implemented successfully.
    0:00 - Introduction 1:30 - Understanding the Problem 5:45 - Delegation and Communication 10:15 - Utilizing Tools and Technology 15:30 - Conclusion
    Don't let your procrastination become everyone else's problem. Tune in to learn how to transform your business practices and lead more effectively. These insights will help you boost your business growth, improve time management, and enhance overall efficiency. Embrace proactive strategies and become a more effective leader today.
    By addressing these issues and implementing proactive strategies, you can transform your business and ensure that your emergencies do not become everyone else's problem. Effective time management, proper delegation, and the use of technology are crucial in achieving this transformation. Learn from real-life examples and practical tips to enhance your leadership skills and business efficiency.
    #BusinessTips #ProactiveStrategies #TimeManagement #Delegation #BusinessGrowth #Efficiency #Leadership #Automation #Entrepreneurship #SmallBusiness #ProactiveBusiness #EffectiveLeadership #PreventEmergencies #BusinessSuccess #WorkplaceEfficiency #TeamEmpowerment #StrategicLeadership #BusinessImprovement #TaskManagement #AutomateTasks

    • 18 min
    Building the Foundation of Your Business: Strengthen or Start Over

    Building the Foundation of Your Business: Strengthen or Start Over

    Welcome to today's episode where we dive into the essential elements of building a strong foundation for your business. We'll explore how a well-defined vision and mission can guide your decision-making, help prioritize your focus, and bring clarity to operations, ensuring everyone in your organization shares the same mindset.
    Building a Strong Foundation Vision and Mission:
    Learn how a clear vision and mission can steer your business towards success. Examples: Google: "To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful." This mission statement guides Google’s strategy and innovation, ensuring alignment with its overarching goal. Tesla: "To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy." This clear vision drives Tesla’s product development and overall strategy, attracting employees and customers passionate about sustainability. Core Values and Culture:
    Understand the importance of defining core values that resonate with your vision and mission. Discover how to build a company culture around these values and ensure employees embody and uphold them. The Courage to Burn It Down Recognizing When to Pivot:
    Learn how to assess the health of your business foundation through revenue and profit margins, cash flow, customer satisfaction, process optimization, technology and innovation, and employee performance and engagement. Homework:
    Reflect on where your business currently stands and determine the next steps. Can you strengthen your existing foundation, or is it time to burn it down and start over? Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful content on building a successful business! 🚀
    #BusinessFoundation #VisionAndMission #CoreValues #CompanyCulture #BusinessStrategy #Pivoting #BusinessSuccess #Entrepreneurship #StartupTips #Leadership #Innovation

    • 11 min
    What to Do When Your Business is Slow: Maximize Your Downtime

    What to Do When Your Business is Slow: Maximize Your Downtime

    Welcome to today's discussion on how to make the most out of your business's slow periods. Slow times don't have to mean stagnation. Instead, they present a unique opportunity to refine and grow your business in ways that may be challenging during busier times. In this video, we'll explore five actionable strategies to help you take advantage of this downtime and come out stronger on the other side.
    1. Enhance Your Online Presence
    When business is slow, it's the perfect time to focus on your online presence. Start by updating your website. Ensure that it is user-friendly, visually appealing, and contains up-to-date information about your products or services. Consider optimizing your site for search engines (SEO) to improve your ranking on search results. This will help attract more organic traffic to your site.
    Social media is another crucial aspect of your online presence. Refresh your profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Post engaging content regularly, including blog posts, videos, and customer testimonials. Interact with your audience by responding to comments and messages. Scheduling content in advance can ensure a consistent online presence even when you're busier.
    2. Upskill and Train Your Staff
    Investing in training and development is a smart move during slow periods. Enhance your team's skills through workshops, online courses, and training programs. Focus on areas that are critical to your business, such as customer service, marketing, and technical skills.
    Encourage your staff to take part in these opportunities and even pursue certifications that can benefit the business. Not only does this improve your team's capabilities, but it also boosts their morale and engagement, preparing them to deliver better results when business picks up.
    3. Analyze and Improve Processes
    Take a close look at your business processes during slow periods. Conduct a thorough review to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. This could involve anything from your supply chain and inventory management to your customer service protocols.
    Implementing improvements can streamline operations and increase productivity. Consider adopting new technologies or software that can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more strategic activities. Continuous improvement should be an ongoing goal, and slow periods provide the perfect opportunity to make these necessary adjustments.
    4. Strengthen Customer Relationships
    Slow times are ideal for building stronger relationships with your existing customers. Reach out to them for feedback on your products or services. Address any concerns they might have and show your appreciation for their business.
    Consider creating special offers or loyalty programs to reward repeat customers. Personal touches, such as handwritten thank-you notes or follow-up calls, can go a long way in strengthening these relationships. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and refer others to your business.
    5. Plan for the Future
    Use the downtime to set new goals and plan your marketing strategies. Develop new products or services that can add value to your offerings. Create a detailed roadmap that outlines your objectives and the steps needed to achieve them.
    Planning ahead ensures that you are prepared for the future and can hit the ground running when business picks up. This proactive approach will help you stay focused and aligned with your long-term vision.
    This week, take the time to observe your business operations closely. Identify areas that need improvement and gather your team for a meeting. Discuss these observations and brainstorm ways to overcome distractions and focus on growth. By working together, you can develop a strategic plan to turn slow periods into valuable opportunities for your business.
    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tips on how to grow your business!

    • 16 min
    Overcoming Summer Distractions in Business: Boosting Productivity and Staying Focused

    Overcoming Summer Distractions in Business: Boosting Productivity and Staying Focused

    Welcome to our channel! Today, we dive into a crucial topic that affects every business, especially during the sunny, relaxing summer months. With over 25 years of experience in business, we've learned that summer can be the season of distractions for both employees and business owners. But fear not! We're here to share valuable insights and strategies on how to stay focused, maintain high productivity, and keep your business thriving even when the sun is calling.
    Why Summer Distractions Matter: Summer spans approximately three months, equating to a quarter of the year. If you or your team are distracted during this period, it can significantly impact your performance and numbers, resulting in a 25% dip in your annual productivity. Understanding and addressing these distractions is essential for sustained business growth and success.
    Our Approach: Over the past week, we closely monitored our employees to identify the common distractions they face during summer. Using office cameras and keen observation, we documented what, where, and when these distractions occur. Here's what we discovered:
    Common Summer Distractions:
    Phone Usage: Excessive use of TikTok, messaging apps, videos, and personal calls during work hours. Excessive Breaks: Taking too many breaks and extending lunch hours. The Water Cooler Effect: Employees gathering around for casual chats, leading to interruptions and reduced focus. Flexible Timings: Coming in late and leaving early, especially for those with children on summer vacation. Addressing the Issues: We took a systematic approach to tackle these distractions:
    Individual Documentation: We documented the distractions for each employee. One-on-One Meetings: Scheduled meetings with employees to discuss the distractions and their impact. Discussion Points: Identified specific distractions (phone, social media, messaging). Pinpointed where distractions occur (at their desk, distracting others). Determined when distractions are most prevalent (mornings, post-lunch, end of day). Creating a Plan: Together with our employees, we developed personalized plans to mitigate these distractions and enhance focus. This collaborative effort ensures that everyone is aware of their distractions and committed to overcoming them.
    Tips for Business Owners: Owners are not exempt from summer distractions! It's vital to evaluate your actions and track your productivity. By setting an example and staying focused, you can inspire your team to do the same.
    Your Homework: Observe your workplace this week. Identify the distractions and schedule meetings with your team to address these issues. Implement personalized plans to help your employees stay focused and productive. Let's work together to make this summer a season of growth and achievement for your business!
    Keywords: business productivity, summer distractions, staying focused, employee productivity, business growth, overcoming distractions, productivity tips, business owners, summer productivity, managing distractions, business strategy, employee management, workplace efficiency, focus at work, increasing productivity, business success, effective management, time management, workplace distractions, business tips, marketing strategy, summer challenges, business advice, team productivity, improving focus, summer workplace tips
    Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more valuable business insights and productivity tips. Hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest videos. Together, we can conquer summer distractions and drive our businesses to new heights!

    • 21 min

Customer Reviews

4.3 out of 5
10 Ratings

10 Ratings

Chancler100 ,

Troy and Trevor have Amazing Advice, Tips, & Tricks!!

Every episode is full of inciteful knowledge for business owners in all points of their business! From just starting to running for 20+ years! I love listening to this instead of music in the morning during workouts! I recommend the podcast to all my family and friends! 👌🏻

Austin_Powerz ,

New Business Owner That Can Relate

I completely resonated with the Bootstrap Business episode, since I’m currently in the process of bootstrapping my business and use SoTellUs to help grow our reputation management. I loved everything Trevor & Troy talked about because it’s so true and even had a few laughs.

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